MovieChat Forums > Prey (2022) Discussion > Dan Trachtenberg To Direct New Standalon...

Dan Trachtenberg To Direct New Standalone Predator Movie ‘Badlands’

Variety states it will be set in the future

A new standalone “Predator” movie is in the works at 20th Century Studios, with filmmaker Dan Trachtenberg set to direct.

Plot details for “Badlands,” which will be set in the future, are currently under wraps, but the film will begin production this year.


He is making two Predator movies? Prey 2 and Badlands? It's odd.


Maybe BADLANDS will star Arnold and Danny


From the article Prey 2 has the same actor to reprise the same role. It's odd they prioritise Badlands, not Prey 2.

Maybe it's a clue: Prey 2 will set decade(s) later from the first one.


If it's more feminist crap I couldn't care less and I hope it bombs.

I'm completely over female leads in action hero roles. There is no believability; the best that these movies can do is basically attempt to get you to roll your eyes as little as possible, but most can't manage that.

After Naru managed to out-muscle a Predator by ripping out his mandible with her bare hands and drag him into the quicksand, I'm guessing they can only top that by having her rip off the balls of a Predator with her bare hands and then stuff them into his mouth before saying "choke on these!" because there's no where else for them to go with such a horribly written character.



In fact the only Predator film we need is a sequel to the highly underrated Predators, whose ending is begging for a follow-up.


I would be down for that, for sure.


Lol we know you only want male action heroes. What's funny is how you will excuse a male action hero doing physically impossible things but if a woman hero does that same thing it's unacceptable.


Because most of the stuff male action heroes do can be done in real life. Everything that female action heroes do is pure fantasy.


No not true. If we are going of realistic stuff most action heroes would not exist period. Notice how if a male hero does something unrealistic you let it slide? If a female action hero does something unrealistic you moan and groan at everything which happens. It's okay though we see how inconsistent you are. Explain how Pfeiffer's Catwoman survived 4 consecutive gunshots. That's not realistic yet you say nothing. By this measurement Kravitz Catwoman is more realistic. I guarantee if Kravitz Catwoman survived 4 consecutive gunshots you would be complaining until the cows came home.

Lots of film is pure fantasy. What matters is good writing and film making. Kill bill, mad max fury road, Aliens and many other films with a female action heroin are considered great films.


A lot of films are pure fantasy, but most films with female action leads have horrible writing, which makes them even worse.




Yep notice you can't refute a point. Pfeiffer's Catwoman survived 4 consecutive gunshots. Is that realistic? Make Kravitz Catwoman survive that would you be looking past it? No you would be bitching about it. So as it stands Kravitz Catwoman. Is more realistic than Pfeiffer's. Choke on that.


Yes, because Batman: Returns was a fantasy, Gothic-super hero film. Note the "fantasy" part of the description.


And so is Prey. No predator creature exists in real life lol.


Can you be so sure?
Consider the many people who disappeared without a trace. 👻☺​



Cute but you know that I was referring to. The creature which is in predator doesn't exist.


Zoinks, my incel radar just exploded!


[–] bozo_500 (11947) 2 months ago

Maybe BADLANDS will star Arnold and Danny"

SOLD!! Here's a little known fact: Arnold was initially offered a cameo in PREDATOR 2 where he'd be the one at the end telling Glover to get to the Choppa, but the Studio and Arnold couldn't agree on the $$$$$. Arnold wanted $250K to do it since it was only 10 seconds and the studio felt the $$$$ would've been better spent elsewhere and the rest they say is History.. How bout that??


Would've been fascinating to see a Pred flick directed by Michelle Trachtenberg


Prey might be my favourite Predator movie of all, so I'm cautiously exited about both Prey 2 and Badlands.


Prey might be my favourite Predator movie of all




╭∩╮( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)╭∩╮


I enjoyed PREY as a standalone PREDATOR movie that answers the Question of the gun the Elder PREDATOR tossed Danny Glover at the end of PREDATOR 2 and I enjoyed how this kid had to outsmart the PREDATOR, but that's it.. Not sure where you go with a sequel?? I feel it's one and done
