MovieChat Forums > RED (2010) Discussion > Why is it that movie snobs

Why is it that movie snobs

Even watch movies like this. Its not even just this movie. You aren't going to like it. I could tell from the trailer what kind of movie this was going to be, and knew I would like it. I really don't understand people who sit here and say things like this is the worst movie ever made. Yes granted its not amazing by any means but its good. If you are a person who watches this movie and says things like, that's ridiculous, or that would never happen, or its unbelievable. I'm sorry but you are a moron. Let me tell you why. OF GOD DAMN COURSE ITS UNBELIEVABLE AND RIDICULOUS. That's what this movie is and always was going to be. If you don't like unbelievable movies. Why are you watching this. Just to come on here and write a bad review, or come on the message boards to completely trash it. Now if you didn't like if for a reasonable reason. Ok I understand. The humor wasn't your taste. Well I kind of take issue with that as well. It was funny. If you didn't laugh that is your problem and you should really remove the 12 ft of pretentious wood from your ass before you watch a movie like this. I'm kind of becoming something I hate here and that is someone who looks down on others for liking or disliking a movie. Like or dislike whatever your heart desires. I mostly just take issue with people who like serious movies (Which I also enjoy) going to see a movie like RED. Its like they think hrm let me go watch something that is in no way marketed toward me so I can hate on it later. </end rant>




...Awkward moment when you realize you've just talked about Fight Club...


Learn how to write properly...


whenever someone makes a valid point, there is always another someone who comments on the grammar... Why is that? Is it to belittle the original poster's intelligence? Or is it make yourself feel better? Either way, why not keep your eye on the ball and actually make an intelligent comment about the post?

...Awkward moment when you realize you've just talked about Fight Club...



I don't mind little mistakes here and there, but when a text has been written in a way that the reader has to make extra effort to read it, then I have a problem with grammar. I either comment on it, or ignore the post completely. So if you want people to actually read your posts, you better write coherently and with good grammar. After all, you learnt reading and writing to function in society and not for the teachers.


Some people just don't enjoy certain types of movies.

Ever poke your head into the awards board? I do not comprehend the kind of person who watches only "award worthy" movies. 9 out of 10 of them are dramas. Besides not really giving a sh!t who wins what, I simply can't watch that much drama without a little adventure thrown in. I don't like dramas or biopics enough to want to watch only them, but I know plenty of people, that's all they watch. Just the thought of it bores me.

Visit my site!


Theres a simple explanation to that: there are tons of people who simply can not be entertained anymore. They try hard to try and find something that amuses them but they cant find it and all thats left to them is just bitch on everything, even if entertainment, pleasure, fun is smacking them in the face.
Read between the lines, they not bitching on this or that movie or whatever, they bitching on themselves for not being able to have fun with simple things, for not being able to have fun with anything for that matter.
Any last words ?
Shut the *beep* up
-Mutant Chronicles-


U mad bro?


I hate to break it to you, but, this was a bad movie. It wasn't bad because it was unbelievable, it was bad because the writers were incredibly lazy and relied on every action movie cliche in the book.

Time and time again the writers wrote themselves into a corner. Time and time again, they had to rely on some of the oldest cliches in the book to write themselves out.

Examples? Sure.

The team is escaping through the woods with hundreds of FBI/CIA men after them. Just when all hope is lost, who shows up? The Russian guy! Wait, what? He didn't know that they were going to the arms dealers house, so how did he randomly show up in his cute little car to pick them up? Who knows, I doubt even the writers know, they had wrote themselves into a corner and this was really their only way out. Doesn't matter if it made sense or not.

Another example. Helen Mirren is shot and disengages from the mission, she walks down a hallway to a dead end. Who comes to her aid? Oh, it's the Russian guy! Once again, he just always knows where to be. Even when the plan broke down and no one in their right mind could have known where Helen Mirren was, here is the Russian guy to save the day.

That's not the mark of a good movie. It's incredibly lazy writing, which is the mark of a bad movie.

Sorry, this was a bad movie. If you enjoyed it then more power to you, I'm not going to tell you that you shouldn't enjoy it. I think it's great you got enjoyment out of it.

I personally thought that the movie was shot well, paced well, and enjoyed the cast that had been assembled. I didn't really buy into the Willis/MLP love connection, but I enjoyed Malkovich's character.

I have no problem with anyone who enjoyed this movie. However, to sit there banging away at your keyboard saying anyone who didn't enjoy the movie is a moron is ridiculous. There were plenty of things to criticize in this movie that had nothing to do with "it not being believable".

Just my .02


First, lol at the time. Yes bro. i was very mad. Mostly because i had started browsing the boards of a lot of movies that i like. I found that even with the best movie there is some troll in there bashing it for insane reasons. which seriously pist me off. the fact that i dropped this post on red. is kind of just random it could have been a lot of different movies this is just where i was when i snapped.

