MovieChat Forums > Morning Glory (2010) Discussion > Seriously guys? This movie is terrible.

Seriously guys? This movie is terrible.

I'm failing to see how anyone enjoyed this movie. It was almost painful for me to watch. What gives with all the people saying it's hilarious, smart, refreshing, etc? To me, it was exactly like every other movie of its genre but even less funny than normal. Some issues I had with it:

*Some major spoilers ahead, don't read if you don't want the movie to be spoiled for you*

*I'm more than happy to spend an evening watching a pleasant romantic comedy. But the romance in this movie is so weak! The awkward flirting was cute and showed promise but the second they went on the date I considered myself totally un-invested. The hot blonde coming up and saying "You never called..." causing McAdams' character to run out was never brought up again, nothing to the effect of "hmm should I be worried that your the type who sleeps with bimbos then never calls them?". I kept waiting for the issue to re-surface in the movie and it never did. Then they insert a random scene with McAdam's character babbling incessantly about why they can't be together and it doesn't even make sense! It was clearly stuck in the movie randomly to add some sort of drama to the relationship...and hey, it goes no where anyway!

*The characters of Diane Keaton and Harrsion Ford. Were so. Boring. Incredibly boring. Harrison Ford seems incapable of moving his face. He had literally no redeeming qualities; he was a snobbish diva from the beginning to the end of the movie and then suddenly he decides he cares so much about the (very recently hired) executive producer he's going to drop all of these horrible traits about the lamest way possible. It could have been done much, much better than it was. And Diane Keaton was under-used imo, her character could have been developed much further. The two of them getting together in the end was, of course, predictable but was done in the sloppiest way feelings of fondness are shown between them AT ALL.

*The message of this movie is disturbing. Rachel McAdam's character says to Harrison Ford's "Entertainment and News have been battling it out for years and your side lost" (something to that effect). The only way for the TV show to stay on the air is to pull a bunch of stunts completely unrelated to what's actually going on in the world. It's certainly realistic but in the movie it's portrayed as a good thing, rather than a damn tragedy. Which it is.

*The climax. Rachel McAdam's decision to stay at her old TV show rather than move to NBC was so completely, mind-blowingly stupid. She stays because it "feels like a family", Harrison Ford makes eggs at the end and, uh.....? The family thing was not sufficiently portrayed in the movie, I had no idea they were supposed to all be so damn close until she said that line. Her pay was crap, the show was crap,her boss was a dick, she wasn't doing anything worthwhile with her time, the leads in the show treated her like crap. Am I missing something? I'm fairly certain that the minute Ford's contract was up he would have left the show promptly, making her act of loyalty totally pointless.

Thanks for taking the time to read all of that, if you did. Did anyone else hate this movie?

For British eyes only


I loved it - it was funny - sweet - smart - and the acting was great!


I loved it - it was funny - sweet - smart - and the acting was great!

I agree. How could anyone say it's terrible? All three main actors were great. Roger Ebert gave it a 3.5 out of 4 - I find I rarely disagree with his reviews.
See: IEWS/101109973/1023


Yeah I didn't like this movie. The only thing good was looking at the hunky Patrick Wilson! I want to watch more of his movies. His character should have been more developed or there should have been more romance! Harrison Ford was talking with a Clint Eastwood accent. Did anybody else think that? I just didn't find the acting very good and Rachel wasn't funny. She is gorgeous but in my opinion she hasn't been in anything good lately. The height of her career was when Mean Girls, The Notebook and Wedding Crashers were out in theaters.


Well, it certainly seems that LL sparked some debate here. I've been away for a couple of weeks and have returned to some pretty 'interesting" takes on "Morning Glory", both positive and negative. Personally, I STILL liked the film very much, largely (but not entirely) based of Rachel McAdams' presence in it. She is
an excellent actress and IS very funny in this film. Despite her obvious beauty, she has some facial expressions that set you up for one laugh after another. She is athletic and often times will employ that talent in order to make a scene click. How many actresses could run in heels like Rachel? How many could
do a "couch roll" like she and Patrick did? If I were a cab driver, I'd stop when she "hailed" me with that whistle. Rachel also possesses great comedic timing and plays well off of other actors. Her "bad mime" scenes were extremely funny as were her scenes with the various co-workers at Daybreak. All in all, Rachel
is one helluva an actress and she DOES do comedy well.
Regarding the 'height of her career" is concerned, "we ain't seen nothin yet, bubba baby!!!" Rachel is going to be around for a long time to come. She is in control of her career in that she can make good "little" films
like the 'Lucky Ones" and come back to work on blockbusters like "Sherlock Holmes" with no problem whatsoever. Trust me, there WILL be an Oscar in this lady's future. Mark my words.
Finally, regarding "Morning Glory". This film will do well before the final bell has rung. It is a good film and
will do well when it opens in foreign markets next year. Sorry, some of you didn't like it but, so it goes.
I'm told Anne Hathaway has a movie out now that you might enjoy. Now there's a real comedic actress...NOT.


