Is It Just Me? John Carpenter Clone
If yer old enough to remember... this thing is a dead ringer for old John Carpenter movies (minus Adrienne and the swamp monsters.)
Same synth score. Same 'movie of the week' acting. A LOT of the shots and even the colour grading looks like something he'd do.
I think the critics that like this so much either:
a) watched too many of his movies on HBO as kids
b) have a sweet spot for -anything- 'Texas' and 'Noire'.
It's OK, but just not that great. Trying to hard to make 80's 'chic' again. It was never chic, trust me.
Michael C. Hall is a great actor but I can't quite get past Dexter (yet). Mainly because he's still bulked up. If he was as skinny as Six Feet Under it woulda gone better with the mullet.