MovieChat Forums > Red Dawn (2012) Discussion > Am I the only one who enjoyed this movie...

Am I the only one who enjoyed this movie?

This movie seems to get a whole lot of hate and I don't get it. Yes, realistically this could never happen N.Korea blah blah blah, but it's a movie. It is supposed to entertain, not be %100 fact based and "OMG DIS COULD HAPEN!1!!1". I personally really liked it, so tell me why you did/n't like it


No not at all. If fact I liked it better than the original, and I liked that one a lot! The plot was much better presented with a much better conclusion.

I disagree that it could NEVER happen. History has shown what is thought to be impossible often happens because it was thought to be impossible so people became complacent.


in my opinion, one of the worst movies ever made. also, nothing is impossible, but the odds of a scenario like that one in the movie actually occurring are extremely low. in fact, the odds of me winning the lottery five times in a row is greater than having this scenario coming true.


Sorry, but this really IS something that could never happen. If you know anything about the DPRK at all, you would know that there are dozens of reasons why. Even aside from the logistics, 50 year old obsolete technology, lack of resources, and all the other major reasons.

And saying that History shows something "impossible" was done ignores the fact that the vast majority of those impossible things ended up in total failure.


it was watchable, but a bit stupid.


I thought it was a great remake of a great moive


I feel like the true test of a film's quality is wether or not it can satisfy movie fans of another genre. It's a given that people who adore comedies will love the next passable one that comes out. But if you really want to know how good it is, then ask someone who loves dramas, then go ask soemone who loves foreign films, etc.

I guess what Im trying to say is that most people who liked this movie seem to already be big action movie fans so it wouldnt take much to satisfy you guys. Action is not my number one genre so I can be much more objective about this.

And I hear you guys... but what if? What if North Korea launched an attack against the U.S.? What if Godzilla came out to smash one of your cities? What if the Pineapple Express cross-joint really was the best way to roll a fatty? Here's my thought: what if... it was incredibly near-sided to think that way? Doesn't the "what if..." argument apply to every story ever invented? It doesn't seem like a glowing recommendation to me: "Hey, guys! Go see this film 'cuz I really liked it and what if..." Just about the two most generic reasons to recommend a movie to someone.

In the end, suspension of disbelief aside, I didn't feel like I was watching something new and interesting. I didn't feel like I could identify with these characters and the situation they were in. To me, this project reeked of propaganda. The timing of it and the choice of villains was quite pathetic.


Action is probably my least favorite genre alongside Fantasy, and i loved this movie.

Some avrage hipsters movie quote that you will Copy-Paste to google


It was propaganda. And the DoD probably got quite a few feeble minded recruits because of it.


I just watched it today and i really enjoyed it as well. Well for political reasons north korea was the country appropriate country to use. For political reasons they didn't choose the invaders to be China, and for good reason. We all know that such an invasion could be realistic with other military forces ( such as China ) but when it came to the overall quality of the movie I really liked it.

The actors were good and the pace of the movie was also quite fine. It's not a poorly made film, but I do see why people hate on the actual storyline situation. It didn't affect my opinion of the movie because the invaders was just a metaphor


I liked it. I can't stand people that get obsessed with's a film! I didn't enjoy it as much as the first, but I thought they changed it up enough to enjoy.


it was a nice popcorn action movie. the combat scene choreography was great and the characters were cheesy and similar to modern day teens. i did wish it was longer and had a few more scenes like they had with the football game, the bar, them sitting around and talking after they stole food from subway, and Jed & Matt talking about their issues. i did like the acting since this isn't a "serious" movie but had it's moments.


It was definitely unrealistic, but it was very entertaining.


I just saw this movie on EPIX, and I liked it. Sure, the acting was a little off, but I think they were going more for a "spur of the moment" feel to the movie. get real reactions and such. even IF the plot was impossible/Improbable, it still made an enjoyable movie. much like the game Homefront that come out a couple of years ago...


I didn't mind it at all, decent action flick and some good scenes.

I don't know why people get so annoyed and angry at films like this! It's a film where a country invades another and a group of kids take on an army? It's not The Shawshank Redemption.... You're not likely to quote the lines or appreciate it in 20 years, it's a throw away action flick that entertains for 90 minutes and has some good scenes of action and drama.

Why can't people just enjoy these films? It's mindless kickass action it's not like the trailer was misleading, it is what it said it was.

Walter Sobchak: Am I wrong?
The Dude: You're not wrong Walter. You're just an a**hole.
