MovieChat Forums > Let Me In (2010) Discussion > Anyone else like both the original and t...

Anyone else like both the original and the remake?

Anyone else just like both films? I mean, I always see alot of people argue about remakes but when there is an actual good remake of the film for instance with the TGWTDT remake, most fans of the original will dislike whoever liked the remake. I really liked REC & Quarantine, I really loved both Dawn of the Dead and both Carrie films (Spacek & Moretz) and while I haven't seen the original LTROI yet, I really enjoyed this remake. I will soon watch the original but I want to know if anyone else like both this version & the remake? Most don't seem to think you CAN but I want to know if anyone did?

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit me!"- Hudson in Aliens.


I like both films and think they both have their own merits, but the remake moved in a way that the Swedish film didn't, and I find the remake endlessly interesting and rewatchable. Of course, it might be because I saw the remake first.


I like both films and think they both have their own merits, but the remake moved in a way that the Swedish film didn't, and I find the remake endlessly interesting and rewatchable. Of course, it might be because I saw the remake first.

No sin there. That also applies to most fans of the first movie.

Proud member of the Facebook Let Me In group, DoYouLikeMe.proboards,


I saw the remake first, about a year ago, but didn't get around to watching the original until tonight. Loved that too. Gonna watch the remake again tomorrow since it's been awhile.


I like both but in both cases the boys are no match to their female counterparts. But in the Swedish film the gap is even more frappant.

On the other hand I appreciated the more affluent environment of the US version.

Ich bin kein ausgeklügelt Buch, ich bin ein Mensch mit seinem Widerspruch.
Conrad Ferdinand Meyer


Watched LTROI the first year it was released. Quite enjoyed it. Heard news of an Amerian remake and thought it was daft and pointless. I caught it on Blu ray after the theatrical release... And while I quite liked the original, I fell in love with the remake. Truly one of my favorite films.

Long ago men competed on a show to date a woman who competed on a show to date Flava Flav.


Watched LTROI the first year it was released. Quite enjoyed it. Heard news of an Amerian remake and thought it was daft and pointless. I caught it on Blu ray after the theatrical release... And while I quite liked the original, I fell in love with the remake. Truly one of my favorite films.

My story is similar. Had zero interest in watching LMI because I had already seen LTROI.

But then I finally saw The Road and Kick Ass in August and it made me want to see those two kids in more movies. Realized they both were in LMI and that got me into the theater.

Taught me to actually give movies a chance.

Proud member of the Facebook Let Me In group, DoYouLikeMe.proboards,


Same with me. I watched LTROI and loved it and didn't even want to give the remake a try, decided to try it and it became my favorite film ever. Go figure.


There are certain films in which I love the original and despise the remake, a couple where I like them both and a couple where I like the remake more.

Let Me In is a case in which I love the remake but didn't like the original much (despite them being VERY similar). I certainly won't sit and argue over which is better--no point in that--but for me personally I just didn't care for the original.

Dick, I am VERY disappointed.


this is a case where I liked the remake better that the original.


I saw the original first and really enjoyed it. Waited a couple of months and watched the remake and it is clearly the superior film in my opinion. Both are basically the same story, which is great, but the remake has much better production value. The cinematography, score, and visuals in general are more well done. Not surprising as the budget was more than 4 times LTROI.

Both are very good and it's probably natural for fans of the original to feel the need to defend it and dislike the remake.


I literally grew up in a movie theater. In the late 60's-80's my Dad managed 2 indoor and 1 drive-in movie. I lived the movies.I love the movies. Being exposed to all kinds of movies at an early age was a wonderful way to grow up. I love remakes and original films. Sometimes I like the classic better. Sometimes I like the new one. I think movies can stand on their own merit. There will always be wonderful films and there will always be stinkers. It's fun sometimes to see subtle homages to the original film in the remakes. I own both versions of this movie. I like both for different reasons.


Wow...that's awesome, Chef. I had a friend whose dad worked a projector at our local theater on the weekends so we could get in free....but sounds like you had an even better deal!

Proud member of the Facebook Let Me In group, DoYouLikeMe.proboards,


Hi Harpo thanks for responding. Yes it was pretty awesome to live through that time especially where cinema was then. I probably saw stuff I shouldn't have however my parents did pay attention. I missed a lot of movies deemed "not appropriate" but lots of stuff sneaked by.There were a lot of foreign films that that surprised and amazed me. I guess my folks figured if it wasn't in English I wouldn't get it.


Yep, I thought the remake was more of a sweet romance/horror which left me with a smile on my face were as the Swedish original was more disturbing focusing mainly about the horror aspect and not much about romance which left me a little more... Disturbed I guess lol

Both did good



interesting, may I ask why?

To me the original was much more sweet and romantic while LMI kind of bashed me over the head with the idea that Owen was just the latest in a long line of boys who fell for Abby. Everything from the Now and Later jingle to the photo says that Abby will get tired of him once he gets old...


Interesting lol I felt similar but about in the opposite movies lol, the original felt like it was more about 2 lonely and isolate people that came together more for the reason of desperation than a romance

I don't think necessarily she would get tired of him when he got old but it would definitly get complicated (understandably so) I don't think we got to see the original girl smile very much the way that Abby smiled for Owen, he appeared to genuinly make her happy... That might of course change in the future but who knows

Although it was years since I saw the original, and I saw the remake 2 days ago

