MovieChat Forums > Zeitgeist (2007) Discussion > The rating of this movie makes me sad.

The rating of this movie makes me sad.

How can a movie that has been universially panned by critics, picked to pieces by serious scientists, a movie with doubtious facts, many wich are proven wrong or altered to fit with its theories have a score of 8,6 on Imdb?

Really, this films factual accuracy is so bad it's more than a little painful.

I can understand why somebody could be decieved by the partial truth this movie ocationally offers, but come on people!

Well, I guess when people think they've discovered a lie, they turn into stubborn, ignorant fools. I just wish you could take off your conspiracy glasses for a second and see this movie for what it is, a movie covered in *beep* no more a documentary than the Da Vinci Code.



God doesn't exist, sorry, but that's what I think...

Oh and the movie is great, even if it is a little you deal with it.




You do know that this movie has been debunked into detail, and that 90% of the so called "facts" and "proofs" of this movie hold no water?

Some of the claims are made up, some of them are half truths and some are downright lies! For a movie that claims to be a documentary, that is just indefensible, and that's why you can't defend this movies score either.

It's sick how some people can't comprehend how someone can believe in something as far fetched as the bible, but they follow the claims of a documentary blindly, without ever checking it's sources or do a bit of follow-up reseach. In that matter, Zeitgeist is a religon by itself, and peole who follow it are every bit, or worse, than christians, muslims, and the likes.

Oh, and just for the record, I'm an atheist, so please don't jump to conclutions.


I'd like to check your sources and do a bit of follow-up research... Where did you get that "90%" statistic of misinformation. What "facts" and "proofs" in the film are false? I am not slamming you, I just want evidence from both sides. I don't like just taking anyone's word for anything.

"Big Gulps, huh? Alright. Well... See ya later!"


What was you're opinion of the film? Just curious.


"I don't like just taking anyone's word for anything."

dude... you believe a so-called documentary - you do take one's word for anything :)

as far as i can't comment any info about WTC and the last part (cause who really knows anything about it?), the part about religions is partially based on a conspiracy-babble of a woman known as Acharya S. someone asked her directly 'why her theories have no support in facts' and she answered something about top secret religious mysteries given to her by Alistair Crowley, and they are not in written form because christians have burned them centuries ago yada yada yada yada, basically: insane stuff... but it's enough to sell few books.
still, you should be far away from believing zeitgeist's version and not too close to believe the most popular (it's all a fairy tale, in a way).

apart from that, there are factual mistakes. for example: Horus and Set.
Set was originally the god of desert and thunders, not the god of night (yet, he generally was 'the evil one'). he's only called the god of night by the believers from the temple of set (kind of satanic cult offspring).
Horus, at first, was the god of sky. he became the god of sun later (only in a way because Egyptians used to differ particular phases of the sun, for example: Ra was the god of sun in zenith).

check anywhere you want about any of the figures put in comparison to big J. mythology, history books, even wikipedia (but we all know it's not THAT reliable). you just won't find any information about most of those conspiracy resemblances (for example, Mithra: was never crucified, was born of a stone as a grown man... yeah, i know... had 2 followers/disciples, no resurrection to speak of). yeah - for a conspiracy pseudo-documentary it has an incredibly high score... 8.6... wow... they must be proud... sloppy research...

____________________________________ can't take the sky from me...


the part about religions is partially based on a conspiracy-babble of a woman known as Acharya S. someone asked her directly 'why her theories have no support in facts' and she answered something about top secret religious mysteries given to her by Alistair Crowley, and they are not in written form because christians have burned them centuries ago yada yada yada yada, basically: insane stuff... but it's enough to sell few books.

You sir, are wrong.

Acharya's source about mystery religions is not Alistair Crowley but the simple fact that mystery religions of all flavors was popular at time. I dare you produce the evdience to the support the claim you just made. You obviously got your information from some type of propaganda site or someone who in turn got it from a propaganda site as these type of people like to play the "negative association of persons" game where people like Crowley has huge points for negative associations.

If you actually read anything by her, or even seen some of her videos, she says point blank she draws her attention to various mystery schools because the ancients talk about the mysteries all the time. Crowley has nothing to do with it.

Now for the burning of books, exactly what do you call the library of Alexandria then? Book burning was common back then. Even some of the church fathers talked about burning "works of satan." Why is it insane if more detailed information got destroyed?

Your facts are misguided at best.

apart from that, there are factual mistakes. for example: Horus and Set.
Set was originally the god of desert and thunders

Set was not originally the god of the desert and thunders. If you notice, the Wikipedia article (which I'm pretty sure you got your info from - either that or some other amateurish website which is basing it's info on the same type of hersay) doesn't site a source for its claim. Why is that? It's because it's bogus.

Set does not have any official set "origin." His origins go back into prehistory. We do not know what he "originally" was. Our first record of Set is located in artifacts of Nagada (North of Thebes) currrently dated to about 4000 BC (pre history). In these artifacts he plays his traditional role of fighting with Horus. Even in 4000 BC, the conflict between set and Horus (as depicted in the movie) is already established. What you are repeating is internet non sense by people that don't know Egyptian mythology or history.

Let me quote Oxford.

...the caption close to one boxer in each pair proclaims, "Horus has previaled in truth!", suggesting that this man is taking the part of the god Horus (with whom the living king was identified) in a re-enactment of the battle between the forces of good and evil personified respectively by Horus and his brother Seth.

