MovieChat Forums > W. (2008) Discussion > Thandie Newton was awful.

Thandie Newton was awful.

I have never seen a movie where I was so aware of one of the actors actually acting. Everytime she spoke it brought me out of the whole movie. It has to be one of the worst pieces of acting in a long time. Why Oliver Stone didn't recast is beyond me. Perhaps due to the rushed shooting schedule. Everyone else did a fine job especially Brolin and Cromwell. Did anyone else cringe at Newton's performance? I'm glad her screen time, and even better her dialogue, were very limited.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. Yes, she was awful and, what's worse, seemed to be on a completely different page from the other actors who played their parts believably. Why she decided to portray Rice as an SNL-type character (and why Stone allowed her to) is beyond me.


I agree the first part of the movie she did not say much just pulled faces which made her look like she had a disability.

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and for the same reason."



before i saw this movie i came on the board just to se some reviews just out of curiosity and was a bit confused as to why she was getting criticised.............until a hour and a half into the film whens shes reading the newspaper it isnt so much her acting as shes a good actress its that annoying voice its the worst accent i have ever heard


I could not stop laughing everytime Thandie Newton opened her mouth. It's too bad she didn't have more lines in this movie because she was the best part about this. Yes she was absolutely horrendous in this movie but it had to be intentional because there's no way anyone could watch her performance and not start cracking up or wondering what the hell she's trying to do. I remember there was an older thread about Newton's acting and someone said she was channeling Urkel from the show Family Matters. I watched some youtube videos and it's true. She does sound like Urkel with that ridiculous nasal voice and her head wagging just adds to the hilarity!



Yeah - bad - and IMDB puts up as it's front page user review someone who says it was a fantastically good performance!


hahaahaha, THANK YOU. i came on this website specifically to rip on this laughable performance. and just when almost everybody else in the movie were excellent. its RIDICULOUSLY bad...and im shocked to be honest. i frankly love it that this is the first comment i see on here, when its exactly what also threw me right out of the movie. she sounds like a nerd from some wacky 80s comedy - how wasnt this nominated for a razzie or something??

EDIT: i just read some of the comments on here...about two pages or so. i am literally dying laughing, seeing how many people felt the exact same things i did about it, and how MANY also just came on here to comment on it, just like i did. it just re-confirms how hideously bad this performance really was. great stuff.


I think it is unfair to blame Thandie Newton. She is a fine actress. In my view the problem lies in the script and direction - this character is given nothing to say, so she appears to play no role in the deliberations, and the director fills in that gap by putting the camera on her only to make grimaces. Perhaps Ms. Newton should have considered that before taking the role. We all know that Ms. Rice had a much more substantial role than is suggested in this film, and she is a far more powerful personality than is portrayed. This film makes her look like a piece of furniture in the Oval Office.


No matter how bad she may have acted (didn't see the movie), my objection is having someone so beautiful as Thandi play someone as UGLY as Rice. Stone should hire a chimp, it would be more accurate!

Cute and cuddly boyz!!


She was really bad. Every time she talked I thought I was watching Saturday Night Live.


It was a joke of a performance and I think Newton is a great actress. I don't know what she was thinking. Look, I know Stone is a liberal wacko that wanted to cast these characters in a bad light (some more than others) but he could have done that with Rice without it looking like a bad elementary school performance.

Also, it's ironic that Stone wanted to shed Powell in a positive light when, to this day, he still defends the decision to go into Iraq. I mean even many Republicans/conservatives now admit it was a mistake, but he still can't admit the truth...yet Stone tries to act like he's the hero here??

Come on...

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