Michelle a monster?

We get to see the movie through Michelle's eyes and therefore automatically assume she's the hero...but some her manipulations seem to suggest borderline personality disorders.

Howard brings her food which she spurns, tells her he saved her life--which she disbelieves--and then immediately endangers herself and Howard's lives by starting a fire in an underground bunker.

She then sharpens a stake intending to spear Howard ala Vampire Diaries as he attempts to investigate (and to presumably save Michelle, again).

She sociopathically drives Howard to anger by deliberately pushing buttons at the dinner table, toys with Emmett's emotions by falsely coming on to him, and then conspiratorially gets Emmett to perform most of the dangerous work for their escape plan (stealing kitchen implements under Howard's wrathful eye, getting Howard to dispose of the shower curtain, distracting Howard while she made the Hazmat suit, and volunteering to singlehandedly subdue Howard and relieve him of his gun).

Even when the suit was done they knew only one was getting out. So of course, old Emmett volunteers to stay behind...with what would be a supremely pissed-off Howard.

(Makes one wonder if she subconsciously set-up Emmett up to be that "hero" with her carefully emoted story about "freezing under pressure," which precipitates Emmett's rushed confession to Howard and gets him killed? Naughty girl!)

She lies, manipulates, steals, gives Howard a 10-point faceplant in an acid bath, and her only act of kindness is to stitch up Howard's cut--which she in fact, caused.

She then locks Howard in a burning bunker and watches it explode--after killing an organic spaceship with some strategically lobbed firewater to its kisser.

Who knows what havoc she will wreak when she reaches Houston?


She's a survivor.


she's a killer.


I think you summarized her thoroughly, but characterized her incorrectly.

She is indeed a survivor.


No, she is a monster. Based on your logic and lack of humanity, Adolf Hitler was also a survivor.


Godwin law reached in only 4 messages !


That's a new record


there is no such law, fedora wearing sjw neckbeard living with his mom


I seem to remember something about ad hominem, though.

This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.


Everyone you disagree with is a social justice warrior, huh? That phrase gets thrown around so much it means nothing and everything.


you gotta do some bad stuff to survive



And unpleasant circumstances brought them together.
Think of "THE WALKING DEAD" series. The "heroes" of the story did a lot of immoral and horrible things to other surviving humans that also did a lot of immoral & horrible things.

However, since there are no real "Policemen" (Rick doesn't really count since he no longer has bosses or a paycheck) around any more to enforce "Laws" (no society, no laws). The clumps of human survivors are obviously enforcing "Group Laws" of which the punishments vary, but the usual punishment for "Group Law Violation" is death.

Morality, as an absolute & relative concept, does still exist in a world filled with monsters and the reanimated undead... but SURVIVAL exceeds all "Group Rules" of conduct. No Group or No Life and morality itself is pointless. And in the case of "THE WALKING DEAD" Earth, uncautious morality is usually a certain ticket to ride the rails of a painful death.

I would suspect that all 3 people are simply monsters who let their families and loved ones die horribly so they could personally "escape" the monsters. After that, all that is left is fighting over the best shelters and food supplies under the vain hope that the monsters might eventually go away or be killed by humans more organized and militarized than themselves.


She is a cold-blooded manipulative sociopath killer; in her world everybody dies--including her deadbeat boyfriend.

The alien from space was a survivor too...until it tangled with ice queen Michelle.

And now she's set her sights on Houston.

God help us.


If/when she gets to Houston, she'll likely continue doing what it takes to... survive.


You must be joking.


"She is a cold-blooded manipulative sociopath..."

Duh. Which women aren't?

I bet if you dig deep enough, you'll find some of those same behaviors in Mother Theresa.

It's who they are.
It's WHAT they are.
They cannot help it, being evil succubi and all.

Like Borat said, they must be kept in cages. I mean, we can't eradicate them. At least, I don't think we can. We need them for a small but important handful of things. So for a few hours at least, they should be taken out of their cages every day. There's cleaning and cooking to do, after all.

But when you treat them as equals, they plot, subvert, conspire, manipulate, and deceive.

IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF THAT ORIGINAL TROLLOP!!! Thanks Eve, you foul wench!


Speaking of which, fetch me another beer, you tart! Or, you'll get the hose again.


Lol. I hope you are joking.......

"When Life Gives You Lemons"

Ezra: write a book about the lemons


I'm pretty sure that particular poster was joking, but there are sure a lot of other woman haters in this thread! I try to keep my perspective (even after being stalked and assaulted several years ago), but it seems that a lot of men have a deep-seated hatred of women bubbling under their shiny surfaces. I had no idea just how many men had been rejected or scoffed at by women, but it appears to be quite many. Either that or their mommies hurt or disappointed them. No other way to explain it, really. It would be sad if it weren't so revolting.


