- Liet, one of the most interesting characters in the novel (and my favorite one), the man that truly fights for the planet and its people... has been upgraded to, wait for it... you guessed? Yeap, a black woman π
- Lady Jessica is now... "a warrior priestess". They have taken the Bene Gesserit and transformed them in modern empowered super-ninjas-warriors. π
- Diversity rules! lots of blacks! yaiii! Of course, that doesn't apply to bad guys. The villains are all of them white males without exception. Did you have any doubt?
- In the promotion of the movie, the director has stated that he's very feminist. Brace yourself.
I'm willing to give the movie a fair chance but I'm dubious about changing the sex of any of the characters. I seem to remember that it was very important in the books who was male and who was female. Paul being a male was a big problem for the Bene Gesserit's plans. I didn't think the books were particularly feminist, and I'm not sure they will hold up if they become feminist.
What always strikes me is that, you hope that actors with more ethnicity will bring some spice or some acting energy to the proceedings. But, time after time, they are just as boring as the white people.
It's odd how black people have spent the last twenty years (at least) bitching about cultural appropriation when that's about all they do any more. They can't sit down and create something new and original.
So did Frank Herbert actually identify the skin color of all the major characters in his books? Or are you just assigning skin color to best suit your tastes?
Okay, then tell us who was what color and what page of the book the description was made. People are not just white by default.
The Duke was described as dark, olive skinned; maybe Herbert intended for his reading audience to think of him as descended from Earth Asians, Latinos or Mediterraneans?
The word black was used to describe hair, clothes, mood, disposition. Spice traders for the guild were called black, but it might not have referred to their skin color. The color white seemed to use only to describe eyes and knife blades.
Maybe but we all know this is about black. Not about anything else. The word 'diversity' means 'less white, more black'. Not 'olive' skinned. Not Hispanic. Not Asian. Only black. That's part of why Zendaya was hired. Because she is black even though I think her mother is white, she is considered black. And she can't act. That's just as important. She is supposed to be one of the most important characters in Dune and she cannot act. Why is this overlooked? Because diversity is way more important than talent. And she isn't attractive. If she cannot act, she better be attractive. She fails on both counts. But she is black. That's all that matters any more. Look at the ridiculous overreaction to the Black Panther movie, an average movie at best and some of the worst CGI, too. Wakanda is real! The FIRST black superhero. Which is a lie. I made the same criticisms about several superhero films but I wasn't called racist over them. But you can't say that about Black Panther. Because it's racist! Just like it's racist to point out Zendaya is all wrong for Dune. Which should be obvious to every single person who has seen her 'act'.
There are plenty of black producers in Hollywood. Why not create original material specifically for black actors, if that's all they seem to care about. Create a new black superhero instead of demanding all the 'white' ones simply be turned black. White people had the gall to create these characters, write them, nourish them for decades. How dare they do that! To create the various formats they can be seen, too, but little did we know that black people were the ones who deserved it much more.
And Jason Momoa as Duncan? LOL I realize he's popular but his best role was in Game of Thrones when he said almost nothing. Not a good actor, either.
You would think they would take casting an epic like Dune, based on arguably the most popular SF novel of all times, a little more seriously than another tired exercise in political correctness.
Actually you were trying to convince us that the cast needed to be lilly white. Now that it has been pointed out that some of the book characters were not pasty white, it is all about the blackness that offends you.
Diversity is a broad term meaning different backgrounds. It is you that insists it means black or white.
Zendaya has a black father and white mother. Why do you consider her to be black? Is black blood some kind of pollution in your eyes? I'm not sure if you got a look at an actual photo of this woman, but she is what most men (even hard core racists) would consider attractive.
Chani is not even close to one of the most important characters in the book. At best she is one of the more important secondary characters. She is really only important as Paul's concubine and the mother of his three children.
It's too bad you overreacted to Back Panther. It was just another lame comic-book movie in my opinion. If the cinema affects you this much, you might consider taking a break from it and re-evaluate your priorities in life.
Since Frank Herbert did not specifically describe his characters (most of them anyway) in Dune as any particular race, why is it so important to you that they be restricted to whites only?
Who are you to say that Dune was written for any certain race of actors? What do you suppose the Herbert family thinks of the casting choices?
It seems as though you are saying Zendaya is all wrong for Dune because her skin is black; this is textbook racism.
Did it ever occur to you that diverse casting makes for a more diverse audience? Perhaps the people financing the film have more in mind than catering to narrow minded racist assholes?
No, I am trying to convince you anything that is white and successful needs to be made black. There is hardly any successful white movie/franchise that is not being told characters need to be black. And these are the same people who complain about cultural appropriation. And Zendaya is all wrong for the role, in every way. From acting to looks.
Well, you're wrong. If it is white and successful, it does not need to be black.
You have not explained why Dune (the book) is white or needs to be white.
What do you think Chani is supposed to look like? The book describes her as dark skinned, skinny, elfin face and red hair. Sounds like she was a mix of Earth races.
What century are you living in? If there is a successful white character, there is always a push to make him/her black. How can you miss that? It's everywhere every day. And what characters in the book are black? And it's even worse that they picked someone like Zendaya. No charisma, no acting, no looks. And I have never once seen the character portrayed as black. But, like with you, there is a constant push to make characters black. Why is that? And why not just create black characters in a wholly original film? Isn't that what others have had to do? These characters didn't create themselves. You can imagine if an established black character were turned white. There would be protests and, if recent events are any indication, looting.
