Arnold in P2?

Even though it wouldn’t have made sense considering this takes place in the 1700s, was there a thought of finding a way to give some cameo to either Arnold Schwarzenneger or Danny Glover from the first two ‘Predator’ films?

Trachtenberg: I don’t know how to do things, but I’m learning how to do things. I did learn there was an attempt to have Arnold in ‘Predators’ (2010). All I’ll say is — there’s still time for those guys. They’re still around, and wouldn’t that be awesome?

Arnold was also approached to cameo in 2018s The Predator but declined as he expected the whole movie should've centred around his character a'la Top Gun Maverick


Rumor has it that Dan Trachtenberg is planning for this Sequel to Prey, the sequel to films 1 and 2 in one film. So far the project already has the green light and Dan has already approved the budget. Next is to reach an economic agreement with actors Arnold and Danny. According to rumor they won't be the protagonists but if the key pieces for this new fight against the Yautjas...


Well, as we've discussed before, legacy/nostalgia casting is all the rage at the moment, so it's no surprise to me that they'd try for this.


Arnold was supposed to be in PREDATOR 2 as a cameo with him landing at the end of the movie in the Chopper telling Danny Glover "Come with me if you want to live" however, Arnold's price tag at the time was $250K and the Director said No and stuck with Danny Glover, or something to that extent


Having Arnold in PREY just never would've worked and made any sense.. I'm happy Arnold turned down a role in The PREDATOR cause that has to go down as the worst PREDATOR movie ever at this point


I heard that Arnold was supposed to have Lawrence Fishburne’s role in the 2010 movie
