MovieChat Forums > Warehouse 13 (2009) Discussion > Finale *will probably contain spoilers*

Finale *will probably contain spoilers*

Ok, so was anybody else as monumentally dissappointed by the finale as I was? This show was, for the most part, great for the better part of every season but to me this was a real clunker of a finale. There was NO resolution with any character except for Claudia who was doing he worst Mrs. Fredrick voice impression when she was the caretaker.

Don't get me wrong, she looked smokin' hot in that outfit, but there were no long-term answers to any questions. We don't know what happened to Pete and Myka, or Steve, or Artie. It felt to me, like a gigantic middle finger to the whole fan base. Maybe I am wrong in all of this, which is possible, but I was completely and utterly underwhelmed by it all.


This is why I'm glad I have message boards. I'd been saving up the last few eps with the intention of binge watching them some time this week. But after having a look around here it seems that Warehouse 13 like Dexter and How I met your Mother is another one of those shows that I won't bother watching the last episode/episodes of.

Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.


Yeah, you're better off skipping it. It was bad to the point that I felt embarrassed on behalf of the cast.

Good call on Dexter, too. I had dropped the show long since, but watched the finale out of sentimentality for the first four seasons. I wished I hadn't.

I disagree. I have come to the perfect place.



Well, it does leave the door open for a renewal of the show, as unlikely as that is. Or maybe a miniseries or TV movie special. Sci Fi/Syfy used to have those good miniseries events in Decembers: Battlestar Galactica, The Lost Room (which had elements similar to those on WH13), Children of Dune, etc.

I'd like to see them bring some of their long-running shows back for TV movies, shows like Stargate Atlantis, Eureka and Warehouse 13.


Never gonna happen on SyFy. NBC/Comcrap is more interested in cheap, crappy reality shows that cost them very little money to produce.

Hell opened up and put on sale. Gather 'round and haggle.


I too felt like most things were really rushed this season. I was glad that it was at least able to have a finale. A 12 episode season as most were would have been better (or at least 10)and brought more complete closure, IMHO, to more things.

But I was content with the final episode given the very short season. I definitely liked the flashback that MRS. F shared with Jinks about Leena. I was certainly "bummed" when she died and was touched by that little snippet.

In a shortened season I first thought more time should have been devoted to wrapping up the series rather a couple of sidetrips like the Ren Faire and the Hispanic Soap Opera. But rethinking it, those story lines were a lot like some of the early ones (in the sense of snag-bag-tag with no real connection to long term plots) that I did enjoyed them for that.

I realize many despised the Savage Seduction (the Hispanic soap opera) but I have to confess that I laughed so hard throughout the whole thing that I was in tears by the end. It was a marvelous parody and I bet the cast had a blast making that episode. (Pete's comment as he was dragging Sonia Braga's character out of the room was sooo Pete!) So, although I agree the time might have been better spent in this half season, I still enjoyed this season as a whole.



The finale was utterly disappointing.
I expected better from them (well, my expectations actually dropped after each S5 episodes…)


Too many unresolved plots/storylines:
Claudia has big doubts about her caretaker future. But she ended up being caretaker anyway, with no explanations.
The Warehouse is on the verge to move. Quick, let’s record defining moment! But the Warehouse is at the same place decades in the future, with no explanations. H.G. Wells has the best development arc on the entire show, but she is quickly dismissed in the finale. What is happening with her? What does she do? They could have easily end the arc with her finally coming back to the Warehouse where she belongs. That way, it would have follow the storyline developed in “Instinct”, where Myka states that Helena is not made for the life she’s living at that moment.

I don’t need an answer for everything, but there should be, at least, a couple of answers.

Cringeworthy moments:
Why the Mrs F impersonation by Claudia? Can’t she be her own person?
The Pyka debacle. If you intend for two characters to fall in love, you have to insert scenes/clues that that could be happening. Basic writing 101. You cannot retcon something like that with a new “clip” and a couple of forced scenes.
The supposedly “defining” moments: suburban ninjas for Myka? Her defining moment as a WAREHOUSE AGENT is the moment she becomes a love-interest? Claudia’s “defining” moment is when she decides she’s not that interested in being caretaker? But wait… that’s not defining, since she will, in fact, become the caretaker.
Everybody seems to have a hidden family member.

Redeeming points:
Saul Rubinek and CCH Pounder are always excellent.
HG’s flashback.
The Mrs. F / Leena scenes.

Unfortunately, there’s a lot more bad than good.
