Why is it that movie snobs
Even watch movies like this. Its not even just this movie. You aren't going to like it. I could tell from the trailer what kind of movie this was going to be, and knew I would like it. I really don't understand people who sit here and say things like this is the worst movie ever made. Yes granted its not amazing by any means but its good. If you are a person who watches this movie and says things like, that's ridiculous, or that would never happen, or its unbelievable. I'm sorry but you are a moron. Let me tell you why. OF GOD DAMN COURSE ITS UNBELIEVABLE AND RIDICULOUS. That's what this movie is and always was going to be. If you don't like unbelievable movies. Why are you watching this. Just to come on here and write a bad review, or come on the message boards to completely trash it. Now if you didn't like if for a reasonable reason. Ok I understand. The humor wasn't your taste. Well I kind of take issue with that as well. It was funny. If you didn't laugh that is your problem and you should really remove the 12 ft of pretentious wood from your ass before you watch a movie like this. I'm kind of becoming something I hate here and that is someone who looks down on others for liking or disliking a movie. Like or dislike whatever your heart desires. I mostly just take issue with people who like serious movies (Which I also enjoy) going to see a movie like RED. Its like they think hrm let me go watch something that is in no way marketed toward me so I can hate on it later. </end rant>