I agree, pgibbons6. Especially about the Oscar. She should start rehearsing her Oscar acceptance speech at some point because it will come in handy one day...



Yeah, they play on it too much though. She just irritated me like crazy. The film improved when she SHUT UP!


Ford's character was so stuck up that you cared very little about him.

Its that man again!!


well, and besides the character flaws and the not-told stories, i found that the movie was really bad-crafted... bad lighting (2nd last scene in the director's office), the (piano)music was too loud, the voices were too small, some cuts were bad, the McAdam's haircut was changed so often (esp. in the end), i had the feeling that they made 3 attempts to shoot some scenes with months between them... and well, i thought that movie would be funnier... there was so much potential in these characters, but then, you already had a discussion about that (one i couldn't join because we just got that movie here on thursday...)


Great original post, Liz Lemler, I couldn´t have said it better myself. I agree with mostly everything you said, except for the last paragraph. I liked the fact that she [Becky] decided to stay with ´Daybreak´ and decline the new offer. So now the big guns suddenly wanted her after that the scruffy limping network [that no one believed in] had aided her when she needed it the most and no one else would!? I understood why she decided the way she did. If she would have left, she would have thrown away everything she had achieved so far and thus stalling a process that had started to form within the network itself and within the shape of Ford´s character, who when we in the beginning were introduced to seemed to have lost all inspiration and meaning in life. Ford was surprisingly pale in this film, and Keaton, like you said, didn´t have much to work with at all. Reachel McAdams has been great in many films such as The Notebook and Red Eye and so therefore I concluded that the problem lies within the story itself, or more of, the lack of any real interesting twists and turns with no solid base. A lot seemed contrived and especially the moments of laughter felt forced. It wasn´t until the very end when Ford´s character ordered eggs from one of his co-workers and the colleague responded with an exasperated ´ I hate my job´ that I genuinley laughed [and couldn´t stop doing so for quite some time]. The love stories in this one were very cheesy and undeveloped. Although I loved the notion of Becky´s mother appreciatingly smiling at her daughter´s persistence to follow her guts and dreams, which ultimately gained her the success she had sought after for so long. All in all, not a very good mix. That´s all.


Isn't that just the most predictable thing though? Of course she was going to stay with the show, her new boyfriend (whom I have taken to calling "The Plank") and her new surrogate parents.

Yawn. Did ANYONE see ANYTHING original in this excuse for a film?


I really did find this film very funny. There were areas which maybe one could be critical of, but, i went to watch a comedy that would entertain me and this film delivered plenty of laughs!



Agreed. Terrible film.



True. I see he's now appearing in "Cowboys and Aliens".

For goodness' sake...



Funnily enough, I was just in Spain on holiday. I was on a long bus trip and they showed movies, but I didn't bother with headphones so couldn't hear anything. What did they show?! Morning Glory! And you know, it's way better when you can't hear what's being said..


The hot blonde coming up and saying "You never called..." causing McAdams' character to run out was never brought up again, nothing to the effect of "hmm should I be worried that your the type who sleeps with bimbos then never calls them?". I kept waiting for the issue to re-surface in the movie and it never did.

I've seen a couple of others complain about this on this board and my friend, who I saw the movie with, said the same thing. I don't get the big deal though. She doesn't know the circumstances of his relationship with the blonde, why worry about it. And he obviously called her back (Rachel's character), if this had been me, I wouldn't have made a big deal about it. I would have probably been a bit cautious about him, and if he'd have displayed any signs of similar behaviour I would have been out of there, but I wouldn't have made an issue out of it. Most of us have done something we're not proud of, I certainly have and I wouldn't appreciate being unfairly penalised for it. If he was a serial "wham, bam, thank you, m'am" type then that would be different, but he obviously wasn't.
"20 Pounds of crazy in a 5 pound bag" - Spencer on Parker


I agree its boring guys but it really wasn't unrealistic.Harrison play his char right he wanted to report real news not funny segments etc stuff.


I come here to check out peoples opinions of movies before I watch one.

Thanks to your incoherent post (in which you seem to defend this movie), I will stay far away from this one.

I can't imagine the Hell your teachers went through.

I haven't slept for ten days, because that would be too long


You should have kept reading.



Looks like an ok movie and I'm about to watch it and I have no intention to read about your opinion actually.
