MovieChat Forums > Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (2024) Discussion > When did you notice movies becoming real...

When did you notice movies becoming really crappy?

1. I first noticed somethin was up around 2005 when Dukes of Hazzard was released on DVD very shortly after it's theatrical release.

2. in 2008, when I saw how bad Indy 4 Crystal Skull was I questioned the existence of God.

3. I saw a Mission Impossible movie at the theater in 2011, it was so bad I knew then that movies would be trash forever more.


after the matrix was released


After metoo and BLM which led to the current wokesploitation trend.




When they all became orange and teal.


I'm old enough to be able to attest that these things come in cycles. The great 1970s really ended around 1982 or so, when Spielberg and his clones took over the movie business and films greatly skewed more hectic and infantile. I think there was a resurgence of good films in the late 1990s. That didn't last too long, but it did happen. We're overdue for a good cycle.

Of course, it's a logical mistake to believe history will forever repeat itself or even rhyme. Conditions can emerge that were mostly absent in previous generations (the current federal debt, for instance). The US isn't nearly as homogeneous as it was even just back to the 1990s, and social politics seems to infect everything now. Plus there's the technology that keeps people glued to their sofas more than ever. My opinion is that Hollywood needs to take its cues from the long-run, highly original series we've seen from the cable/streaming channels like Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, etc., and give more chances to inventive types like Vince Gilligan. They'll be forced to change something one way or the other. Right now Hollywood and Disney have been stabbed in the belly and are slowly dying a painful death.


2007 was the last good year for movies with…

- There Will Be Blood
- No Country for Old Men

There hasn’t been a “best film” caliber film since. Just lazy CG comic book/super hero/sequel trash.



Completely agree.

I questioned whether that was the case on this thread here:-

There Will Be Blood is like another level up from everything that's come since.


All Christopher Nolan and Quentin Tarantino movies are better than any Paul Thomas Anderson movie including There Will Be Blood.


Seriously though...


Okay, maybe they're not better, but CN's and QT's movies are definitely more enjoyable, entertaining and rewatchable than PTA's movies IMHO.


I guess some may find that true of some of them but surely not things like Dark Knight Rises, Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, Tenet, etc...

But even asides from enjoyability or rewatch value, surely even people who don't like PTA's approach must recognise the superior film work on TWBB.

And I'm not saying that as a huge fan - I thought The Master was awful and I gave up about half way through Liquorice Pizza.

Tarantino films - which I have really enjoyed some of them - to me are more style over substance. He's often aping over past genres rather than providing anything timeless.


When the Return of the King finished.

Since then, movies are geared towards being a series. Marvel and DC put a turbo on that engine and cranked it.

There gave been good movies since, but it's getting a tiresome to see so many sequels promoted over original movies in the theaters.


It has been a gradual transition-ratio between good/bad, but I would say around mid 00s

I blame a lot of it to CGI not being used as a tool to tell a story but the main component.
