I didn't read the article, but Green Lantern has always been the cornerstone of DC Universe that just gets ignored. Gunn is now a seasoned galaxy wide story teller. Of course he needs GL. Gotham is just a city. Metropolis is just a city. And this sounds nuts. But after the glut of superhero movies we've had, protecting just a city doesn't really cut it anymore. You gotta launch straight into the cosmic universe, right out of the gate. I agree with a lot of what he has on the table. I just don't think people are gonna respond. The audience for that shit isn't there. The comics don't make money and get canceled. Jesus, I read DC comics for ten years before I even started taking Green Lantern seriously. I thought the whole thing was dumb. Most people are still where I was. The minute you get away from Batman or Superman, the fantastic elements of comics is very hard to translate to the Normies. And honestly? There's too much death and STDs and cancer and lost limbs and PTSD and sickness to keep people busy to ever care about it.