MovieChat Forums > Warehouse 13 (2009) Discussion > Finale *will probably contain spoilers*

Finale *will probably contain spoilers*

Ok, so was anybody else as monumentally dissappointed by the finale as I was? This show was, for the most part, great for the better part of every season but to me this was a real clunker of a finale. There was NO resolution with any character except for Claudia who was doing he worst Mrs. Fredrick voice impression when she was the caretaker.

Don't get me wrong, she looked smokin' hot in that outfit, but there were no long-term answers to any questions. We don't know what happened to Pete and Myka, or Steve, or Artie. It felt to me, like a gigantic middle finger to the whole fan base. Maybe I am wrong in all of this, which is possible, but I was completely and utterly underwhelmed by it all.



easy to do since the show was cancelled...that was the whole crux of my problem Tav-El. the series finale to me felt like a massive cop-out on the part of the writers.


It was Golden Girls style clip show... For a freaking finale? Maybe a cheesecake or the kitchen table from the set of The Golden Girls became an artifact...


It was a "clip show" of new stories. The problem with clip shows isn't that they are multiple short stories, it's that they reshow footage from old episodes. the only footage from old episodes in the finale was in the second-or-two flashes before the "clip".



It was a "clip show" of new stories. The problem with clip shows isn't that they are multiple short stories, it's that they reshow footage from old episodes. the only footage from old episodes in the finale was in the second-or-two flashes before the "clip".

Umm... WRONG! The problem with clip shows is that it removes "the journey" from being integral to the episode's plot. Sorry, but why are the characters most important defining moments happening in episodes we didn't see. Yeah... BAD WRITING! The entire clip show thing would be fine for a Christmas special or some other episode, but for a SERIES FINALE? NO! Just bad... really bad... That's why the professional reviews were so awful for this episode. Anyone of those "clips" could have been expanded into a full episode and would have felt more satisfying...


Sorry, but why are the characters most important defining moments happening in episodes we didn't see.

We did see them. They were this episode.






You really need to watch it more than once. They rushed it all. It really should have been a longer episode. That said here's my final take on it. The Warehouse gave them each a gift in their memories and their future lives. For the Warehouse to move on to Claudia's acceptance as caretaker they all had to leave. They were all senior to her. She could never be effective with her "father figure", pseudo-brother, and idol-worshipped agents working for her. The warehouse gave them all resolution and a life to move on to while preserving itself and it's caretaker. I found the episode rushed and overfilled with flashbacks, but it really was a good resolution.


Just a final disappointment after a string of them. A chain of villians squandered in a handful of episodes, sacrifices of story for the sake of fan service and contrived cliche plots(H.G. leaving a loving family and a built up dynamic with a daughter figure for a one liner lesbian remark, the entire Pete/Myka thing), and then just an outright bad finale start to finish.

Then they managed to go out on that Mrs. Frederick impression that was simply one of hte most cringe inducing scenes I've seen in television...


Agreed. I love this show but when I watched the finale, I just had to say WTH? The episode was disappointing.

With great power comes great responsibility.


The finale encompassed everything there always was to love about Warehouse 13. It embraced the friendships, the relationships, the silliness, the joy and the basic premise that not all TV has to be all grim, dark and broody... or even especially believable!

Not enjoying the finale is basically not enjoying what Warehouse 13 has always been about. And if that's the case, you have to wonder why some people watched it in the first place.





I liked that aside from claudia's caretaker future, they left everyone's future vague as in they clearly continued working till eventually they moved on. As a Charmed fan who got their OVER resolved finale where you see how their ENTIRE lives play out down to their grandkids, I'm content with Warehouse 13 having an open ended finale. It had just enough closure for me to be ok with it not continuing, but if they ever wanted to do a reunion down the line they can.

It was a reminiscing episode where the actors say goodbye and you clearly can tell what lines were the actors views the writers clipped from interviews or personal convos. It's also a dramedy, if you were expecting a serious uber finalized ending I don't know what show you've been watching for the last 5 seasons.


It was very unsatisfying. I wanted wrap-ups, not a retrospective. It was a charming retrospective, but ultimately nothing more than pleasant filler. Would've been a fun holiday episode. But to end the series? All wrong.

I disagree. I have come to the perfect place.


I was hoping we would've got to see what became of the characters...from what I gathered, the warehouse not leaving meant that they all stayed and then eventually Clauda became the Caretaker with new people working the warehouse...?



I actually liked it. It was better than having some cliched, big, "save the world" finale. We were able to see how the characters' lives were effected by working in the Warehouse and some hints on where they were going in the future. It's not necessary to see every detail of what's going to happen to everybody.