That quote comes from this book: f=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1268706979&sr=8-1

I own this book and have extremely detailed notes on it. (as you will see if you read threads posted by me here) This book is an authoritative work on Egypt published by 15 peer reviewed doctorates in Egyptology.

You cannot brush their words of as conspiracy with your childish logic like you're doing with Zeitgeist.

As you can see the association of Horus and Set's epic dual is so strong that it serves as a archetypal reenactment for common events to the Egyptian (which is a big deal).

Seth's primary role is to be antithetical to Horus as far back as we can tell. The reason is that Set is ultimately the personification of disorder (sometimes called chaos). This means that set's role is given to anything that is perceived as causing disorder to the order of the universe to the Egyptians. This includes storms, the desert, Asiatic and others. The point however is that those are only minor functions and associations of Set. Zeitgeist got his primary function right. Your "factual error" is wrong, and even if it was right, it's silly and childish nitpicking. Zeitgeist established it's point and it's point is accurate.

Do I need to go into more evidence and detail about our earliest sources of Set?

Do I even need to explain how wrong you are with Horus? This is only the beginning.


"Why is it insane if more detailed information got destroyed?"
it's insane on the logical point of view. if there would be facts strong enough to support the theory, then everyone would know about it. also, you suggest that the 'more detailed information' actually did exist in the past.
as to alistair crowley - that's not the point, if he did or he didn't... does it make it any less bs to you? it's pseudoscience revolving around (oc)cult, new age indoctrination stuff. and don't tell me that you don't see this - you seem far too intelligent.

"Set was not originally the god of the desert and thunders."

"At all periods, Seth was associated with dangerous aspects of the desert such as flashfloods and sandstorms".
- "Egyptian mythology: a guide to the gods, goddesses, and traditions of ancient Egypt" Geraldine Pinch... also printed by Oxford. there's also a similar quotation in "Gods of the Egyptians" by Sir E. A. Wallis Budge (i'd give you an actual quote but i've misplaced the book somewhere).
Thunders - ok, i could have said 'sandstorms' but it's the same in my language, translation error.

"Let me quote Oxford." (and after)
as a reply to the quotation - right, and where did i say that it's the other way?

"Do I even need to explain how wrong you are with Horus? This is only the beginning."
by the manner of you're writing you most likely love to masturbate your ego. it is a shame, because you're obviously into the subject. i'd prefer you being informative rather than self-absorbed and insulting, if you wish to explain.
(sorry for my rude attitude, but you've started it, dude. you don't have to reply, if you actually do think that i am 'childish', 'nitpicking', 'evidence producing' and/or 'silly'... you really do act like a twat, you know that?)

____________________________________ can't take the sky from me...


it's insane on the logical point of view. if there would be facts strong enough to support the theory, then everyone would know about it. also, you suggest that the 'more detailed information' actually did exist in the past.

There are facts to support the theory. The facts are simply limited due to how history works. It’s not reasonable for you to expect to have precise records of everything that happened in history. More or less every point that people like Acharya S makes. Some things you are simply going to have to make the connection yourself. Many works in history have in fact been lost. The logical person would accept this. To demand exact, precise, evidence of all speculating in history is what’s not logical. History is not done this way. History is done with plausibility and probability.

as to alistair crowley - that's not the point, if he did or he didn't... does it make it any less bs to you? it's pseudoscience revolving around (oc)cult, new age indoctrination stuff. and don't tell me that you don't see this - you seem far too intelligent.

I think that’s simply what you associated it with. You have outright dismissed any facts or information presented in the case because you conceive of it as new age occult rhetoric. This is called prejudice.

"At all periods, Seth was associated with dangerous aspects of the desert such as flashfloods and sandstorms".

Your quote is out of context. Let me refine it for you.

The cult of Seth seems to have originated in Upper Egypt, though he was later identified with foreign gods worshipped in the eastern Delta. In the Early Dynastic Period, Seth, Lord of Ombos, was the chief god of the eastern desert and its right gold minds. In the western desert he remained the Lord of the Oases and their vineyards into the Greco-Roman period. At all periods, Seth was associated with dangerous aspects of the desert such as flash floods and sandstorms.

If you look at my imdb history, I have used Pinch’s book to support my arguments numerous times. So let’s not play these games.

Here’s why you’re wrong.

In the section you quoted from, the first thing Pinch says about Seth is his battles with Horus. This is because Seth’s primary role is the personification of disorder (as depicted with his trials with Horus). Zeitgeist is accurate with this. There is no dying it.

In the beginning paragraph from your quote, Pinch discuss Seth’s origins as being from Upper Egypt, not as a desert god.

Look at what she says. She says he seems to come from Upper Egypt (Nagada) because we don’t know where he came from. Are ealiest evidence is simply from this area. That's why she said "seems." His origins (and thus his role) is therefore undefined making your “factual error” wrong. Seth was simply associated with elements such as storms and the desert. This is because these elements where seen as disorder to Ma’at (the divine order). This doesn’t change his primary role. His primary role is to be antithetical to Horus, as demonstrated by our earliest evidence. This means that Zeitgeist has presented the conflict between Set and Horus accurately. Set did not just developer a conflict with Horus later over time, making his associations of chief god of the desert “the original role” as you claimed.

as a reply to the quotation - right, and where did i say that it's the other way?

