Seriously guys? This movie is terrible.
I'm failing to see how anyone enjoyed this movie. It was almost painful for me to watch. What gives with all the people saying it's hilarious, smart, refreshing, etc? To me, it was exactly like every other movie of its genre but even less funny than normal. Some issues I had with it:
*Some major spoilers ahead, don't read if you don't want the movie to be spoiled for you*
*I'm more than happy to spend an evening watching a pleasant romantic comedy. But the romance in this movie is so weak! The awkward flirting was cute and showed promise but the second they went on the date I considered myself totally un-invested. The hot blonde coming up and saying "You never called..." causing McAdams' character to run out was never brought up again, nothing to the effect of "hmm should I be worried that your the type who sleeps with bimbos then never calls them?". I kept waiting for the issue to re-surface in the movie and it never did. Then they insert a random scene with McAdam's character babbling incessantly about why they can't be together and it doesn't even make sense! It was clearly stuck in the movie randomly to add some sort of drama to the relationship...and hey, it goes no where anyway!
*The characters of Diane Keaton and Harrsion Ford. Were so. Boring. Incredibly boring. Harrison Ford seems incapable of moving his face. He had literally no redeeming qualities; he was a snobbish diva from the beginning to the end of the movie and then suddenly he decides he cares so much about the (very recently hired) executive producer he's going to drop all of these horrible traits about the lamest way possible. It could have been done much, much better than it was. And Diane Keaton was under-used imo, her character could have been developed much further. The two of them getting together in the end was, of course, predictable but was done in the sloppiest way feelings of fondness are shown between them AT ALL.
*The message of this movie is disturbing. Rachel McAdam's character says to Harrison Ford's "Entertainment and News have been battling it out for years and your side lost" (something to that effect). The only way for the TV show to stay on the air is to pull a bunch of stunts completely unrelated to what's actually going on in the world. It's certainly realistic but in the movie it's portrayed as a good thing, rather than a damn tragedy. Which it is.
*The climax. Rachel McAdam's decision to stay at her old TV show rather than move to NBC was so completely, mind-blowingly stupid. She stays because it "feels like a family", Harrison Ford makes eggs at the end and, uh.....? The family thing was not sufficiently portrayed in the movie, I had no idea they were supposed to all be so damn close until she said that line. Her pay was crap, the show was crap,her boss was a dick, she wasn't doing anything worthwhile with her time, the leads in the show treated her like crap. Am I missing something? I'm fairly certain that the minute Ford's contract was up he would have left the show promptly, making her act of loyalty totally pointless.
Thanks for taking the time to read all of that, if you did. Did anyone else hate this movie?
For British eyes only