MovieChat Forums > Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021) Discussion > ‘Superman & Lois’ OWNS the Snyderverse!

‘Superman & Lois’ OWNS the Snyderverse!

Just got done watching episode 2 of Superman & Lois. I missed it when it originally aired on TV, but thankfully, its available to stream on the CW's website for FREE (yes, take notes, Disney+, HBO Max, Hulu, CBS All Access/Paramount+, etc. These guys are giving it away for FREE -- and NOT for $5.99 a month!)

On a side note… When I first heard about that TV series, I was dead set AGAINST "yet another Superman reboot telling the same story we've seen a zillion times before". The title itself sounded like they weren't even trying. Didn't they ALREADY make that in the 90s? When it was called Lois & Clark, and starred Dean Cain and Teri Hatcher in a "modernized" Superman TV series told from the POV of Lois Lane at The Daily Planet?

Then I saw the trailer for this new show. One word: WOW.

They NAILED it. It immediately reversed my position on this TV series 180o degrees. I haven't seen a "retelling" of Superman's origins THIS good since the Christopher Reeve films of the late 70s/early 80s. All the actors were pitch perfect and faithful to the source material and we FINALLY have a FUN, uplifting, inspirational Superman -- something even the 2006 "Superman Returns" film-- a "loose sequel" to the Donner films -- totally missed the boat on. We also FINALLY got a decent Lois Lane, after BOTH Bryan Singer (with Kate Botsworth as Lois) and Zack Synder (with Amy Adams as Lois) completely screwed up and their Superman/Lois pairings had ZERO chemistry. The playful Superman/Lois first meeting here was something I hadn’t seen since the Christopher Reeve days. All they needed was the iconic John Williams theme, and my heart will melt.

I was utterly STUNNED -- especially since this is another "superhero" show on the CW, the SJW infested, teen angsty drama themed network. Have you seen their OTHER “superhero” shows? 90% of what they churn out is ‘woke’ trash, so I was certain this would be, too. I was honestly prepared to hate it, but the trailer totally piqued my interest for the show. I can't think of the last time a freakin' TRAILER completely reversed my position on something.

Having previously shown ZERO interest in the show (and rolling my eyes at the very mention of it), I didn’t have any “spoilers” going in, and the first episode kept on throwing cool little surprises at me: Superman & Lois are married and have two teenage sons. Martha Kent (who was also perfectly cast) dies suddenly in the pilot. Superman & Lois leave Metropolis and move back to Smallville. And we have a “Luthor” in the show, but it’s NOT the prime universe ruthless businessman Lex Luthor from Earth, but a mysterious “Captain Luthor” from another planet or parallel universe, or the far future or something. The little tease definitely got me curious how it will play out.

And now, with two episodes in, I’m very glad I stuck with it! I can't believe I'm endorsing something that airs on the CW! I haven't felt this happy since 2017 when seeing the first few episodes of The Orville for the first time on Fox. It was SO refreshing in comparison to what kind of Star Trek we had gotten lately, and THIS is so refreshing compared to the kind of garbage DC comic book movies we've gotten lately (Batman vs. Superman, Wonder Woman 1984, Birds of Prey, etc.)

I will take THIS show over "the Snyder cut" any day. The "fans" who support that crap can have their dark, depressing, nihilistic, ultra-violent "modern" Superman and Jesse Eisenberg's faux Lex Luthor. They certainly do not speak for the REST of us when they claim that's what "the fans" want.

Have fun paying $$$ to HBO Max for MORE of Zack Snyder & David S. Goyer’s godawful, Razzie-award winning Pseudoman. I will be enjoying my FAR superior SUPERMAN for FREE on the CW!




MOS fanboys can't refute this because they KNOW its true.


We should compare how many views the latest episode of Superman & Lois gets when it airs the SAME week that HBO Max drops the Hack Synder cut of Just-Us Fatigue.


It doesn't matter, it's not cinema and they don't air in the same day. so not really competing. Plus ZSJL is streaming, can be seen in any day at any hour, it's not tied to a day/slot.

ZSJL release might even boost views for S&L ...



What's the matter, Snyderites? Cat got your tongue?


Neah, it's just useless to argue with fanatics, of any sorts ...


I think the show is differently closer to what the character should be. But i kinda find it boring to watch. But Yes its better than Zack Snyder Shit. But I think would watch rather Superman TAS or the 90's Lois and Clark or even the 1950's George Reeves show. I just had more fun those. But if you enjoy it.