I had no idea just how many men had been rejected or scoffed at by women, but it appears to be quite many.

Yes, all men are butthurt and angry because we have had our advances turned down by women.

We are all losers because of this rejection. Low SMV betas.

We should all be thrown into the fire because we are worthless to any woman.

Men are all buttcakes and should be shot at the instance of rejection by any woman.


It's you guys who talk about "SMV" that get so hung up on being rejected. If you functioned normally, you'd get back up and try again with someone else but instead you group together and circle jerk these ridiculous ideas about alphas, betas, cucks and SMV. The poster you replied to never even implied any of what you said; it's just what you red pill guys tell each other that women think (as though they're some kind of hive mind). I'm gay and I feel like I have more experience with women than you guys.


When Life Gives You Lemons.

Me: Throw Lemons.


She's probably even a feminist and she doesn't even know how to cook!

*beep* women! Amirite?


She is a female, so any of the terrible things she does will of course be written off as her being a Survivor/Badass.


So are you honestly telling me that if you woke chained in a basement your first instinct would be to trust the person who locked you away?


If you rescued someone in your bunker would you trust this stranger who could wake up one night when you are sleeping and kill all of you or would you take a little precaution like a pair of handcuffs on her leg until you get to know and trust each other?

For all Howard knew, he could have brought the Zodiac killer into his bunker.


Howard is the zodiac killer, like litterally, not Michelle... have you seen the movie ?


Yes. And why do we label any character who exudes hate and a penchant for violence a "badass" rather than a psychopath? Why do we immediately title men (and apparently sexless aliens) "killers" and "perverts" when the real killer--Michelle--is somehow a "survivor" and a "badass"?


A "survivor" would have waited out the attack in the bunker peacefully with any other survivors and made best of the situation as possible. She got people killed. She killed others. That isn't badass. It's a monster.


You're assuming that they could keep the peace with Howard for a year or two. The guy was clearly off the wall insane and they'd be walking on egg shells.


In the beginning of the movie, Howard's breathing is heard at the gas station. He didn't accidently run Michelle off the road. He was looking for a replacement for Brittany, whom he killed.

Knowing the above, he never saved her life. In fact, be tells her that he's "keeping" her alive, like she's a fish or something. Every single thing Michelle did was deserved and completely justified.


I totally agree! The moment Howard killed of Emmit, he shove himself and tried too look better for her! The guy was a prepper, he tought about what he needed in a sealed bunker and life there for years. She was just there for his needs!



It's not perfect and he misspelled several words but those mistakes are so obvious and one could guess accurately about what he was getting at. Or are you not as intelligent as you think you are?


What he wrote translates to "You are silly with no manners. Which cave did you crawl out of? Get a life."

I bet you get it now. Then again, this is the internetS.


I agree. To me it seemed like Howard was more than a little bent, probably a serial abductor/rapist and killer. Which made his hidden bunker useful for more than just surviving an invasion. He has a handy barrel full of acid he knows (from experience?) will dissolve human flesh, leaving only bones to dispose of which begs the question, how many times has he replaced his "daughter" with a victim. Maybe he didn't rape them but eventually he'd dispose of them or put up enough of a fight he'd have to kill them like the one who scratched "help" into the window. Then he'd find a replacement. I'm not sure Emmett was in on that with him or if he only helped him build the bunker, not knowing what else it would be used for.

He has the victims dress in his "daughter's" clothes, watch her favorite shows on the tv, and the bunker is about as soundproof as can be. Even cars and spaceships overhead only caused slight noise and some vibration.


It doesn't take actual experience of dumping bodies in sulfuric acid to give a good guess at what it would do.


It was not sulfuric acid. It was something far more potent.


Given the situation Howard was right in that action. You are all locked in a bunker during the apocalypse. You find out that someone has been stealing supplies in secret and when confronted he flat out admits that he was building a weapon to disarm you and take the girl for himself.

He flat out admits he is an armed threat that wants to dispose of you and take your surrogate daughter. Shooting him was self defence. It's not like Howard could have called the police or had a cell to put him in. It was grim but the right decision.


Emmitt is a psychopath. He lies constantly, if you notice, particularly about how he injured his arm.

He builds a bond with Michelle, then manipulates her, plays off of her highly-functioning Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) carefully, gaslights her into greatly distrusting Howard and is the one who has her plot to grab his gun, to give to Emmitt.

