the reviewers hate it..

but the public seems to like it.


Dave Nemetz of TVLine panned the series, calling it "punishingly grim and hopelessly boneheaded."

Generally if a pro critic likes something it means it is boring and if they are calling it "boneheaded" or similar than it will probably be very entertaining.


I've breezed through it in two days and let me tell you I had low expectations after I turned off Without Remorse five minutes in. This show is bonkers good. Seriously. It's entertaining as hell.


Thanks, I haven''t seen it yet but will do so. It seems a little like the recent "Reacher" Tv series, just good old fashioned fun. No bullshit and hopefully no Woke preaching.


I’m enjoying it but even I had seen the critical reviews I would ignore them. Seriously, one blokes opinion wouldn’t put me off watching something I liked the look of.


thanks. i might give it a look.