It’s not what you said, exactly. It’s how you presented your point. You want to act as though Zeitgeist is somehow in contrast with “the facts” when I just demonstrated to you that the one who has the facts mixed up in this regard is not Zeitgeist, it’s you.

by the manner of you're writing you most likely love to masturbate your ego. it is a shame, because you're obviously into the subject. i'd prefer you being informative rather than self-absorbed and insulting, if you wish to explain.

(sorry for my rude attitude, but you've started it, dude. you don't have to reply, if you actually do think that i am 'childish', 'nitpicking', 'evidence producing' and/or 'silly'... you really do act like a twat, you know that?)

I have no problem with you thinking I’m egocentric.

It’s ironic though because given the definition of what it means to be egocentric, the one who’s being egocentric is not me, it’s you.

You clearly associated things like Zeitgeist with new age rhetoric (which in your mind somehow necessitates that it’s nonsense). Then when presented with someone who’s studied the material and logically explains why you’re wrong, you want to call names and act like it’s a personal battle. This means your sense of self importance in your own opinions is inflated to the point where you are, in fact, being centered on your own self (ego) and not valid evidence or logic. Psychological projection is fascinating, isn’t it?

Did it ever occur to you that I would have given the information more neutrally not give harsh criticism if your attitude was this inflated “I’m higher than that Zeitgeist garbage because that’s fringe new age nonsense?”[/quote]


There are facts to support the theory. The facts are simply limited due to how history works. It’s not reasonable for you to expect to have precise records of everything that happened in history. More or less every point that people like Acharya S makes. Some things you are simply going to have to make the connection yourself. Many works in history have in fact been lost. The logical person would accept this. To demand exact, precise, evidence of all speculating in history is what’s not logical. History is not done this way. History is done with plausibility and probability.

the fun thing is that whenever i make an assumption or conclusion you call it 'lack of logic' or 'prejudice', showing the other side of it, which greatly expands the tutoring side of this thread, but doesn't change anything. you're not placing a counter-opinion, you just dismiss what i have said by saying, in short, "you are wrong".
historians are writers, they get pieces of facts and make connections between them - true, you are absolutely right. but they also drop those that don't seem to fit the storyline, calling them false statement or improbable to be real. who changes the story when it adds up so well?
don't get me wrong - i like the movie. i really do. especially the way it is recorded. also, the ideas refresh the way of thinking and looking at things, they are catchy and interesting. searching for further materials supporting the story is absorbing, which is a good thing. but telling someone "hey, that's the truth" is simple overreaction or credulity.

although, yes - you may say that i use prejudice towards new age. long story short: in my line of work, when i'm commissioned to do something, i have to know as much as possible about what i am trying to produce, adjusting it on different levels: psychological, aesthetic, terminological, statistical and so on. i am the tool used to display the product as best as it may be displayed, to gather the widest target audience... which are actually 'buyers', in a way. in this particular case i was selling religion, only that i had to call it 'movement'. i did a very thorough research concerning new age, mainly because it just didn't add up basing on the objectives set by the client. as i had to make connections to bring it to sense, i did dig deep enough to see the resemblance with this subject. i believe you would like me to "produce evidence" but i don't own any of those books, i don't have any recorded interviews in store anymore. i see that you're also a research fan, so i'll leave it to your perception... or maybe i'll just say that those have been burnt by christians, to save you some time? (don't get mad, it's just a joke. ignore it if you don't find it funny)

You clearly associated things like Zeitgeist with new age rhetoric (which in your mind somehow necessitates that it’s nonsense). Then when presented with someone who’s studied the material and logically explains why you’re wrong, you want to call names and act like it’s a personal battle. This means your sense of self importance in your own opinions is inflated to the point where you are, in fact, being centered on your own self (ego) and not valid evidence or logic. Psychological projection is fascinating, isn’t it?

personally, i hate doing research on people, as they are pretty much too changeable in short notice, and fast-adaptive to actually catch the true spirit of another person. only valid research in this case is observation, not theoretical deduction.
if i'm egocentric then you're the same. you have attached yourself to few words like 'origin' or 'factual error' and claiming that i neglect the fact that "Set's primary role is to be antithetical to Horus" so you can elaborate on it and express the outcome of your deep studies. plus, it was you who called me names, at first. and you most certainly have an idea to follow, not minding the posts i've written, therefor dismissing or adding another sense to any statement that doesn't fit the path of your thinking.
and, to make it straight, i find any form of cult nonsense, not just new age. it's good to bring some order into chaos around us, but whenever it starts to be business... well, it's just plain wrong. and it is about business and influence over people and/or policies if sold nicely.

