Captains Pike and Kirk respond to the above points:
Kirk: "If getting what I want makes me look like a..."douche" be it. Actually, it's not what I want, but rather recruitment traditionally attracts more men to military organisations of which Starfleet is an enlightened example. Female recruits serve with distinction in their alloted roles, some of whom rise to the highest levels of responsibility. What I'm against is introducing a lax culture which allows undisciplined emotional conduct and subjective values. A female dominated orgaisation might risk that eventuality."
Pike: "I'd love to see skirts but I fear that would be impractical."
Pike: "Hey! I'm not useless, I like to delegate. We have a talented crew and frankly merit drives selection of crew for station duties. The fact the bridge is female dominated doesn't reflect badly on all the dudes on lower decks keeping things happening."
Pike: "Sometimes it pays to listen when in command."
Pike: "Their expertise helped to secure the area for closer inspection. Not investigating the ship would've been contrary to the practice of strategic info gathering."
Kirk: "Uhura is a specialist in communications. Her duties range from routine internal and external ship interactions to scientific analysis and decoding of communications. She looks like a secretary but is so much more."
Pike: "The Captain - that's me - flies the ship. Yeah, technically the crewman at the Helm station does the driving but I supervise all movements the ship makes. I mean, you've seen me do it every time I'm in the command chair."