But let me also say that i feel like you didnt read my post completely or got to a certain point and stopped. because your response completely misrepresents what i said. i very clearly said "Now if you didn't like if for a reasonable reason. Ok I understand. " you don't like the movie because of writing. I disagree with you. but i understand where you are coming from. that is a reasonable reason. I'm talking about people who didn't like the movie for unreasonable reasons.

That being said, i also very clearly am not saying that ALL people who didn't like the movie are morons. What i said was, If you are a person who watches this movie and says things like, that's ridiculous, or that would never happen, or its unbelievable. People for whom the movie isnt intended or marketed towards. People who want to watch a movie where everything is realistic and where 55 year old bruce willis doesnt kick the *beep* out of a bunch of special forces guys the whole movie. those people are morons. the movie wasnt intended for those people. and im asking why do those people knowing what kind of movies they like. as we all know what kind of movies we enjoy. see a movie like red. then they are somehow shocked that they didnt like it and feel the need to bash it. Yeah some of them are just trolls.

Now obviously i understand your issues with the movie. you make a valid point as far as the random russian showing up. In the woods. it doesn't bother me. They easily could have told him their plan. As for the second time. I agree i thought the same thing. But it doesn't really bother me. I can poke holes in pretty much any plot.

As far as action movie cliches. What isnt going to be cliche at this point. everything has been done. Once again if you thought you were going to go see Red and find something new and groundbreaking. Something thats never been done in an action movie. you were kidding yourself. Im not trying to get into an argument here really. Im just saying that your expectations along with many peoples expectations of this movie are extremely unrealistic.

To summarize. My main point is. Person watches preview for a movie. Based on that preview. Said person should be able to get a pretty firm grasp on what kind of movie it is going to be. At that point they should know if said movie will be within the realm of movies that they enjoy. If it is. See it. If its not. Dont see it.

Case in point. Every commercial and preview i saw for red had the scene where bruce willis steps out of the spinning cop car. The car narrowly misses hitting him while he simultaneously is shooting at the guy chasing him. Obviously completely ridiculous and impossible. But for me as I guess a cliche action movie lover. I said to myself. AWESOME. At this point i knew i would like the movie. I knew there would be ridiculous things that happened. Any reasonable person knew the same thing after watching the trailer. reasonable people who knew these things should not have seen the movie if it is not their taste. Those previously reasonable people with all the information they had beforehand that saw this movie anyway after seeing that ridiculous trailer. while not being a fan of ridiculous and impossible cliche action movies. Those people are morons.



That's a very solid reply.

I think that I just focused in on a couple of the sidepoints and missed your main message. I tend to do that a lot on message boards for some reason.

I agree that people who go to see movies with the intent to bash them are complete morons.

Example. I remember telling a co-worker that he wouldn't like There Will Be Blood. It's a good to very good movie. I really enjoyed it, a lot of my friends really enjoyed it, but I knew that he would hate it because it moves slowly and he hates movies that move slowly (recently, he thought The King's Speech sucked).

He ignored my warning and saw it anyways, and the next day starting bugging everyone at work about how terrible There Will Be Blood was.

I remember just shaking my head and rolling my eyes and whispering to myself, "really?"

From that standpoint, I COMPLETELY understand what you're saying. I can't stand that guy...


I should say that I actually didn't see a trailer for RED. I just added it to my Netflix queue because I saw the cast and figured I'd give it a whirl.

I'll stand by the fact that it's not a great movie by any means. That being said, it's not a bad movie either. I can understand some criticism, but I'll agree that outright trashing the movie for having common elements that other action movies have is completely insane and moronic. It would be like someone hating on the movie Crank because it's "completely unrealistic". Um... of course it is, it's Crank and it's Jason Statham, what was the viewer expecting.

I'll wrap it up by saying, I agree with you. :)


I appreciate you saying it was a solid reply. I felt pretty good after writing it.

Your example is another form of exactly what I'm talking about. That guy can't appreciate a slower movie. You knew this and you told him. He had that information. In fact he probably went into it thinking, this movie is gonna suck. He saw it anyway. Then has the balls to go around telling people it sucked. I mean seriously how can you say that movie sucked.

Oh there weren't enough explosions. Sorry Michael Bay didn't direct this one dude its not for you. It was never intended for you. No offense, just don't propagate that it was a bad movie because you can't appreciate a movie of that type. Now If he had a good reason for not liking it, go for it. But from what you seem to be saying hes just an idiot. Its ridiculous. Now people who may have otherwise seen it and enjoyed it. Aren't going to because that guy is a jackass. Side note, if you can't tell I agree there will be blood was a good movie. Which really brings me to another problem I have. the rating system on IMDB.

You don't have to be here long to realize any movie getting over an 8 rating is really closer to a 10 on here. But a lot of the scores are deceiving. Which has mostly to do with if a person doesn't like a movie they go out and give it a 1 like a jerk. But then when they like a movie they are like, oh ill give it an 8 instead of a 10. All the scores are just skewed to the lower end and it annoys me. Not that there is anything that can be done about it.

