I am confused and slightly disappointed with the movie industry these days. You rent a movie about porn on the internet and you get a movie that has more violence than sex. WTF?! It's easier to rent a movie and see a guy or girl get their head chopped open, or mauled by a beast, or shot in the face, or strangled, or blown to bits, or raped than it is to see a guy and girl have consensual sex. What is the industry coming to? Ok I know some people are gonna say that if you wanna see sex then go watch a porn but the same can be said about violence. People who enjoy violence can watch numerous grotesque scenes of death, dismemberment, decapitation, brutal fighting, torture, and so on all in one movie. Nobody says that such people are perverts for wanting to watch a woman or man suffer through such detailed gore. But ask for a sex scene and you're a pervert. What gives man?
This is a movie about porn on the internet and yet there were multiple fight scenes, a man gets shot to death, another man gets punched to death and dumped in a river, another man gets beaten up and shot in the foot with his own gun, as well as countless slaps cursing and terrible threats. How many sex scenes? Oh, just one. And every movie out there is the same. For what it's worth, I personally would rather watch men with women in sexy and romantic or even lusty hott sex scenes than in scenes getting brutally murdered or beaten. Anyone who disagrees is either ashamed or embarrassed to admit it...or they're perverts, haha. For real tho am I alone in this sentiment?
Hmm, interesting points, but I think I'd rather watch violence in movies than "hot sex." Not pointless action movie violence, but I'd rather watch an intriguing movie interspersed with violence that act as mini-climaxes like this movie. I suppose if it was a romantic movie, or a movie that focused on internal conflict, sex could take the place of the turning points. But, I usually don't enjoy romantic movies. Except True Romance, but that movie was more violent than this one :) I do enjoy movies focusing on internal conflicts though. If you have a movie with just pointless sex scenes, what you get is "Cinemax porn," and nobody likes that (as far as I know).
If you're trying to make the point that sex is taboo, and violence is ok in entertainment, I agree that it's strange. Personally, I don't have a problem with either one.
I think and hope that this movie being mainstream with fairly big actors is a sign that porno is becoming less taboo, and that people are becoming more comfortable with the fact we all look at porn and we all want to get off in some way. It's in our biological system and we all want it.
I somewhat agree with you. However, the business is violent but it isn't about violence. It's about sex. Even tho violence occurs in it I am sure that a lot more sex occurs. If it's about the business then in all reality the business is sex, not violence. But again, I do agree with you if not wholly.
And as usual, we didn't get to see any female genital nudity. Why is that?!?!? Its ridiculous that a movie about porn was too afraid to show us even one p*ssy shot. All we got was the same old NON-GENITAL female nudity (T & A) like usual. Movies like Hall Pass will show graphic male GENITAL nudity, featuring a prolonged close-up of a big penis. How come we can't see a vagina, even in a movie about the porn business, where it is clearly warranted? They could have had a girl posing for a nude photo-shoot in various sexy positions giving us a look at her cooch. But oh no, once again, Hollywood is too afraid to show a vagina. I say, what's good for the goose is good for the gander. If penises can be shown close up, then close-ups of the vagina should be shown in movies too.
I agree with your point: Studios are making more and more violence movies and shying away from sex. Nudity is something that everyone is/has, whereas violence is not, yet Americans are so against nudity, and sex is something everyone should be doing, but Americans are even more against it! Violence is okay, but sex is not? Then you have the Motion Picture Association of America that says you can have one or the other, but once you put 'em together, you get an NC-17 rating unless you do some heavy editing.
OH, and @kellycastlebridge , I have to agree with you as well. I am so sick and tired of seeing fake boobs in movies. I may as well be looking at naked mannequins in the department store: all plastic. Very few movies have female butts, and even less frontal, as you said. What I do find interesting is that though it seems porn has changed to where women are clean shaven, movies that do show women frontal nearly always show bush, which is fine by me, as it's my preference, I just find it curious that mainstream movies haven't changed, though again, I'm glad they haven't.
Whatever happened to the T&A and P movies of the 80's like Porky's, Hardbodies, My Tutor, and so many others??
Finally, I applaud the big name actresses that do drop trow for films, such as Anne Hathaway, Natalie Portman, Julianne Moore, and of course, Kate Winslet.
@Imtopeka.. Your sarcasm made me laugh! You said that with such a straight face. Very funny!
In all seriousness, in case you do not live in America, there is such a huge push from the Religious Right to censor SO much of what we see and have access to, and it really has an effect on the movie studios. Travelling through many rural towns whether in Utah, where they've had billboards with a giant rattlesnake, and the words: Pornography: Just as deadly! or down south in the "Bible Belt" numerous billboards decry everything from pornography, to fornication, advocating abstinence, and more.
Another example is Super Bowl XXXVIII in 2004, when singer Janet Jackson had a "wardrobe malfunction". That small few seconds has had such an effect on live television, to where many broadcasts, more than before, are tape delayed, so they can edit and censor. It's just unreal, and I think, uncalled for.
I say to each his own, but the influence these groups, a vocal minority, have on mainstream, in my opinion, is just too much, and has altered what I am able to see. Walt D in LV
Honestly-- who cares? So what if that is our sensibilities in this country. Has a lack in nudity in mainstream cinema really prevented you from seeing whatever crazy twisted things you can imagine anytime of the day, and now with smartphones, from anywhere? Not in the least bit.
Your rant can be compared to some spoiled teenager whose daddy only sprung for the A6 model instead of the A7. In short-- you'll live.
I don't know what an A6 or an A7 is (I suppose I can look it up). I understand your point, after re-reading my "rant".
I emphasized wrongly. My point was that Americans are too hung up on sex and nudity, and <i>not</i> what I believe they should be: violence.
Way, <i>way</i> too many parents don't care about their kids watching violence, playing violent video games, etc., while they run yelling scared when any sense of sex is mentioned or implied.
Good idea. I was just confused as to why there was soo much violence in a movie about porn (regardless of the type of porn). I mean I've seen more explicit sex scenes on television. I thought it was ridiculous. And it sucks that you can see every explicit gorey vicious type of death in movies but they have limits on how much and what type of sex is in them. I can see somebody get decapitated or crushed to death but I can't see a detailed raunchy orgy...haha...
Because how would sex move the plot forward exactly? Sure its about porn, and a movie about porn must display some sexual warrants but really how would anymore unnecessary sex scenes be contributing to the film's plot? All the violence that was in there was crucial to the plot and character development. Though I must agree that some scenes of violence were a bit over the top(Jack shooting Denny Z in the foot), and some potential sex scenes were "under" the top (Maybe some sex between Audrey and Jack would have gave us a clearer picture on their relationship)