1. You can gain maximum laboratory access by acting like you belong there. 2. Everyone in Manilla speaks and understands English perfectly. 3. You can be shot multiple times and still get back on your motorcycle and ride like nothing happened. 4. Before a fake suicide set-up, you have to give a fake diagnosis on why the person can qualify. 5. You can take passport photos with your glasses on. 6. You can cut lamination perfectly out of the plane safety sheet, and reuse it. 7. You can tackle a wolf with your bare hands
88 (or whatever number we are up to). When in the street getting medication for your comatose, feverish, infected companion/lab rat and see cops coming, wait for him to wake up, get dressed and leave a message on the mirror before you yell at him to "RUN!!"
Wouldn't you yell at him to "wake up" first? When she left the room he was out to it. It seemed so convenient that he was dressed enough to have his boots on before having to jump out the window.
94 (just for the hell of it). When killing off your super-spy agents, choose different methods depending on their location. By no means wait for the remote wilderness guys to come in to report before giving them the little yellow pills that worked so effectively on your other city agents. Instead, send a drone with missiles, that might just alert them to the fact that they are being decommissioned, because you have to have them dead TODAY.
72 (just to fill in spaces). Always take 3 pistol clips/magazines for your gun when you are programmed/brain washed into killing everyone in your workplace. (or always have one scientist go nuts with a gun to clean up your failed programme rather than a gas leak.)
This didn't seem elegant, must like the missiles. The yellow pills were elegant and obviously a pre-planned contingency, which programmes like this would have had, so why wasn't the cleaning up of the scientists more thought out and elegant? What if he hadn't killed everyone before being stopped? What was their back-up plan for that?
61 (are you annoyed yet?). When on the run, keep looking up at security cameras so that the people chasing you can easily identify you on a small grainy screen, and keep close enough behind you to make the story more dramatic.
72.5) if you want to sneakily kill your agents, instead of giving them the poison in the same form of their previous pills, don't worry about it and just change the color and form into a cute "poison yellow" triangle.
2. I'm a Filipina. (Well, half-German but I do live in the Philippines.) Your language is being taught to us starting nursery level...or maybe even earlier. I wouldn't say all Filipinos speak or understand your language perfectly, but try to visit us! You'll be surprised to see how many Filipinos understand even more than they seem to speak! (Almost everyone does.) And you might be even more surprised when you meet the ones (and trust me there are lots of them) who even know more about correct English grammar than some Americans. (Unfortunately I don't happen to belong to the latter... ) By the way, I'm not from Manila. I'm from a different... a bit more backward province!
99. Please post a message on the top before starting a list that all the people getting offended on the English part in Manila needs to take the BLUE pill! I am sure it is for CHILL!
100. When studio needs money, they can mess up with any franchise.
99. Please post a message on the top before starting a list that all the people getting offended on the English part in Manila needs to take the BLUE pill! I am sure it is for CHILL!
Maybe they need to take a yellow triangle pill. ____ It is hard not to sound condescending when you are explaining things to an idiot!
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100. If you are a head of CIA program, and a virus and pills are a vital part of this program, please be sure you do not have their production and logistics under monitoring :)
101. and last: Avoid paying for a movie that tries to gain from the fame of a well known trilogy. It will be boring and uninspired. Download it from the Internet instead, fast forward the boring crap and be happy that you didn't pay a dime to the untalented idiots that were trying to con you and get your money for a pile of crap.
This thread is pretty old but i thought i'd make a correction. English is philiphine's second language if not the first for many of them, so yes, almost everyone there do speak English. I agree, this movie really sucks as well. I prefer the classic ones.
Halfway through a "100 things I learned from this film" - list, somebody always starts going backwards, as if he or she did not read the post before them. Subsequently this is the start of the decline of the actual list, and nobody cares anymore.
Your first points are pretty bad. It seems like you weren't paying attention.
!. the due did work there already. It wasn't his first day or something, 2. it isn't confirmed that they knew full but many countries except the US tries to encourage the learning of more than one language, mainly English, 3 the guy was like a super soldier he probably can suppress pain and he was weakened. I am not done but too lazy to talk about the other points.