We felt we saw Cancellationland a few episodes into the Walter Sykes story line.
Sure, there was murder and mayhem with James and Helena, but with Walter the series took a dark turn.
Burning that female regent slowly to death was probably the low point for us.
And then to close season three with so many unanswered questions, thanks to really bad writing, just to plow right into the W13 destruction/Magellan's astrolabe story line and end IT with even more unanswered questions......the handwriting was on the wall.
We re-watched the premier episode last night just to refresh our memories of how good this show used to be. God, this series has sunk!
We will be sorry to see it go, but can't really blame SciFy this time, as much as we would like to for all the other good shows that the Scify dumb asses have cancelled!
When did YOU know?
Know the Death of Religion, Know the Death of Hate and Fear
When they let Claudia sing, then when they let her sing again. and so on.
Late reply (topic just got a reply bump and I saw this):
I do wish they wouldn't do that. She's not a screeching cat in a fire or anything, I mean, you'd definitely want her leading "Happy Birthday" at the office party, but it isn't like seeing Anthony Stewart Head get the occasional chance to sing on Buffy, either. Just nowhere near professional quality.
"You said you'd met more interesting artichokes." "Well, he was alive then." reply share
I'm actually of the opposite opinion. I've watched the entire series to date over the last week and a bit (I have a really long commute), and in watching so much in such a compressed time, the changes become far more apparent. From that perspective, I really think that the show keeps getting better. The character interactions and relationships continue to become more interesting, comfortable, and well-written as the characters develop, while the introduction of more complex arcs increases the show's draw, even as it continues to be written in such a way that each episode stands on its own, and the continuing references to its own continuity, particularly in the form of reappearing artefacts, make the world of Warehouse 13 feel much more real and complete. The writers also started making more brave choices in the later seasons, and that led to higher stakes, resulting in greater suspense and more interesting stories. Having watched four seasons of the show in a little over a week, reaching S04E16 just this morning, I can honestly say that each season is better than the last. Obviously there's variation in the quality of episodes throughout any given season, but the overall quality of the show continues to improve. I'm very disappointed to read that it's coming to an end.
I have to disagree with a lot of the opinions regarding season 3. I really liked season 3 and it's darker tone. I like Jinks. I thought he was a good foil for Claudia. As a matter of fact, one of my favorite WH13 moments of all time involved Jinks. It was when Claudia found Jinks dead and you heard her scream, while watching the expressions on Pete's and Myka's faces. It was heartbreaking.
The weakest season for me was the first half of season 4. Brent Spiner and the Astrolade was the worst part of the show's run. But then, in the second half, they bring on Spike (James Marsters) and Giles (Anthony Head) of Buffy fame?? Total nerdgasim! I thought the 2nd half the the season was awesome! I am just disappointed that SyFy wasted so much time on Brent Spiner and the Astrolade storyline.
In the end, I think the series has really picked-up and I am disappointed that it is ending.
The death of MacPherson by the weak "antagonist", H.G. Wells. I can't believe I watched the show all the way through season 3 until the first episode of season 4. I just gave up on the entire thing at that point. Judging by the ratings drop in season 2 and 3, I think many people abandoned ship when I was starting to lose interest in watching.
The show was pretty much fluff from the start, but the characters got sillier as the show went on.
Complete "Flanderization" of the main cast. Pete became a child. Myka indecisive to the point of absurdity. Artie was even more crotchety. Pretty much the only character that remained consistent was Leena, but that was because they never gave her anything to do so she was spared from becoming a two-dimensional version of her season 1 character.
I always wanted a artifact that swapped sexual orientation. I could see Lattimore and Jinx swapping then Lattimore becoming a flaming queen and Jinx a abusive jock.
Sometimes is just the best to keep yourself, the way you are.
The moment it aired on Sci-fi. Or rather before as every show they've had which was worth half a damn they've never done right by. Seeing anything new to sci-fi(syfy or whatever) fills me with a feeling of never wanting to come attached or invested. So why should they have done any better by Warehouse?
Is it me? Or am I the only one here grown weary of saying, 'Let's be glad for what we did get?'
Good point. When you compare how USA treats their series, SyFy really sucks.
But I don't think Warehouse 13 is awful. I've enjoyed it enough to keep tuning in. I do wish they made more use of HG. The plotting of Season 2 was ridiculous in many ways. HG was a bad guy, then she's good only to be proven really horrible but not so much. MacPherson and Styles made better season villains because they were consistently bad.
Turning Artie evil at the end of Season 4.1 was a good twist. The alchemist and his family in Season 4.2 is just a bit too arbitrary. Smells of Season 2's plotting.
Storylines got worse, bad use of potential good characters (and actors). Introducing Abigail (whywhywhy). The "Benelux" Duchess did it for me, man that was ignorant. I will still try season 5 though because of Pete, Mycah and ok Claudia.