I have to admit I almost cried during Pete's defining moment memories, but boy oh boy I DID NOT like the kiss between him and Myka; I found it really cringe worthy and this is the first show that made me feel that way about the two leads getting together...
I totally agree. That is the reason I also hated the episode even though I loved most of the rest of the episode. I have never liked the Pete/Myka Shipping idea, and during the season hated it when they started steering things that way.
They probably figured since the series was ending anyway it was no big deal, but it is. Things like this ruined shows like X-Files, Moonlighting, Mork and Mindy. There was No reason to bring Pete and Myka together and nothing to make her say she loved him. UGH
I hope the fangirls are satisfied that the writers listened to their whining that Pete and Myka needed to be together.
It has been clear from day one, or should have been that Pete lusted after Myka but she didn't reciprocate those feelings.
It was a nice finale and I think the actors and everyone did a great job but yeah I did kind of see Pete/Myka coming since it was the end of the series. I could be wrong but I don't think the actors really liked that angle at least from the interviews I've seen before the last season ever took place. I think they liked that they were best friends/siblings and not love interests.
I can't speak for the actors or writers on the show but maybe it sometimes bothered them that fans were more interested about the possible romance between Myka and Pete and not about the actual show that did kind of teach you about things that you probably never would have known. I mean on every show there is romance but it wasn't a Nicholas Sparks novel people come on. And the same can be said for HG Wells. I loved the character but in the Season 3 finale she died and the Warehouse blew up and I think people were freaking out more about her death than the Warehouse. These kind of things were probably the reason why Steve was a gay character so fans would know what the kind of relationship between him and Claudia would be and not speculate on when they would sleep together. Though it didn't stop some of them.
Truth be told I am kind of glad for everyone on the show that they made Pete/Myka a couple and not HG/Myka or left it open because then the fangirls would roast them on Twitter and such for it and they don't deserve that. But the whole HG/Giselle thing was so not needed.
This show kind of surprised me in terms of the interviews. I've hardly ever seen the lead actors not really wanting their characters together romantically(again based on the interviews I've seen), actors making up their own couple(HG/Myka) before the episodes even air and then months before the last season airs say that a major couple(Pete/Myka) is going to happen and then a week before the last season airs give out every major thing that happens. Not spoilers, more like recaps. But all in all it was a good show and I wish the actors the best.
It was clear from day one that the "will they or won't they" trope would be trotted out here, too. Still, they did throw in her deepening regard for Pete in more than one episode before this. I'd mentioned before that he was the sole person she told about her cancer. He must be pretty important to her.
Brother, yoµ can believe in stones, as long as yoµ don't throw them at me.
it made me teary eyed also, i had to fight it off a bit more after reading some of these comments. its sad to see this show and many shows that i love end. i got the feeling from the characters that they felt the same way. its a bit crazy that some shows can go for so many seasons and just keep on trucking. then there are shows that do a few seasons and call it quits. im not sure if it has to do with ratings or if the producers just figured its best to quit while they are ahead or want to move on to bigger and better things. it is what it is i guess. ive always had the hots for Claudia, Myka and the characters they play. this show will be missed and the finale was well done
It ruined an actually pretty good finale otherwise for me.
There was zero reason to have Myka and Pete suddenly get together like that. It was cringe-worthy because I think even the actors were pissed at it. They and the producers have been saying for the entire run that they have a sibling relationship, and suddenly throwing this at us was gross. It took away from the reminiscing, the clips, the family thinking they might be saying goodbye. And for what?
How many times did Myka have to save Pete from certain death (and vice versa), in the the Warehouse world? Myka's cancer was real, and Pete almost sacrificed the future of 13 to save her life. That was the "game changer". The fact that many of you thought that Myka, and Pete weren't meant be together since the first season? Do you know what it's like to be in a relationship? "Gross", is code for "I'm not there yet".
I was wondering if they would do something completely out-of-the-box and have a momentous challenge, and then Pete sacrifices his life to save Myka. Then and only then does Myka realize her feelings for Pete. The way the romance happened was cartoonish. Myka needed to watch a holographic movie to recognize her feelings? That's kind of strange. Why wouldn't she know it otherwise?
