Raving reviews

on youtube.

All reviewers praise this version as being much better than the original.

Even variety has a very positive review.


Is it thursday yet??


They got early access to it or what? I thought it was all same day releases. Or are they still on the critics get early screenings?


Apparently yes, there was an early access sunday for reviewers.

And not just critics.


Don't trust early reviews.


I don't but I tend to trust the youtube reviewers as opposed to "critics".


Reviews are meaningless

I stated this on another post this film would not of been like this had he been controlling it many years ago he has had the time and options to change a lot so it is cheating in some ways but others a positive.


Early reviews burned me with WW84. I will wait for Thursday I suppose. Nothing else coming out now anyway.


Youtube early reviews?

But yeah, waiting for Thursday is the only thing we can do.


Yes, a couple of YouTube channels. I thought it was gonna be awesome. The little girl running a lap in the beginning. But it was poop.

So I will ignore reviews until Thursday. If I can.


Frankly i find odd that all the reviewer that shit all over his two other DC movies. Are now acting like hes fucking Stanley Kubrick. They don't even tell you why its good. They just use meaninglesss words like "Epic" "Blockbuster". Its like they don't want make fun retarded kid because his mom just died and he worked really hard on his science experiment. "You get a B+ Timmy, Yeah Timmy."


Actually all of the ones i watched explained why it is good ... not perfect but good. All admitted that it has still flaws and it's not perfect but it's far better than "the original".

a lot better character development, better character motivations - for the villains as well, consistent in tone and ideas, stupid humor removed, better action scenes, no moustache superman etc etc.

Have you even seen those or you're just a basic hater?


Honestly I feel like his version is being judged on a curve. Justice League was such a disaster that anything mildly better than it will be seen as a breath of fresh air. I am personally not interested, Man of Steel was bad and BVS was an utter dumpster fire of a film. I get the gist of what this crew was going for and it sucked! Just because it was might be better than the original version is no reason to celebrate. That is not a high bar to clear...
