It is both bizarre and hilarious that Christians get so upset at fictionalized movies like Da Vinci Code and Agora. I suppose part of it has to do with the notion of "Christian as Victim", which really hasnt been valid since the days of the Roman Coliseum. As an evolutionist, should I get as upset over a movie like Godzilla because it contravenes all "accepted" tenets of the theory of evolution? That would be ludicrous, of course, just as ludicrous as the sanctimonious attacks of the uber-Christians about these types of movies. Chill out -- it's a movie not a doctoral thesis or the "word of God."
Yeah im just wondering what Christian Hovel wrote this crap, or which christian church paid money for this garbage, wont be long until the "Church" say they find a paper from god and we gotto get down on our knees and suck it or be sent to hell.
What are you talking about? Christian hovel wrote what? The OP was against the Christian viewpoint for the most part. Wrote the movie? That also, was mostly anti-Christian?
It doesn't even fit the historical narrative at all. That is why I don't like the movie. As someone who identifies as a Christian, I can say I wouldn't mind a movie showing many of them in a bad light. So long as it was accurate, like some of the things that happened in the crusades. But this movie? This is all trumped up, and blatantly forces in its own version of history to Alexandria.
Criticize me if you like, but I am a stickler for history, and historical accuracy.
This movie is more historically correct than the bible for starters. There are two sources stating Hypatia was murdered by an angry mob. A neutral source and a Christian source. Fact is there was a huge power struggle in Alexandrie with the Romans loosing their grip due to them converting to Christianism, between the Jews and Christians and Others (I don't like the negative conotation of Pagans). Hypatia was a a tool in a filthy political game played mostly by the Christian leader Cyril. She was a scape goat and a very easy one at that, woman, unmarried and intelligent. I don't think the Christians are worse than others in this movie, for once they are placed on the same level and not on a pedestal. Alle ZEALOTS commit crimes of any religion, that is the point here. It is the moderate and normal people that suffer. There where clearly good Christians, as there where good Jews and Pagans, it is not the religion that defines that. But religion is used as a power tool and that is why it is often in my opinion a true poison for the people. Jezus would and will shudder in horror about everything that has been done in his name. Didn't you see the discussion between Davus and Ammonius? Davus doubts their actions and thinks Jezus would have forgiven, the zealot Ammonius doesn't even see the Jews they just killed as people, just because their jews. Also big sins like killing someone are universal and punished in all religions. It is not just the Christians that know the difference between good and evil. Christians should see themsemves as part of the world, not as above it, and also they should learn to self-critizise, very handy to stay on the straight and narrow. This movie is a good first step.
"This movie is more historically correct than the bible for starters."
How can you know that?
"I don't think the Christians are worse than others in this movie."
Except for a slave girl who had no lines, there were no sympathetic Christian character in the whole movie.
"For once they are placed on the same level and not on a pedestal."
Huh? When exactly do you mean that Christians are put on a pedestal?
"Christians should see themsemves as part of the world, not as above it."
And you think that Christians don't see themselves as a part of the world because...?
I remember a story about a Christian woman from the US, who had to spend a night in jail.
She had simply refused to sign her name on a same-sex marriage certificate.
Yeah, her "crime" was technically labelled as a case of "court defiance".
But even so, she was in fact punished for not wanting to violate her religious principles.
Business owners have been sued for politely saying no to endorsing same-sex marriages and related issues.
So yeah, it is true that Christians aren't thrown to the lions like they were in Ancient Rome.
But I don't agree that they haven't been persecuted in the modern USA.