MovieChat Forums > Zeitgeist (2007) Discussion > The rating of this movie makes me sad.

The rating of this movie makes me sad.

How can a movie that has been universially panned by critics, picked to pieces by serious scientists, a movie with doubtious facts, many wich are proven wrong or altered to fit with its theories have a score of 8,6 on Imdb?

Really, this films factual accuracy is so bad it's more than a little painful.

I can understand why somebody could be decieved by the partial truth this movie ocationally offers, but come on people!

Well, I guess when people think they've discovered a lie, they turn into stubborn, ignorant fools. I just wish you could take off your conspiracy glasses for a second and see this movie for what it is, a movie covered in *beep* no more a documentary than the Da Vinci Code.



The overall voice in the film is that of truth. A lot of the information shared is actually very interesting. This film is not going to change the world so I don't understand why the original poster is upset over the 8+ rating.

I think it's one of the most gutsy "films" ever made. There is more truth in it than lies. In certain areas, it never quite tries to be abrasive and fill you with answers but it really helps you by bringing forward questions one never thought to ask.

Is there something wrong with being curious about the way things work in this country?

"There. There."


Listen , you're living in disguise
The only people who won't get shocked by this movie would be the people actually involved in the U.S Massacre
I don't know why didn't you like it , but I after having watched the movie , kind of suspect you .
And yeah that's what the movie's all about , See What They Don't Wanna Let You See


How can a movie that has been universially panned by critics, picked to pieces by serious scientists, a movie with doubtious facts, many wich are proven wrong or altered to fit with its theories have a score of 8,6 on Imdb?

It's very simple, actually. The IMDb rating is not - and is not supposed to be - an assessment of a movie's factual accuracy, it's an assessment of the movie as a whole.

This film has got its own style (which has been highly influential, by the way). It's got rhythm. It's got emotional impact. It's interesting. It's thought provoking.

In other words, it's a good movie, even though some of its claims are far-fetched (although I personally don't think it's as full of B.S. as you suggest).


But 9/11 WAS an inside job.


Any movie that upsets people so much and makes them so angry is a good movie so the rating system apparently works.

Everyone gets everything he wants.