At the end of his life, he tries to play on Howard's sensibilities and generosity, but Howard saw threw him and executed him. The statement by Howard that "now we can do what we want" was probably misinterpretated by both the audience and Michelle, because Howard seems to have a mild-to-moderate form of Aspergers Syndrome and may, at times, say inappropriate things with good intentions, unknowingly.

I think that, without Howard's knowledge, Emmitt had raped and killed a girl in the basement and maybe given her the earrings. Michelle, being way too under his spell, believes him wholeheartedly without question or suspicion, a clear sign of gaslighting.

It was always Emmitt's intention to turn Michelle against Howard, and he did so quite expertly and thoroughly.


I like your theory, but if Emmett really did murder the girl in the photo, why would Howard claim that she was his daughter?

Unless Emmett murdered Howard's daughter in his own bunker..


Yeah exactly. If Emmett had killed the daughter then he would have already been in the vat of acid as (to the audiences knowledge), the only people to have been in the bunker before Michelle arrived would have been the "fake" daughter (as real daughter was long gone), Emmett and Howard! :/

"When Life Gives You Lemons"

Ezra: write a book about the lemons


I would connect him more with being a Sociopath than a Psychopath, as manipulation is a key symptom of Sociopaths, not so much for Psychopaths.


You actually got that backwards. Psychopaths are the manipulative ones, not sociopaths. Sociopaths are too prone to emotional outbursts and agitation to truly be manipulative. Psychopaths on the other hand, are the ones who are less emotional and unable to empathize with others emotions, allowing themselves to more easily manipulate others.

Technically, however, they are just two parts of the spectrum of people who suffer from antisocial personality disorder.




Okay, I agree somewhat that Howard did abduct Michelle against her will by running her off the road...but he seemed to have done it for her benefit, as she probably would have perished in a choking dust cloud or be eaten by an alien dog had she just driven off into the night. As it was, he preserved her life--yes, against her wishes--and even kept her alive after her car accident with necessary medication and food. Couldn't she be at least a little grateful? As the days wore on and she kind of accepted her position inside the bunker--which, we found out, was justified as it was deadly outside--she seemed to be adjusting a little, even enjoying some of the days.

Then she turned deadly.

Well, she was always destructive from the beginning. Driving with a bottle of vodka in the car? Setting an enclosed space on fire and endangering not only herself but two other souls? With Emmet's help she probably could have subdued Howard without resorting to slashing his face, burning him, or pushing him into an acid puddle. He has to sleep some time, doesn't he? Instead she resorted to lethal violence. And it got everybody killed.


I'm curious how you believe you would react/act if you were in her shoes...


I'm curious how you believe you would react/act if you were in her shoes...

Rational, lol can females be that way?

Anyway, if I woke up with an iv in my arm, I would've assumed okay, someone's looking to heal me instead of do more harm immediately atleast, I'd still be curious, but not in dire panick. I'd look around, room as clean, the door was a problem, then see I'm chained, that would've sparked alarms.

When he entered with a plate of food, gave me some crutches and a key to unlocked my leg, I would've calmly asked questions. I would've inquiring, looked at my surroundings, as he would've eventually let me out to shower, then question howard. I would've co-operated, and def. not make myself a problem. I would've made a weapon for myself, kept it in my pillow. A shiv.

You can't expect a girl to think so rational though, because she has a vagina and omg! guys wanna put their penis in me. "What are you gonna do to me?"


Michelle is a sociopath and probably the most vile of the three people.


She does what she has to in order to survive being held prisoner in an underground bunker by an armed and dangerous, semi-crazy murderer and liar.

Howard brings her food which she spurns, tells her he saved her life--which she disbelieves--and then immediately endangers herself and Howard's lives by starting a fire in an underground bunker.

Howard locks her in a room with a steel door, handcuffs her to a pipe and initially doesn't say much more than "I'm keeping you alive".

She sets a fire because she has few other options and doesn't know she's in an airtight underground bunker.

She disbelieves his story because he's telling her that the day she got in a mysterious bad accident is coincidentally the same day the apocalypse happened.


Does that include letting Emmit white knight and take the blame and get his head blown off?

Or their plan, leaving him behind to get his head blown off?

If this script was the other way round roles reversed Emma(Emmit) would not die and the hero would come back to save Emma.

I couldn't see a script where the woman would make excuse to save the man and then get her head blown off for the man to escape.

Unless the male is a serious alpha (The Rock or somebody of that ilk) they are disposable items. Its either Alpha, Beta or creepy weirdo.
