MovieChat Forums > Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011) Discussion > Rank the Mission Impossibles Best To Wor...

Rank the Mission Impossibles Best To Worst

I realize this is done a lot, but I didn't see it in the MI4 message board. Even if I missed it, so what? Here is my ranking and I would love to read yours.

Best to Worst:



Am I going to have to watch the 2nd one again?! That was my favourite from when it first came out :/


If you were five when you saw it, that's forgiveable. Otherwise, I would. I remember when I watched Mallrats ten years after the fist time and it was horrible.


I agree. MI2 was bad (and not the good kind of 'bad' from the 80's) if you watched it as an adult. It was nothing but pure fluff and if you were a child or early teen, MI2 was probably really good for you.




I remember when MI3 came out, everybody was saying that it wasn't as good as the first two movies. And now it seems that a bunch of people are rating it higher than its predecessors. I still think it was the weakest of them all. The plot was too centered on Ethan's relationship with Julia and we never found out what the damn rabbit foot was. The whole movie was basically just him running around trying to save his wife. Seen that a million times before.

I also think that MI2 is wildly underrated. That movie had some of the best action sequences in the history of cinema.

Here's the way I rate them from best to worst:

MI4: 7/10
MI2: 7/10
MI1: 6/10
MI3: 5/10

I don't know how to put this but I'm kind of a big deal


1/MI 1 Best of the best, though the plot was convoluted and sometimes hard to follow, amazing set pieces, great villain
2/MI 4 I would have rated MI4 the best MI film had the villain been stronger but the most entertaining film of the series in a pop corn kind of way. Amazing Dubai sequence
3/ M 3 Love Hoffman as the villain but the whole thing looks like an episode of 24 and the romantic story is ridiculous
4/ M 2 Worst of the pack, it just does not hold. Ridiculous performances by everybody


MI:1 - Exceptionally suspenseful
MI:4 - Extremely entertaining
MI:2 - Decent action flick
MI:3 - Awful


I totally agree I can't understand MI3 being so loved and MI2 so hated.
Just seen MI4 and it's almost faultless loads of action and humour.

MI4 (9/10)
MI2 (8/10)
MI1 (7/10)
MI3 (4/10)


MI2 (terrible. what a waste of Dougray Scott as a villain)

" magnificent bastard, I read your book!"




4. Mission : Impossible II (2000) 6/10
3. Mission : Impossible (1996) 6/10
2. Mission : Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011) 7/10
1. Mission : Impossible III (2006) 7/10

Thank to Tom Cruise's hysterical, closet-hiding shenanigans on Oprah's sofa, a lot of the attention was diverted away from JJ Abrams masterful effort in finally realising the franchise's potential of balancing plot and action, thanks largely to his wonderful work on the first two series of Alias. MI3's nasty, intense opening remains the highlight of all the movies thus far. Bonus points to ice-cold Philip Seymour Hoffman.

''This is the best bad idea we have, sir. By far.''


1. M:I 4
2. M:I 1
3. M:I 3
4. M:I 2


MI3 is the worst. MI2 is better than MI3.

I personally prefer MI4 to the first and there you have my list.

Those foolish enough to move from canada to america increase the average I.Q. of both countries


MI4 9/10
MI3 8/10
MI1 7.5/10
MI2 5/10

I don't get all the J.J. Abrams hate. MI3 was jam packed full of energy, and had the best villain in the series in Phillip Seymour Hoffman. MI4 was simply beautiful, with an amazing cast and a great story. I didn't think it was possible for Brad Bird to raise the bar from MI3, but he nailed it. The only gripe was MI4 failed to have an interesting villain. MI1 had the best story by far. It was equal parts thrilling and smart. MI2 took a huge step back. The story wasn't that bad, but the over-the-top fight scenes and terrible supporting cast killed the movie for me. Can't wait for Mission Impossible 5. Seems like since MI3 the films have kept getting better and better.


I can't get myself to put MI2 along with all the other movies..

The Best: (not really that much difference between them)

Just bad:

MI2 was more 90's than MI1... And that's a hard thing to pull off seeing as it was made in 2000.