Did it ever occur to you that I would have given the information more neutrally not give harsh criticism if your attitude was this inflated “I’m higher than that Zeitgeist garbage because that’s fringe new age nonsense?”

you're a riot... reread your posts and subside yourself in meditation for a while. because your attitude was/is "I'm higher than that teiguy garbage because I am right", being subject-themed you place yourself as the alfa and omega.
i've studied your posts and whenever someone disagrees with you, you start shrinking the person. you dare people to "produce evidence" yet most of your statements are left unsupported. you like using word 'debunkers' not minding that you're a debunker yourself, as you seem to want this thing to be true. also, numerous times you've advised (which is actually nonphysical threatening) people not to start the subject of egyptian mythology, acting like god among men in this field of science.

yet, i can't say that i don't agree with you on few occasions: people claiming that zeitgeist is made by satanists or that technology will lead us to doom, etc... those are like bad jokes or over-zealotry in defense of, most probably, one's religion (which i do understand, but find it hard to accept).

this way or another, this exchange of opinions is as pointless as talking about global warming. it's the theory that some want to be a fact and others trying to neglect, with the truth laying somewhere in-between or just somewhere else. and it's strangely in use.
we have exchanged 'pleasantries'. i'm willing to take them by heart and think about myself, if you'll promise to do the same. otherwise, no deal :)
we both know that it's impossible to reach mutual understanding here, that's the reason why i'm not going to push it any further. leave the reply if you want to have the last word, your choice but also a waste of time. this way or another, i'm in process of writing a book. my editor reminds me of keeping things short and whenever i look at those posts, i just don't feel like it.

maybe one day we will actually manage to talk about some movies, rather than facts or theories. are you into that kind of fun? seen anything good lately?

just one last thing, curiosity - what is your take on comparison with krishna, mithra etc. etc.?

have fun and take it easy.

____________________________________ can't take the sky from me...


the fun thing is that whenever i make an assumption or conclusion you call it 'lack of logic' or 'prejudice', showing the other side of it, which greatly expands the tutoring side of this thread, but doesn't change anything. you're not placing a counter-opinion, you just dismiss what i have said by saying, in short, "you are wrong".

But you are wrong. It would different if you weren’t. Logic is not about making assumptions on virtue like you’ve done. To make an unfounded or weak assumption is showing lack of good logic. It’s what a prejudice is. A prejudice (pre-judgement) is when you make a judgment (conclusion) with little, very weak, or meaningless information on why you’re making the conclusion, judgment, or assumption.

It's not like I'm making this stuff up to make you look bad. Just look up the terms. It’s what you’re doing, as you just admitted to.

historians are writers, they get pieces of facts and make connections between them - true, you are absolutely right. but they also drop those that don't seem to fit the storyline, calling them false statement or improbable to be real. who changes the story when it adds up so well?
don't get me wrong - i like the movie. i really do. especially the way it is recorded. also, the ideas refresh the way of thinking and looking at things, they are catchy and interesting. searching for further materials supporting the story is absorbing, which is a good thing. but telling someone "hey, that's the truth" is simple overreaction or credulity.

I don’t think you understand how they used the term "truth." When they call the movie the "truth," the context they are using is a occult sense of the world “truth.” By this they don’t mean some absolute unchanging 100% factual rigid notion of “the truth.” They mean the occult sense of the word – which is “information that was right in front of your eyes but not obvious.” I thought this was obvious, but I see people misinterpret this a lot. I guess it's not. You can confirm this by watching his radio interviews. He doesn't directly answer this way but he constantly talks about how purpose of the film "to seek hidden knowledge that's right in front of our eyes." That's the occult sense of "truth."

although, yes - you may say that i use prejudice towards new age. long story short: in my line of work, when i'm commissioned to do something, i have to know as much as possible about what i am trying to produce, adjusting it on different levels: psychological, aesthetic, terminological, statistical and so on. i am the tool used to display the product as best as it may be displayed, to gather the widest target audience... which are actually 'buyers', in a way. in this particular case i was selling religion, only that i had to call it 'movement'. i did a very thorough research concerning new age, mainly because it just didn't add up basing on the objectives set by the client. as i had to make connections to bring it to sense, i did dig deep enough to see the resemblance with this subject. i believe you would like me to "produce evidence" but i don't own any of those books, i don't have any recorded interviews in store anymore. i see that you're also a research fan, so i'll leave it to your perception... or maybe i'll just say that those have been burnt by christians, to save you some time? (don't get mad, it's just a joke. ignore it if you don't find it funny)

That’s fine. I think it does resemble new age / occult material. I just don’t think this necessitates that it’s wrong and or bad. I think it’s too broad of an extrapolation to associate it with something that has extremist in the subject matter then say that it too must be in the nature of the extremist. It would be like using the Christians in Jesus Camp to make conclusions on all Christians. It’s simply not smart.

personally, i hate doing research on people, as they are pretty much too changeable in short notice, and fast-adaptive to actually catch the true spirit of another person. only valid research in this case is observation, not theoretical deduction.


if i'm egocentric then you're the same. you have attached yourself to few words like 'origin' or 'factual error' and claiming that i neglect the fact that "Set's primary role is to be antithetical to Horus" so you can elaborate on it and express the outcome of your deep studies. plus, it was you who called me names, at first. and you most certainly have an idea to follow, not minding the posts i've written, therefor dismissing or adding another sense to any statement that doesn't fit the path of your thinking.
and, to make it straight, i find any form of cult nonsense, not just new age. it's good to bring some order into chaos around us, but whenever it starts to be business... well, it's just plain wrong. and it is about business and influence over people and/or policies if sold nicely.

