MovieChat Forums > Your Highness (2011) Discussion > Natalie Portman vs. Zoey Deschanel: Who ...

Natalie Portman vs. Zoey Deschanel: Who was hotter?

Who do you think was the hotter babe in this flick?

I myself prefer Zoey Deschanel.


tough call, Natalie is hotter, but also more intimidating, I'd rather hang out with Zooey, she appears to be more fun.


I gotta go with Natslie in real life and the film. She's the reason I recorded it, I didn't even know Zooey was in it until the opening credits.

Being inconsistent is better than being consistently bad.



I liked Natalie Portman, she is hotter in this movie. There are only a few movies for which you can say that about Natalie Portman, another one was Closer(2004).


If I had to pick one to "be with", I would go for Zooey for sure. Natalie Portman is also one of the most beautiful women on the Planet.


Zooey is adorable and beautiful. Natalie is very gorgeous and wonderful but if I had to choose I'd go with Nat

"I'm just a happy camper! Rockin' and a-rollin'!" - Patrick Bateman, American Psycho


I find Portman more elegant. She's very pretty to look at. But she's too skinny and too heavily made-up. Deschanel is sexier imo.

"I'll book you. I'll book you on something. I'll find something in the book to book you on."


I agree, Portman is perhaps the more classic beauty (although that's a very close call), but she's a bit too masculine in this film, and Zooey is just delicious in every scene. Did you notice that Franco and Zooey made the most of their multiple makeout scenes? I'll bet some great fun was had off set between these two. Good for them!



Zoey didn't get the flattering outfits, Natalie is skinny as a rail, not my type, Zoey is hot, google the two and you'll figure it out.

Wasn't me


Has Zooey ever been photographed in a bikini or skimpy clothing? I'm not sure I've really ever seen her figure. She generally wears old fashioned loose fitting clothes.


"Has Zooey ever been photographed in a bikini or skimpy clothing? I'm not sure I've really ever seen her figure. She generally wears old fashioned loose fitting clothes."

Google her name, I saw some really hot photo's of Zoey, Natalie is a stick, you people has to be kidding.

Wasn't me