Same with Pete a couple episodes ago, when he had to have Kelly, his former girlfriend, tell him that he was in love with Myka. It's almost as though he didn't really fall in love until Kelly told him, or suggested it to him.
The Artie flashback was strange too. Why wouldn't something that significant (Artie having a son) never be mentioned until now?
The showgirls scene was surreal and bizarre, but I found it funny. Partly because of the awkward dancing from the main characters and also because of Claudia's energy throughout.
But my favorite scene of the finale was the memory of Leena foretelling her own death. I wish they had never killed her off.
When I recorded the episode on the DVR, the recording stopped at the 60-min. mark. But the episode was 61 minutes long, so I didn't even see that final scene of Claudia in the future. I only saw the last part of the scene with The Round Table. Then I watched it on demand and finally saw that closing. Bittersweet, knowing that Claudia is no longer the headstrong teenager that she was, and that everyone else is probably dead by that point.
I just watched it again last night, my husband had not seen it yet. Who was chopping onions near me? I dont think that I can watch it again for a while.
I enjoyed the finale. It was a little bittersweet having a show end after only 6 episodes. I did find it odd that the defining moment for all the characters (aside from Pete) were all essentially new moments from the standpoint that they were never part of previous episodes. I didn't have an issue with the whole Pete/Myka thing as I think they had left the possibility open for a while now there could be a romantic relationship. As well, at least they left this as just a small part of the finale, I think it would have been a mess if the entire finale revolved around their potential relationship. It would have been nice to have had a quick glimpse into what became of Pete/Myka/Jinks/Arty at the end. I guess it is also a little bittersweet as well at the end with Claudia where you get the sense she is all alone now as her WH13 family has moved on.
yeah it's corny, but i like the fact that pete and myka got together at the end, I was like "awwwwwwwww"
the finale was... interesting...
a clip show that wasn't exactly a clip show...
The "artie had a son all along and a totally health/good relationship with him" was pretty cool. I liked that
The dance number was great, as was myka's flashback to the soap opera housewife/ninja battle.
I also liked how wh14 is on the MOON, that's pretty cool
Things that didn't really work...
jink's flashback was kinda corny, and not endearing corny like pete/myka but corny corny, sure the whole idea of showing the breadth of the wacky adventures they got in was a commendable idea, but the whole "kicker" of jink's "omg I'm in a beating heart, it's beautiful..." i guess didn't make too much sense for me. They could have spun it in a different way like "I'm in a beating heart, business as usual, this job is awesome"
artie's yelling at the warehouse also made good sense. the dude basically lived there and was being kicked out (not immediately, but imagine if you were told you were going to lose your job/home sometime in the immediate future, nothing you can do about it, it's gonna happen). but he gets an apple; and it's like. Oh, ok.
I think it is interesting that most warehouse 13 season finales were some climactic event with the world, or the warehouse, or several main characters lives at risk/lost; which would be resolved in the next premiere yeah, but I still was kinda expecting some sort of an artifact case for the last one
anyways I'm rambling
I loved the show, I'm disappointed that it's over
and I'm not really sure what to make of the finale. I'm not entirely sure if it was the finale I was disappointed with or the fact that the show was ending.
The Warehouse gives the scent of apples to those it likes. HG could smell them in Warehouse 12 and Catarunga explains that to her. Claudia, I believe, smells them at one point. So, the Warehouse giving Artie a whole apple was like it was saying "Love you."
1st, God made idiots. That was for practice. Then he made school boards. -Mark Twain reply share
Then you probably didn't watch the nearly identical scene from the Mentalist. Same deal: Two partners who sometimes flirt for years but know they don't work as a couple. And then the final episode comes around, so bang, they announce their love and live happily ever after. Bleagh.
I will never believe in any universe that Myka is in love with Pete...when she clearly (and the actors and fans clearly wanted) wanted a relationship with HG
I am the ray of darkness in your otherwise sunny day...