But your post was highly inaccurate. It’s not egocentric of me to correct your post when they’re totally misleading and your primary point (Zeitgeist has made an error in its facts) is actually the problem with you. Now if the information I given you was just based on my own opinion and I came at you with no evidence or real support other than what I think, then you have a case. But that’s not the case. My case is backed up with solid facts. It’s not a matter of what I simply think. It’s a matter of the facts. If you want to use that broad of a definition for “egocentric” because the information came from me and my studies – then by your definition of things, everyone is egocentric. I don’t think it’s effective or meaningful to use that broad of a definition for egocentric. The reason for terms such as egocentric is to make purposeful distinctions. You lose that if you use the word in that broad of a sense.

you're a riot... reread your posts and subside yourself in meditation for a while. because your attitude was/is "I'm higher than that teiguy garbage because I am right", being subject-themed you place yourself as the alfa and omega.

Notice how I don’t always post that way. I did, because it was mirrored from you.

i've studied your posts and whenever someone disagrees with you, you start shrinking the person. you dare people to "produce evidence" yet most of your statements are left unsupported.

Evidence gathering requires a lot of time that I don’t necessarily have. Notice however if someone questions my sources or evidence I produce it (check threads like the virgin birth and introduction to the Egyptian zodiac). If I don’t have evidence I don’t act like I do.

you like using word 'debunkers' not minding that you're a debunker yourself, as you seem to want this thing to be true.

How does that make sense? When I say “debunker” I’m talking about people who make it their goal to prove Zeitgeist wrong. Most debunkers will out right say they want to prove the movie wrong because its full of lies. If you don’t have this type of mentality, I won’t call you a debunker. (Notice how I didn’t call you a debunker). Also, even if I did “want the movie to be right” that doesn’t make me a debunker. It makes me a supporter. A debunker wants to prove something wrong.

Aside from that, you’re wrong. I don’t want Zeitgeist to be right. A lot of the material in Zeitgeist I was aware of before the movie came out, especially the Egyptian stuff. There are things in Zeitgeist that I agree with (like Horus vs Seth) and there are things in Zeitgeist that I disagree with (like it’s notion of the 3 day resurrection.

What I want is for people to understand Egyptian mythology because it’s very easy to misunderstand it and most Egyptologist will tell you point black that the Egyptians are highly misunderstood by the vast majority of people from the western world. If you don’t believe me I’ll produce the quotes from them. I simply share the sentiment.

I saw that as a problem far before Zeitgeist came out. People’s misconceptions of the Egyptian-Christian relation in Zeitgeist just further fuelled what I already thought.

also, numerous times you've advised (which is actually nonphysical threatening) people not to start the subject of egyptian mythology, acting like god among men in this field of science.

Can you quote me one time telling someone to not start with Egyptian mythology? If anything the exact opposite is true. I want people to be interested in Egyptian mythology. However what people tend to do is “fact-searching” where they superficially try to “collect facts” and then pass those “facts” along as though they are the absolute truth and it’s nothing more to the subject. An example of this is what you claimed with what “Seth originally was.” With such superficial researching, you are inevitably going to misrepresent their culture, legacy, and history. And that is what I don’t’ want people to do. To understand Egyptian mythology and history (they are one in the same to the Egyptian) requires that you actually understand the entire world view of the Egyptians – which is quite different from the common westerner. Unless you’re willing to do this, you are going to butcher their culture and history entirely like you did with Seth (and Horus but we haven’t gotten into that yet).

yet, i can't say that i don't agree with you on few occasions: people claiming that zeitgeist is made by satanists or that technology will lead us to doom, etc... those are like bad jokes or over-zealotry in defense of, most probably, one's religion (which i do understand, but find it hard to accept).

Glad we can reach a median.

this way or another, this exchange of opinions is as pointless as talking about global warming. it's the theory that some want to be a fact and others trying to neglect, with the truth laying somewhere in-between or just somewhere else. and it's strangely in use.
we have exchanged 'pleasantries'. i'm willing to take them by heart and think about myself, if you'll promise to do the same. otherwise, no deal :)
we both know that it's impossible to reach mutual understanding here, that's the reason why i'm not going to push it any further. leave the reply if you want to have the last word, your choice but also a waste of time. this way or another, i'm in process of writing a book. my editor reminds me of keeping things short and whenever i look at those posts, i just don't feel like it.

I don’t think it’s a waste of time because other people are reading our post and I remember when I first started researching topics that I loved, deep forum discussions were vary useful information to see beyond the world of things that existed in popular culture only. I used forums as a gate way to the deeper stuff (which is why I go through such huge lengths with things here).

maybe one day we will actually manage to talk about some movies, rather than facts or theories. are you into that kind of fun? seen anything good lately?

Last movie I’ve seen was Shutter Island and Avatar which I liked a lot. I don’t post in those forums though because I don’t have anything unique to contribute and I usually only speak when I think that I do.

just one last thing, curiosity - what is your take on comparison with krishna, mithra etc. etc.?