Your claim that there is always a push to make a successful white character into a black one holds no water. Name some well known established white characters that are now black characters and show the pushing.
The problem with your claim is it is easy to show white characters who have remained white with little or pushing to make them black.
Since Zendaya is at least half white, why arn't you calling her white and protesting that she is not supposed to play a character (Chani) who is supposed to be dark skinned with red hair?
Why use a white actress for Chani when she is described as dark skinned in the book? You a big fan of whitewashing?
Would you be upset if a Filipino was cast in the roll of Johnny Rico in Starship Troopers?
It holds a lot of water because we are inundated with it every single day, to the our detriment. Look at the ridiculous new Oscar criteria, the result of years demanding more black people be nominated for awards. Did you not notice that? Every year for the last decade we have had to include a predominantly black film and it will often win Best Picture, too. There is not a single major white character who is not under fire for not being black. Superman, James Bond, Batman, Wonder Woman, Spider-Man. Look at tv shows. Look at commercials. Everything is about being black. Look at the way they go crazy over police encounters with black people. You must not live here in America to be so ignorant of this issue.
And it's one way, too. Diversity is defined as 'more black, less white'. You will notice no one is complaining about diversity in China. Or Japan. Or Nigeria. Only countries like America have this constantly forced on us. A 'white' country has to be diverse.
Should white people be blamed for creating tv and film and comics and inventing all these characters? Even the Black Panther was created by a couple of white guys.
Is it really so much to ask that others create their own characters, too, and make them black or any other color they want? That's too hard. By demanding established characters be turned from white to black is much easier.
And I can overlook if it happens just sometimes but this is a constant drumbeat. Every day. Most of us are sick of it, which is why the Oscars is losing millions of viewers each year.
It's also why Zendaya played Mary Jane, who was a long time white character. She is a terrible actress but she keeps getting roles. I have no idea why. Not attractive, no charm or charisma at all. And she never calls herself half white or white. No one does that because there is nothing to gain by that. You call yourself black and you have way more opportunities. Starting to understand that?
Have you even read Dune?
"We" had to include black actors and films? The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences does not belong to you or answer to you. It is a private organization.
You sound like a professional victim; rather sad to read your words. If you want control over black and white characters, then perhaps you should make your own.
I live in WA, USA. I'm well aware of people complaining about race in entertainment.
I have a hard time beliving you when you say Zendaya is unattractive. I think you're prostituting yourself to promote your racism.
Yes I have read Dune, that is how I'm aware that it is not lily white. It seems that you are unaware of how the characters are described.
How about you quote to me, from the book, the actual descriptions of the major characters. They are not as white as you wish they were.
LOL I am the professional victim? I am not demanding racial quotas be met, am I? I am saying that quality of work should determine awards, not skin color. Instead, we are bombarded with Oscars must be black. Notice it is always black. Not any other skin color.
I do not find Zendaya attractive at all, unless you are comparing her to Rosie O'Donnell.
If you have read Dune then why are you so shocked? Show me one instance of anyone portraying Chani as black. Seems odd that you are the only person who feels she should be black. And you seem to be anti-white. Not that I am surprised. Most people today are anti-white.
You're bleating about how you must do this and that. Surely you are not that weak?
Who is this we you speak of? You and a few thousand other hard core racists? Are you so helpless that you cannot provide your own entertainment and want to force others to bend to your whim?
Zendaya is at best half black, the rest of her racial background being white. Why doesn't this make her white? If you do not find her to be attractive, then this puts you in the minority for sure. I think you're prostituting yourself to your racist attitude by calling her ugly. Hahahahahaha.
Since you are making the claim that Chani is any certain race, it is up to you to show that Frank Herbert has depicted her as such in his book. Otherwise your argument seems to be "neener neener"; very childish.
I did not say that Chani was black or of any certain race. I did quote the book as saying that she appeared as "dark skinned, skinny, elfin face and red hair. You are the only one fool enough here to be assigning any certain race to Chani.
I'm not anti white. It's just that I'm not a racist SOB, like you. :)
Instead, we are bombarded with Oscars must be black. Notice it is always black.
Black and Hispanic. And the reason it's because those are the "special groups" in US. Hollywood wants every setting to look like a US diversity brochure, no matter is medieval Europe, Viking Scandinavia or Dune.
This movie would have been a great chance to cast Arabs as Freemen, since the Freemen are actually heavily based in the Bedouins and the Targui. But what they used: blacks and hispanics!
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Well, after seeing the official trailer, I hardly saw any LOT OF BLACKS. Saw mostly a white cast.
For some reason, with the exception of Zendaya they haven't included the blackwashed characters in the trailer. Thufir Hawat, who is a key character, doesn't even appear. Kynes, another key character (and my favorite one in the novel) that was both femwashed and blackwashed doesn't appear neither. The Freemen in general only appear miliseconds in some very quick or dark shots.
And they have applied some color filter or makeup to Zendaya so she looks more like a Bedouin than a half-black. I don't know if she looks that way in the movie or they did it only in the trailer.