In any event. I kind of got on a bit of a tangent there lol. I'm glad you more clearly get what I'm saying now though. Thanks.


I think that one needs to go into certain movies with the right expectations.......I enjoy all types of movies but I sure as hell don't sit there and explore the finer points of writing/ movie making in movies like Red.....I didn't even think about the plot holes raised above until I read this thread.....not that I have a problem with issues being raised.....the whole movie is totally unreliastic if viewed in a serious manner......but I am sorry...I was just too busy revelling in the pure awesomeness of so many aspects of this movie. Bruce Willis......I just love him.....and Malcovich in this? Pure genius! Not to mention the wonderful and still sexy and chic Helen Mirren being the wet work list goes on and I still laugh and enjoy the romp each time I watch my blue ray of it. You just have to give yourself over to it, much as you would when watching Bay's Transformers movies.....why get caught up in being boring and overly critical of a movie in this type of genre? They had me at the cast, (or in Transformers at seeing my fave childhood robot toys brought to life) and that was enough. Sure, there is nothing wrong with critiquing but I think my point is that all that this achieves is a lessening of someone's experience, and an amplification of negative thoughts and feelings, when we could all just be revelling in the I said. If this was a better type of action/comic inspired flic, it would be one of Nolan's Batman movies.....but that would be silly. Enjoy films for what they are for enjoyment's sake if nothing else : ). I want to point out I am not only an action film fave films of all time include Ben Hur, It's a Wonderful Life and The Shawshank Redemption to name a few.....but what I would never do is compare Morgan Freeman's role in Red, to that of his character Red, in Shawshank.....that sounds contrived, but there it is, I've said my piece! (Apologies for lazy grammar; particularly with reference to the movie titles quoted herein....but once again I think I have made my point)


Yes. Thank you. This is what i'm talking about. You are able to just enjoy a movie for what it is. Sure there are plot holes, some of which have been noted. But who cares. It's not meant to be a masterpiece or ironclad. It's just a ridiculous movie to have fun with. For someone to critique it on how it is written or filmed as compared with something like The Dark Knight would be insane. Yes they are both action movies but they are not at all the same. I mean seriously they weren't trying to win any awards here.

Thank you for your response. You totally get it. Much appreciated.


OP, you're 100 % right.


My problem with this film is that it tries too be cute so in so many ways that it becomes almost disconnected and insincere.

The film was solid at times, and genuinely funny, like the woman getting harassed by Malkovich and then her turning out to be an agent amongst other things. The music cues and general atmosphere it's going for a is a post-modern, dark comedy action flick, but it's really really flat in it's style at times, like most of the action scenes have some good mechanics and weapon handling and all around immerse details but they're all fleshed out in very flat, boring, ways.

The film itself really really does kind of use the fact it has comedic elements as a crutch, almost going down the quirky, unusual, uninhibited road, than actually going down the sincere one. I had a hard time getting invested and actually giving a *beep* about Bruce Willis' character, or the girl he's talking to, hell even Malkovich felt like he was just thrown into the role 5 minutes prior, so his character just feels underdeveloped and forced because of how preoccupied with being quirky he is.

I don't know I might have a bias because one time I went to a theater in the months before this came out, and the promotional clip they kept showing to us was from Red and was when Bruce and what's his face are fighting in the office. Now first off, the fact they showed this promotional clip to the theater I went to about 6 times in 20 minutes until the film started so I kept studying it, and the ever more I came familiar with the clip, the ever more I kept realizing it's cheap cues and overused motifs.

The clip starts out with what's his face in his office, then Willis comes in, undresses, and then he starts kicking the shiess out of whats his face. Now I already see the cheapness in this before the first punch or kick or whatever, the whole "OH MY GOD THE GOOD GUY WALKED RIGHT INTO THE BAD GUY'S COMFORT CIRCLE AND IS KICKING THE SHIESS OUT OF HIM, THAT IS SO FUNNY!" then the music kicks in and it's trying to get us into the scene via COOL MUSIC OVER STYLIZED FIGHTING, what a new and refreshing way to show a fight scene. Then it cuts to whats her face IN A VERY DIFFERENT CALMER ATMOSPHERE, cut back to OMG LOL CARNAGE 15 FEET AWAY HAHAH WHAT INSANITY AND HILARITY! Then the fighting slows down so he can deliver and inconsequential attempt at characterization by showing Willis say some witty thing to what's his face YOU LEARNED WHAT YOU LEARNED FROM ME LOLOLOL

The film would have been better under a better director and writer. It just feels really ham fisted and bland. Not even atmospheric and awesome slow paced, just feels authentically boring. Maybe it would have been fun and refreshing 20 years ago, it's just all around uninspired in this day and age.


Great post reaper, glad I'm not the only one who shares this same opinion. It's actually depressing that imdb is full of the people you're complaining about. If you go into Red expecting Schindler's List then well, you're a moron. It's really that simple. Movies like this never paint themselves as something they're not. It's always very easy to get a good idea of what a movie will be like before seeing it, even going by just the cast/synopsis.