I haven’t researched Krishna or Mithras’s nearly as much. However, with the little research that I’ve done, I did find that it’s possible that the Krishna thing is being misunderstood by some people. For example, people attacked Acharya S when she compared Krishna being shot in the foot with an arrow to a tree as a crucifixion. They thought the comparison was absurd. But she’s not the only one that has done the comparison. For example Dr. Magee at Ask Why (he’s an actual historian and has wrote at least one book) did the same thing long before her. The reason is because how we think of a crucifixion has changed since the time of Jesus. The Greek word (which works like the bible was written in Greek) actually means “to hang or pin” and is sometimes associated with a tree as the cross didn’t take its current form until around 4th century and was far more reminiscent to trees pre-romans used to hang criminal (Egyptians did this too).
The point however is that “pinning to a tree” was very iconic at the time for the role of the “suffering servant.” It’s also possible that the foot was iconic as well as that turned into a big deal with some cultures like the Greeks who had stories of Achilles Heel. Folk literature was also popular at time and folk literature commonly had metaphors, analogies, and euphemisms that alluded to concepts in popular culture such as the notion of a suffering servant.

I’ll try and find Dr. Magee’s article on it. I’m not basing all of this information on him but he has a similar opinion of the arrow in the foot thing.

As for Mithras my opinion on him is even vaguer. I hear that star maps related to him are currently in agreement with connecting the Persian Mithras with the Roman (more Christian like) Mithras’s. Most apologist I’ve seen will take the conclusion of this Mithras’s console in (what I think was near the 70s) that concluded the two Mithras weren’t related for virtue. But I’m definitely interested in seeing if the last interpretations of star maps have any light to shed on that conclusion. If they’re related, then it would help support theories by people like Acharya. Her problem (and a problem with Zeitgeist) is they got over zealous with it and assumed that they are related when most Mithra scholars will say otherwise now.


this was an interesting argument until someone brought up global warming...

some people need to listen to scientists studying ocean temps and the polar icecaps - instead of gathering all of their info from Fox News.

the earth is warming... expect a shoreline rise of about 3-5 feet in the next 50 years... and about 2 centuries till 'Waterworld' if people keep denying it.
next subject pls


i'm sorry, but i feel i should point out what i believe is an error or misinterpretation.
i've just read through your debate (up to this point), and i believe divisionbyzero85 has misinterpreted some of the text he quoted:

(as quoted)
"The cult of Seth seems to have originated in Upper Egypt, though he was later identified with foreign gods worshipped in the eastern Delta. In the Early Dynastic Period, Seth, Lord of Ombos, was the chief god of the eastern desert and its right gold minds. In the western desert he remained the Lord of the Oases and their vineyards into the Greco-Roman period. At all periods, Seth was associated with dangerous aspects of the desert such as flash floods and sandstorms."

divisionbyzero85's explanation:

"In the beginning paragraph from your quote, Pinch discuss Seth’s origins as being from Upper Egypt, not as a desert god.

"Look at what she says. She says he seems to come from Upper Egypt (Nagada) because we don’t know where he came from. Are ealiest evidence is simply from this area. That's why she said "seems." His origins (and thus his role) is therefore undefined making your “factual error” wrong. Seth was simply associated with elements such as storms and the desert."

i believe this to be incorrect (based on the quoted material only).

"She says he seems to come from Upper Egypt"
no, she says the cult that worshipped him did:
"The cult of Seth seems to have originated in Upper Egypt"

"In the Early Dynastic Period, Seth, Lord of Ombos, was the chief god of the eastern desert and its right gold minds."
does this not essentially call him a 'desert god'? i'm not sure of the difference between the phrases 'chief god of the eastern desert' and 'desert god', other than the former is more specific.

to reiterate:
"In the beginning paragraph from your quote, Pinch discuss Seth’s origins as being from Upper Egypt, not as a desert god. "

i disagree, again, as the passage refers to the CULT being from upper Egypt, and describes the god as being 'chief god of the [eastern] desert'.

this seems pretty clear to me.
it may not have been Seth's primary purpose, but *according to your source*, he was DEFINITELY a desert god.

just thought i'd offer that.



Anyone for a sanity tablet?




Anyone for a sanity tablet?

Yes, Factual evidence regarding Mythology. While you may think Mythology is inherently not True, and thus no factual evidence can ever be presented, its still possible to show evidence that such myths existed at certain points. The problem with Zeitgeist is that it tells you certain Myths were being told or written of long before the time of Christ that nonetheless tell the same basic story, only about Horus or Mithras or Dionysus. It should be simple enough to find evidence for this claim, by finding clay tablets or old scrolls or wall carvings that tell the story of the Virgin Born Saviour that can be confirmed to be from a time long before Christ was said to live on the Earth.

The fact that Zeitgeist says these mystery Religions who worshiped a dying and rising Saviour god with an identical life to Jesus were real doesn’t make them real.

Also, on an aside, Myth doesn’t mean an untrue Story, if you use the correct definition of the word.


Extremely sound message.

And brilliant quote also ;D



Beflin, Part One is no different from part Two or Part Three.

All you need to do is a basic net search on the myths that are supposedly the same as Jesus.


do you believe in God/Religion? If so you have no right calling something false or misleading.


If you could provide examples it would be much appreciated.





Allowing African babies to be raped by men in the belief it will cure them of Aids?

The fact everything in the Bible is a lie?

Like, really, The Ark? Sodom and Gommorah? Adam and Eve?

Yeah you "technically" can not prove God does not exist, same as you can not prove all the Hindu deities/Allah/goblins/the force/the tooth fairy don't exist.

But they just don't.

Religion held the world back 1000 years when anyone professing such outrageous claims like the world was round, or the earth orbited the sun were persecuted sometimes resulting in imprisonment or death, this went on for hundreds of years. All regarding stuff that is now known as fact.

