Tearjerk Moments?
Anyone have any of these? For me it was when Kermit sang "Pictures In My Head". So sad to see him singing about the old days and what went wrong.
shareAnyone have any of these? For me it was when Kermit sang "Pictures In My Head". So sad to see him singing about the old days and what went wrong.
Of course the Rainbow Connection song and when the Muppets walked out of the theatre and a large, cheering crowd was waiting for them out on the street.
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Rainbow Connection, when Animal joins in on the drums.
I don't have to conform to the vagaries of time and space. I'm a looney for God's sake!
I got 'struck' when Walter is in Kermit's old office, and there's an autographed picture of Jim Henson and Kermit up on the wall.
"Thanks, guys." "So long, partner."
- Toy Story 3 (9/10)
The crowd outside the theater. Yeah they were actors, but it felt like they were standing in for all us Muppet fans everywhere and how we would react. Such an outpouring of love and affection...
Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.
I cried when Walter was struggling around the house because of his size. Poor little thing.
Situannicca to win Celeb BB pls
Rainbow Connection and I kid you not, I've had to wipe tears from my cheek with my thumb reading these posts xx
You know me, I'm not one to gossip but you'll never guess what I heard...
By the way, I love this thread. It's full of people who adore and appreciate this movie. Thank you, everyone who contributed.
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