The major problem with House of the Dragon is you have to have read the book to know what is going on.
shareThe major problem with House of the Dragon is you have to have read the book to know what is going on.
shareI haven't read the book and I think I understand most of it but some things are not real clear.
Still, there's a lot of info on the GoT/wiki page. You might come across some spoilers there but still a great source. It's like the cliff notes for the whole story. And the official podcast is pretty good at explaining things that happen in the show without spoilers that give away future events.
Here's a link to the podcast....
It's also on the HBOMAX app..
I did just that. The World of Ice & Fire book (Highly Recommended) has been insanely helpful to fine tune some of the points the show was making and SPOILER what happens to some of the main characters is insane. Gonna be a fun show either way.
shareThe book is still quite different and also written as a history book, not a proper novel. Yes, you know the outcome, but you also know the outcome from lets say Dahmer, and might still watch the show. The show showed, that it can give new nuances to the story, which make sense and "could be true". Nevertheless, there are definitely decisions made, which are not good.
shareI haven't read the book and I knew exactly what was going on. The problem with the book is that like The Bible, it's written by unreliable actors. George RR Martin, Ryan Condal, and Miguel Sopochnick all said the book is SPECULATIVE HISTORY as most history books are. None of the events in the book are the truth. What is being depicted in the series is THE truth.
posted a day ago by kenburke (2014)
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The major problem with House of the Dragon is you have to have read the book to know what is going on.
The major problem with House of the Dragon is you have to have read the book to know what is going on.
Sigh. Society. Smart phones. Tablets. Instant gratification. Marvel. Rings of Power. Etc.
Have made humanity dumb, or maybe not dumb but with the attention span of a goldfish.
Everything is crystal clear in the show, and unfolds quite slow. How can anybody have problems to realize what's going on?
I never read the books.
Never read the book. Kept up with everything. It's complicated, there's a lot of plotlines and characters, but it's nothing that requires background knowledge to be understood on its own.