Christians are outrageous for picking the parts of the Bible they want to remember as well,

"er, the Bible says you can not eat shellfish or get tattoos"

"nuh-uh, thats only in the old testement, that was different"

but as soon as the gay stuff gets mentioned they are quoting Levictitus like it was gospel (HA!)

Oh yeah, Athiests are more intelligent. That is not just a wild claim, it has been studied and charted.

The vast majority of Christians don't even know what is in most of the bible, just a few gay-hating quotes and the basic story.

George Bush "God told me to invade Iraq" wtf, actually wtf.

The day religion ceases to exist is the day the world can move forward.



Well then, looks like we'll just have to agree to agree then...



How can a movie that has been universially panned by critics, picked to pieces by serious scientists, a movie with doubtious facts, many wich are proven wrong or altered to fit with its theories have a score of 8,6 on Imdb?

The people who actually follow this movie are the type of people who don't care about 'facts', they just care about what is being presented to them in convincing video format.

To convince them otherwise, you would need to do a 'hard copy' style 'documentary' exposing people who have been caught out by how false this movie is.

"I am Jack's cold sweat."


Whether or not this film is true or not, it's ointeresting, and there a lot of "coincidences" in it.

Anyway, there is no God, or making the world in 7 days. The world isn't 6000 years old.
9/11 was a terrorist attack, not the American government, IMO.
The government of USA was a pile of *beep* before Obama came. Its' slightly better now.



coincidences aren't coincidences when you deliberately misuse, misstate or totally manufacture the subject matter.

"I am Jack's cold sweat."


I guess, but I still find this films interesting, as do A LOT of others...



Well since we want to deal with facts.

Try to explain the London bombing exercise that occurred at the same places as the real bombings?

Of course some things don't make sense in this movie, but there are a lot of unanswered questions & only an idiot would believe everything that we are told by those in power!

The Pentagon thing is something that intrigues many. For a place that is covered in cameras to be no footage of a plane heading towards it is suspicious in most common-sense thinking people.


Try to explain the London bombing exercise that occurred at the same places as the real bombings?

On an office table?

They claim that in a BBC Radio 5 interview on July 7th, Peter Power admitted that his Visor Consulting firm: "was running a 1,000 person strong exercise which drilled the London Underground being bombed at the exact same locations, at the exact same times, as happened in real life."

The article goes on to claim that the Visor Consulting drill: "acts as a cover for the small compartamentalized government terrorists to carry out their operation without the larger security services becoming aware of what they're doing, and, more importantly, if they get caught during the attack or after with any incriminating evidence they can just claim that they were just taking part in the exercise."

The article gives the clear impression that up to 1,000 personnel were involved in a London drill -including field agents who were active in the London Underground and providing cover for those planting the bombs.

That couldn't be more wrong.

In fact, Power's consultancy firm was running a small "corporate wargame" drill for the management team of a British company with 1,000 employees. Here's the BBC transcript of the interview Power gave
POWER: "At half past nine this morning we were actually running an exercise for a company of over a thousand people in London based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where it happened this morning, so I still have the hairs on the back of my neck standing up right now."
Clearly, the figure of 1,000 refers to the size of the company whose managers were being drilled - and not to the number of participants in the drill.

Furthermore, any savvy investigator knows that these types of private-sector "risk management" drills never use field staff. Neither do these low-level corporate drills have active involvement of police or other security forces.

The London corporate drill was just a glorified administration seminar where managers get to use security buzzwords --while seated around an office table guessing how they would respond to loss of available staff for call centers, power outages, or travel restrictions, etc..

Bear in mind that Peter Power was doing a bit of hyping too, playing up the idea that his firm was so well attuned that it was running a terror drill about bombs at "precisely at the railway stations where it happened." But in a separate, simpering TV interview Power admits that their exercise also included mainline rail targets as well as the Underground. His firm runs these terror seminars frequently.

Anyway, any half-competent drill would predictably be based on attacks on central London Underground stations. Duuuh! Probably some of these overlapped with the actual targets.

Club Stewie: Where the Fur Flies!


I guess, but I still find this films interesting, as do A LOT of others...

And I don't know if that is sad or worrying or both, or the LOT of others maybe just enjoy it for the comedic value... I hope it is the later...

"I am Jack's cold sweat."


Yeah I read that
and it was such a load of pooh with NO info OR PROOF on what wasnt factual in the film LOL
So on this point I simply ask why no plane wreckage at the pentagon crash site??
Why did the FBI/CIA seize video of a (SO CALLED) plane crashing into the pentagon building and then not release it then cover up all forensic evidence (as claimed by the film)
huh Kinda similar what happened in the JFK investigations eh??
Pristine passports, so-called terrorists as claimed by US Government whom which later actually survived as they came forward after the plane crash as documented in newspapers and media throughout the world not just this film,
you read an opinion by some guy with no proof (cause the links dont work)And why did both Bush and the other guy only talk to the investigation team on their terms only..... come on damnumalone is it possible that you may be the one whom is wrong about this film or is that too hard too swallow??

Hi I'm Twice Nightly! Tonight's news...
Is a severed foot an alternate stocking filler?


Yeah, some facts are proven wrong, but all those proofs I have seen are just about the first part, and honestly I dont give a **** about Jesus Christ lived or not, etc...
The monetary system, politics, war, and all the other stuff covered by this and the next movie are too important to be taken down by some mistakes or doubtious facts about religion and ancient stories.

