MovieChat Forums > Warehouse 13 (2009) Discussion > So just watched the finale...

So just watched the finale...

I have to admit I almost cried during Pete's defining moment memories, but boy oh boy I DID NOT like the kiss between him and Myka; I found it really cringe worthy and this is the first show that made me feel that way about the two leads getting together...


I agree; that kiss was AWFUL! One of the things I really liked about the show was that they DIDN'T do the whole "will it or won't it happen" romance between the two lead characters. It was refreshing and frankly, their relationship seemed much more like siblings, so that kiss kind of grossed me out. I would have preferred if they had stayed as the best of friends. I could imagine Myka getting married and having kids, and crazy Uncle Pete coming over to rile up her kids and regale them with stories of when he and Mommy worked together.

Goblin Cannonball: I hit something! Yes?!? No?!?


What a depressing ending you came up with there. Pete ending up as the crazy uncle? Okay, except in that one episode where it is revealed that Pete really wants to start a family. So much, in fact, that he, unknowingly, makes Myka pregnant with an artifact. Wouldn't it be kind of depressing if he ended up never having the thing he wanted so much?

These two characters were meant to end up together, but the rushed season meant we had a lot of character development shoved in our faces in 45 minutes. Seasons three and four contained a lot of sexual tension between the two, especially the parts where Pete was afraid Myka would leave him, but to go from secret eye glances to declarations of love and kissing was a bit much. If the show had gotten a full fifth season (20 episodes like season four), or a sixth season, they would have had time to build up the romance.

Will say, though, that I liked the finale. The warehouse never moved, so we can assume the team went on to have many more adventures together. I probably would've preferred if they'd solidified this without the "decades later" scene. That one reminded me that everything good must come to an end. Quite depressing. If it had ended with the warehouse deciding to stick around and then the ping, it would have been perfect. In my opinion, of course.


I don't think it's depressing. I didn't say that Pete never had a family, but since they were so focused on Myka at the end, that's what I was focused on. Would it have been better to say that Uncle Pete comes over with his kids? I seriously never saw them together. I think it would have been better to have them find other people to fall in love with and just stay best friends.

Goblin Cannonball: I hit something! Yes?!? No?!?


Who whispered the final "Endless Wonder" phrase at the end of the episode? At first, I thought it was Artie, but I'm not sure about that.


I just listened to the ending again, (boy, talk about bringing out my emotions), and as far as I can tell it is Artie's voice whispering the final endless wonder.

I watched the first couple of seasons when the show originally aired and then I started re-watching it from episode one about nine days ago and binged watched all of the episodes. (Oh man I think I may do it all again at some future date. I liked this show that much.)

I wish we could have learned more about Mrs. Frederick, and as others had mentioned, how things turned out in the future. It would be cool if they did a movie sometime down the road, like that which was done for Firefly.

I am really going to miss this show.


I agree, I really-really wish they remained friends instead of the cliche "falling in love because we work together" kinda thing. Loved the friends chemistry between them and the whole being in love felt rather forced. Otherwise totally loved the finale though, what a great way to say goodbye to a series!!

Make it sweet & short.



It was definitely a touching ending for Warehouse 13. I'm glad the show got a 5th season despite being only six episodes long. At least, Syfy didn't end Warehouse 13 on a cliffhanger like they did with Alphas.

If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now.-Loki (Marvel's Avengers)


I didn't like the kiss either. Too rushed and I'm not even sure there was tongue.


Took me a while to get around to watching this finale. I hate my favorite series to end and there was so much criticism about this one, I didn't want to ruin it.

Instead I thought it was quirky, charming and a wonderful way to end this show. Reminds me of the "Eureka" finale (which was even better at tying up loose ends and being a love letter to fans and characters).

I hate that SyFy cheaps out and drops their shows after 5 seasons, but at least they end them well.

The moment that made me saddest was seeing Leena again and knowing she sensed her death in the Warehouse long before we ever knew her.
I can't say I grasped Steve's moment. It was a bit too corny and cliche to be meaningful. I half thought he was going to realize he didn't really want to be an agent at all.
Artie's reveal was shocking but believable. He did have a whole other secret life that was fished out in bits over the years. Still, you'd expect he would have introduced his father to his son when they were reunited. Lots more story could be revealed with that character revelation. You know Claudia would want to meet Artie's son and go along to ComicCon.
Myka & Pete's romance didn't bother me. Yes, that kiss was a bit wooden, but that's mostly because of how it was acted and that they didn't spend a lot of time building up the romance in the last season. Pete and Myka always played up their relationship for comic relief more than seriousness.

I like to think they carried out missions for a few more years. Pete and Myka got more serious as time went on. Eventually they decided to retire together to raise a family. Then they'd become regents. Steve had a similar happy future. I suspect Artie stuck around until he died on a mission. Claudia probably lived out a longer life as an agent, then Artie's replacement and eventually was immortalized as the caretaker.
