MovieChat Forums > RED (2010) Discussion > Why is it that movie snobs

Why is it that movie snobs

Even watch movies like this. Its not even just this movie. You aren't going to like it. I could tell from the trailer what kind of movie this was going to be, and knew I would like it. I really don't understand people who sit here and say things like this is the worst movie ever made. Yes granted its not amazing by any means but its good. If you are a person who watches this movie and says things like, that's ridiculous, or that would never happen, or its unbelievable. I'm sorry but you are a moron. Let me tell you why. OF GOD DAMN COURSE ITS UNBELIEVABLE AND RIDICULOUS. That's what this movie is and always was going to be. If you don't like unbelievable movies. Why are you watching this. Just to come on here and write a bad review, or come on the message boards to completely trash it. Now if you didn't like if for a reasonable reason. Ok I understand. The humor wasn't your taste. Well I kind of take issue with that as well. It was funny. If you didn't laugh that is your problem and you should really remove the 12 ft of pretentious wood from your ass before you watch a movie like this. I'm kind of becoming something I hate here and that is someone who looks down on others for liking or disliking a movie. Like or dislike whatever your heart desires. I mostly just take issue with people who like serious movies (Which I also enjoy) going to see a movie like RED. Its like they think hrm let me go watch something that is in no way marketed toward me so I can hate on it later. </end rant>



Great post reaper. My comparison, or the one that really made me flip out was the ID4 haters. They come on there blasting a 'summer blockbuster, popcorn movie' because of the things 'that just weren't possible' or real, or that it wasn't some deep movie like 2001 ASO. Personally, I like both ID4 AND 2001ASO. They, in their own rights, are good movies as they followed through on what they were trying to be! No illusions were ever put forth about what either movie was. But you have people that don't like one or the other, in all honesty it's usually the types that only like the dramatic type movies, go see the opposite knowing full well what the movies is about, then ripping it for being what it was. I could not imagine living such a dull, trollish, miserable existence

Thanks for being a solid voice of reason on here!

Warning: Smoking Pot could lead to becoming the most decorated Olympian in US history, or President


Thank you. You definitely get what I'm saying. I will admit that I grade movies pretty easily compared to a lot of people on here. That being said both those movies are great.

One thing that I find most people aren't capable of doing is to judge a movie based on its own merits without comparing it to some other masterpiece. I've never been to the ID4 boards but for you to tell me people are actually comparing ID4 to 2001. That is probably one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard. They are nothing alike. The only thing they have in common is space travel. Ridiculous.

I actually can't bring myself to go onto the boards of a lot of movies I enjoy because I know there will just be a huge group of trolls in there and ill get pissed off. If you look at the board of even the greatest movies you will find plenty of haters. I'm not really a fan of the Godfather movies. For that reason you will never catch me on the Godfather board. Let alone bashing it. If you like it congratulations, enjoy. I don't care. ID4 is great. Tons of great quotes. If they can't handle that. They can go to hell.

"Welcome to Earth!!!!"


If Bruce Willis was sitting on a bench reading a paper for 90 minutes, I would give it at least 5/10 stars. He's just that enjoyable of an actor.


The same reason you decided to come here and make this thread. People love the great debate. It's the same reason people sit in on political discussions for politicians they despise.

Don't get me wrong, I agree with you. I try to always take all things into account before I decide to comment on something, but like everyone else I'm human and sometimes inpatients gets me to stick my foot in my mouth and do something hypocritical like comment on a movie I know I wont like. Honestly though, let's face it, how boring would life be without a little hypocrisy?


This movie is totally unrealistic and ridiculous. Which is why I've watched it over and over and over! It makes me crazy, too, to see movies bashed by snobs. I can't figure out why people like that even watch movies; of course there's going to be something unrealistic. You can't expect any story that's condensed into 90-120 minutes to be true-to-life, and if it is, no one would watch it. Of course the studios are going to dramatize a situation! That's the whole point!

Seriously, if you want realism, go sit in a bus station for a couple of hours. Se how much fun that is.