In fact, I believe this movie should be seen by everyone.
Sorry for my bad english. Take care.


"The monetary system [...] covered by this and the next movie are too important to be taken down by some mistakes or doubtious facts about religion [...]"

Well, I think I know a bit about economics, and I'm sure as hell that the movie's depiction of the monetary system is a lot of nonsense. If the authors believe in it, it only proves that they know absolutely nothing about economics. Same goes for the general public.

Double-check, triple-check, research your own facts and have an independent mind. If you do that, hats off to you. If you don't have the time or the inclination to do that, at least please don't swallow every conspiracy theory put forward by some lunatic and expect me to respect your views. Quite frankly, I think that the people who believe this BS "documentary" need some help.


If you know about neo-classical economics, than you know less than most people with no education. Neo-classical economics (based on debt) make absolutely zero sense, and is essentially as much of a science as witch-doctoring is.


couldn´t agree more with you =)


I agree.

This "documentary" is HORRIBLE. I don't know where to start, so I won't.

In short I too am extremely disheartened to see such a high rating. 8.6 is a rating that even great films only occasionally get.

But don't fret. I'm sure that 99% of those that voted are 20 something over-caffeinated, off-their-meds conspiracy theorists with nothing better to do.


What is really sad is that you people have invested all this time writing these essays to each other without realizing that no one cares what you think.


I think so too. Both sides are determined to debunk/convice each other.
I was really eating up every thing that was mentioned during the film/documentry, but after reading some of the threads, such as this one, I'm starting to doubt 20% of the things that were said.

It's good to be exposed to this kind of things.

Keep an open mind, but don't just let anything in.



I love this documentary especially cause it pisses off religious nutbars and neo-cons. *beep* all of you. 10/10


This movie is a neo-con's wet dream. You're a moron.


>How can a movie that has been universially panned by critics, picked to pieces by serious scientists, a movie with doubtious facts, many wich are proven wrong or altered to fit with its theories have a score of 8,6 on Imdb?

>I can understand why somebody could be decieved by the partial truth this movie ocationally offers, but come on people!

One shouldn't be surprised. Just to pick an example close to my heart, about 1 billion people believe...

- God exists (fine) and talks to just one man...
- that man is infallible, even when he decided he wants an albina elephant
- water covered the earth, and the only survivors were one family, carried by a boat that contained 2 of every species.
- if you recite a specific prayer written on the back of a holy picture a speicfied number of times, you can reduce your sentence in purgatory by a specific amount, as specific as 828 years.
- babies have no hope of getting into heaven until a duly authorized person has touched their forehead with blessed water. Sucks to be born in an unconventional situation and not make it. Oh wait, i think that maybe God talked to that infallible man and changed this? I'm not clear if the previous infallible ones got it wrong (!) or if God changed his mind (???).
- birth control is sinful, so once you have the number of kids you want, you should stop doing it. Or live with the consequences, even if that's 14 children.
- the earth is flat and it is right to prosecute those who say otherwise. Oops, wait, I think we have to reword that...

So, the point isn't to question that particular belief system, as much as to point out that belief systems are very much more robust than they are explicitly rational.


People believe things presented in a sensationalist format. It's just the way it is.

It's particularly easily if you're using an argument from ignorance oftentimes, which much of the film is. "We don't know X, so Y is true."

"If we don't know [insert small detail about 9/11], the government is behind it because of [probably unrelated details]."

It's absurdly easy to convince people of things using this reasoning.


Well Just to add my 2 cents here. unrelated to actual facts presented in the movie. and not saying you should beleive them because you see them you shouldnt. Some of them could just as easily be made up.

However the fact that many of you dismiss them based on what critics as well as other scientists say... well...

What you're doing is completely hypocritical. You say dont take on scientists word on it because its a movie. Then you beleive another scientists word just because hes a scientist. Way back the worlds smartest scientists thought the world was flat?

You should while not beleiving or taking what the movie says as facts, get its message.

Think deeper then whats on the surface and think more abstractly about society as you see it. Dont discount one thing because someone else says its different. there are plenty of things in the world that are complete mysteries even to science.

When you watch a movie like this you dont have to criticize the facts, open your mind to possiblities presented, Even if only 10% of the movie is true, theres a new 10% u cud have just learned about!


Essentially, all that I got from you was...

"I'm going to disregard the reasoned and thorough debunking of this documentary because I choose to be gullible - I also didn't even take the time to actually read the reasons why people are critical of it! Don't need to, I love conspiracy theories!" - you

If you hate Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!


I just "debunked" all of your posts. Nothing you say from this point on is valid. I love how that works!


I think the rating has a lot to do with how the "information" is presented. Of course, if we voted on the validity of the claims, it would a completely different rating, but since we are voting on how entertaining it was an 8.6 is deserved.


If we voted on the validaty of the claims, it could be higher or lower. ;-)

I have not researched most of the topics in it so I have no Idea if the facts are correct. I even didn't see this documentary yet. :-) Multiple people advised me to watch this film on different occassions and was already interested what other people have thought about it.

PS: I like to have an open mind on ideas, because it's the only way to come as close to the truth as possible.

"God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh."
- Voltaire (1694-1778)
