MovieChat Forums > Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (2024) Discussion > There is no "woke pandering" here....(SP...

There is no "woke pandering" here....(SPOILERS)

Believe me, I am with you....regarding how much overkill there has been when it comes to all the (cop shows in particular) showing a 110 lb woman throwing around several armed, trained men twice her size...with her never even sustaining a direct blow. the point of ridiculous, and certainly insulting. These days, film producers go out of their way to avoid making a white male the hero, and instead make a point of showing women and minorities in all the heroic roles. I'm fine with equal opportunity, representation....diversity, etc. But the pendullum has been slammed COMPLETELY the other way to the point that it looks ridiculous and obvious.

That disclaimer all having been said...that is not a problem or issue in Furiosa. In fact (much like in Fury Road)...Furiosa aligns with a very capable and heroic male figure. Much of her heroics and battles are done with the help of others...and she does not fight or throw people around (the way we see Queen Latifah do in The Equalizer). She is vulnerable, and sympathetic. I'm fine with her in this action role the same way I was fine with Sarah Connor...or Ripley in Aliens.

Having the same knee-jerk reaction (often by people who haven't even seen the movie yet) of whining that it's "too woke", simply because this particular arc in George Miller's world-building focuses on a female character...makes some of you sound like mouthbreathing cretins...and kinda dumb.

Wokeness has gotten way out of hand....but it doesn't apply here. If you cry wolf too often, people will begin to tune you out. Watch the movie first--it's pretty good, and it's part of a much bigger universe of world-building George Miller has in his head. Max will be back...but we don't want this franchise to turn into Rocky 4, Rocky 5, Rocky 6, we?


If your allergies are bothering you or you have a cold dont you breathe through your mouth?


If common sense is bothering you then get a lobotomy.


Nobody is accusing this movie of being woke.




One of the many easily understood definitions of woke is tossing a woman into the lead of a big action film and expecting everyone to embrace it wholly. higher percentage of fails than wins doing that. and that says plenty.


Same applies if you cast a 80 year old geezer as the lead of a big action film.


true true.
maybe if it was some comedic context of some old fart kicking butt for funniness that could work. but some things just dont work because lots of people are not interested.


Yeah Mel is no longer a box office draw and Max isn't big enough for a "one last time" nostalgia movie. Like Rocky is a gigantic series compared to Mad Max but Balboa only did decent box office relative to it's budget. If it was budgeted like modern Max movie it would have been a flop.

Possibly they could have pulled a James Bond with successive leads but the Max movies are too infrequent to run that endless adventure formula.


Ok, I'll watch it.


The first one was so heavy handed with feminism. It wasn't even about Max himself. This has none of that? "Female Empowerment"?


The first one was so heavy handed with feminism. It wasn't even about Max himself. This has none of that? "Female Empowerment"?

Nah. The closest to anything like that would be Furiosa having two female parents (Though the movie won't outright say they're in a lesbian relationship) and there's a female villain who, naturally, gets a very "soft" death.

That's really about it though. Furiosa is capable but not instantly flawless and at one point she's even mentored by a positively portrayed man and even has a brief relationship with him.

Any issues with this movie have little to nothing to do with the socio-political arguments of today.
