MovieChat Forums > Kick-Ass (2010) Discussion > Deadpool did it so much better

Deadpool did it so much better

Hard R comic book movie

-- Sent from my 13 year old P.O.S. Desktop®


Deadpool did absolutely nothing better than Kick-ass. Kick-ass played with comic book tropes in far more creative and interesting ways. Deadpool is just a run of the mill superhero movie with penis jokes and gore, Kick-ass has those elements too, but had other things that made it more than the sum of its parts.

Kick-ass had:

Better action scenes

Better characters

And a better story

It did all of that and it came out nearly six years ago with half the budget Deadpool had.


No offense, but you have no idea what you are talking about so grow a brain. Deadpool had better characters and characterization. Better FX acting, but DP is just a more interesting character than KA. I'm just saying, so don't get your pannies all in a twist. Peace upon you.

-- Sent from my 13 year old P.O.S. Desktop®


Deadpool was the only interesting character in Deadpool, but ultimately he wasn't that interesting, to me he was just an *beep* but to each their own.

Kick-ass had Big Daddy and most important of all Hit-Girl. Two incredible characters with more depth than any of the characters in Deadpool and they weren't even the protagonists. Kick-ass and Red Mist were also good characters in Kick-ass because like the other two they had depth, we saw what their motivations were and why, and ALL FOUR characters had complete and satisfying arcs in Kick-ass where as Deadpool really just amounted to being a superhero movie with dick jokes, it did everything you expect from any other superhero movie -- it was just raunchier.

Kick-ass did things that were unexpected. I certainly never guessed Hit Girl would get shot, or that Big Daddy would die and Hit Girl would go on a quest for revenge, or that Kick-ass would come up and save the day helming a jet pack with a f#cking bazooka. Kick-ass was fun and refreshing, Deadpool tried to be that, but in my eyes it failed and on top of that the jokes felt really cheap, easy, and mean.

But yeah you're right, I don't know what I'm talking about.


Yeah, you really don't. But don't take being wrong personally. You are entitled to your incorrect opinion. DP was ultraviolent, but KA was just violence porn. Plus, HG was an extremely inappropriate character to be written or acted. That is so Old Hollywood to have a young person do and say those things. So irresponsible. I blame the actress's parents.

-- Sent from my 13 year old P.O.S. Desktop®


Why is murder only appropriate when it's grown men? Murder is never appropriate, and I think both films could be criticized for glorifying violence.


Kickass was obviously the much more original and intelligent movie, as you described quite well, itfollowedme. It was the veritable lightning in a bottle. I gave it a 10/10.
Deadpool was also innovative but still a somewhat straightforward comedy. A 9/10 for me.


I agree with itfollowedme. While I enjoyed Deadpool, Kickass was written and directed much better.


"You are entitled to your incorrect opinion."

LMAO. Because an opinion can somehow be incorrect when debating ones taste for movies? Both films are great in their own right. They're completely different though. I don't see why you're even trying to compare.

Kick Ass is a much better written film imo too.


Not only are you a completely pretentious *beep* but you're wrong. "Incorrect opinion" cannot be used unironically. Unless you're a pretentious *beep*, so you're in luck I guess. He made many perfectly valid points. You ignoring them or dismissing them by simply stating "no ur wrong" after he attempts actual thoughtful discussion just proves you're out of your league in every sense and that you don't know enough about the subject to be able to have a conversation about it which begs the question, why try?


"Your opinion is wrong"...

Wow you are a complete moron.


Yep, agree completely.

Was very disappointed with Deadpool.

I had never heard of Kick-Ass before I saw it. Had never seen the first trailer or read any description of the film. I just decided to see it.

Was blown away.

DP didn't do that much for me although I went to the cinema thinking it would.

I have seen KA well more than 30 times and never get tired of it.


Deadpool was fun, had some great visuals, decent action scenes and laughs, and Ryan Reynolds is a more charismatic actor than Aaron Taylor-Johnson, but Kick-Ass was a much better movie. Aside from the things I liked, Deadpool left me cold. I understand that excessive fourth wall breaking is a major part of the original comics, but as a non-comic reader, it really took me out of the movie. I like some fourth wall breaks occasionally. When done right, they can be clever, but still allow you to be immersed in the story, which was my response to Kick-Ass. I didn't feel that way at all with Deadpool, which constantly screamed at the top of its lungs how different and unique it was, in spite of being a conventional superhero movie beneath the fourth wall breaks and sex jokes.

Kick-Ass is also self referential, often ridiculous and full of pop cultural references, but I found it much more clever, inventive and edgy, without it constantly reminding the audience the way Deadpool literally did. Kick-Ass was much funnier to me, but not without genuine emotion too, especially during Big Daddy's death scene. In scenes like that, the film is bold enough to show an emotional moment without immediately having a quip or pop cultural reference to distract the audience.

Deadpool was an entertaining movie, in spite of me not being the target audience for it, and I will probably watch it again to see if I missed anything the first time. But Kick-Ass worked much better for me and I have already lost count of how many times I have watched it.

My latest movie: Available internationally here!


No offense, but you have no idea what you are talking about so grow a brain.

Pro tip: When you begin by saying "No offence", and then proceed to say something clearly meant to offend, it rather invalidates your arguments.


But, that’s how morons talk!


itfollowedme, I totally agree.

I was way more invested in Kick-Ass than Deadpool. Kick-Ass has way better action scenes, more grit, and has heart.

I don't know, something about Deadpool just never really did it for me for some reason. I didn't really connect with any characters because they were trying too hard to be funny rather than contribute to the story.


you are insane


I knew this was going to happen. No, its not. Not in any way. Kick-Ass is simply a better film. Maybe Deadpool is the "crowd pleaser" but as filmmaking and writing goes, Kick Ass is a little masterpiece and beats Deadpool into the ground. People didn't love the actual movie but simply the character of "Deadpool". Kick-Ass is an independent film, but it feels a lot bigger. The action is better, its bloodier, funnier and at times gut wrenching and tragic. It hits all the right notes and is one of the most original comic book movies ever made.


Kick-Ass is a masterpiece. Deadpool is decent fun/entertainment/enjoyable, nothing more.


Don't be funny! Deadpool is truly a fun and great movie, but Kick-Ass is a masterpiece.

There's something wrong with Esther.


“Kick-Ass” has a much more clever and interesting story, much more layered and interesting characters (especially Hit girl and Big daddy), much better and subtle humor, much better bad-ass action, much more tension and drama and I was much more emotionally invested. It was original and striked when it was not expected (like Daves first fight or Hit girls first appearance).

“Kick-Ass” is also meant to be a superhero satire, so its much more than a simple action movie. It rather exposes in a comical and exaggerated way the absurdity of being a vigilante in real life what inevitable will lead to cruelty, criminal acts and especially danger. And although Hit-girl and big daddy are the “cool” parts that make the movies appeal, other characters like Kick Ass were not only funny but also important for the satirical part.

"Kick Ass" is by far a better comic adaptation and movie with soul and not just fan service. So no contest.


Even though they are both Rated R Comic Book movie, Kick Ass is by far the more original and the movie that got closer to that comic book feeling. Deadpool was a descent, entertaining superhero movie. Let's face this cause it is obvious.

Feel your heart beat.


Kick-Ass is a masterpiece.
They shouldn't be mentioned in the same sentence, Deadpool doesn't even come close.
