Lois is ugly

No, really, she looks like a scarecrow. Butt ugly, skinny and old.
Superman looks all right, but would it kill him to shave?


Come on man, she’s stunning.

I was actually hoping they cast a black actress as Lois here. Would have been the perfect show to do it.

This Superman is facing real life drama, he gonna need a black momma.



Best Lois since Margot Kidder. HANDS DOWN.

I agree its weird that Superman seems to have a 5 O'Clock Shadow whenever he rushes out to save the day though. But that just might be a thing with Tyler Hoechlin's face and them not being able to airbrush that on the budget and time of a weekly television show.

Brandon Routh paired with Elizabeth Tulloch would have been the gold standard. Alas...


She doesn't do a thing for me. Boring boring boring.


Eh. Beauty is in the eye, so there's no Right answer. But it's hard to argue w/Erica Durance. . .really!


She looks like Margot Kidder if Kidder had been in a concentration camp for years.


She's ugly as Margot Kidder , best Lois Lane is Amy Adams hands down.


You’re ugly


OP is well aware of that, why do you think they post nasty shit like this?


Lois is played by a 40 years old chick, while Superman is played by a 34 years old guy.

It's just ridiculous. You're Superman and you're in your 30s, you're getting a chick in her 20s. You're not getting a 40 years old woman.


Again, that's why Brandon Routh and Elizabeth Tulloch would have been the gold standard, they are almost the same age and would make a great pairing.


I thought it was to highlight the idea that Superman ages slower than normal people. I assume they were supposed to look roughly the same age when they got together.


Mmm, if the kids are teenagers and they had them in the late 20s, Superman would be in his 40s and they would have the same age (more or less). The actor is in his 30s to simulate the slower aging.

Ok, that makes sense and it's narratively coherent. When somebody is right, he's right. Very good point. 👍


Superman of the comics is 29 (and has been for at least 50 years).


No, you are ridiculous, and incapable of following the story.

They've been together for going on 20 years, and Superman doesn't age. Obviously at some point Lois is going to look older than him.


No, you are ridiculous, and incapable of following the story.

They've been together for going on 20 years, and Superman doesn't age. Obviously at some point Lois is going to look older than him.

The "Superman having the same age but aging slowly" point was already made by @janelsenor in the second reply to my comment. You can read my answer above, but I'll copy it for you anyway: "Ok, that makes sense and it's narratively coherent. When somebody is right, he's right. Very good point.".

Of course, there's a difference between he and you. Unlike you, he didn't insult or made any personal attack. He made that point in a educated way, and I agreed with him. I don't know him, but when it comes to this particular thread, unlike you, he behaved as a quality person, and I replied to him in that very same way. That's how a debate between high quality people works.


Except that the very point you were making was hugely offensive, and I didn't believe you deserved any such consideration.


Except that the very point you were making was hugely offensive

Wokes and their offenses....


Has there ever been a hot Lois? Pretty yes, hot no




A beautiful face yes, but again not hot. To me, using the word hot to describe a woman means the entire package is in the top tier. I'm a tough critic, otherwise why have a top tier if throwing a big percentage into a single tier.


Well, I submit that Lois shouldn't necessarily be hot. I think "cute" is probably the way to go with her.


You're one of the few that doesn't think Erica Durance is hot. You're the only one on the PLANET that doesn't think Teri Hatcher is hot. Yes, I've taken a poll. . .


If I called Teri Hatcher hot, then what do I call all the women way hotter than her? She's not ugly, she's above average to me.


I'm gonna need links to these women you say are way hotter. Strictly for research purposes, you understand. . .


I'm not gunna waste my time throwing up links. A little common sense, crawling out from under a rock & simple searching will find you plenty.



Protip: Lighten up. You'll live longer.


Agreed. Kidder and latest TV Lois are nothing to write home about. There were definitely hotter when Kidder was cast, but who knows if any of them would pulled off the chemistry with Reeve's like she did...

Superman Movie Lois Screen Tests


Teri Hatcher was the only HOT Lois in Lois and Clark.


Disagree. Teri Hatcher was definitely hot.


Parker Posey would have made a hot Lois in Superman Returns, if they had the sense to cast her in the role.


Decently Beautiful face, but not hot.


Yeah this Lois is cross-eyed and very much fugly.

That's the honest truth.

She wasn't even attractive when she was on the show Grimm.

Here she looks even worse, and when they had Eric Durance in that short cameo both her and Tom Welling looked SOOOO much better as a couple and as Lois and Clark than these new actors.

This Superman is only partially passable, but he's stricken with way too much soy; a flimsy jawline and a goofy face structure.

It's funny but even with all the padding, this guy looks LESS buff than Tom Welling even when Tom Welling wasn't in the suit. Also, Tom Welling and Brandon Routh both maintained a more statuesque gait over this new guy, making their version of Superman look so much more... heroic.


It's always the most undesirable incels who say stuff like that about women.


Majority of my comment was actually about the male actors. But you do you, ace.


Perhaps you should reread your own comment.

But hey, so far on these Moviechat boards you've demonstrated yourself to be a homophobe, a racist, and a misogynist - so yeah, I don't know how anything normal, healthy, or functional can be expected out of you.


Your comments about this superman not being masculine enough for you is Incelry 101


What is that? An all-celery diet?

Hmm, I should try that sometime.


Nothing against the actress, and I don't find her unattractive, but she does look older than I'd expect for this Superman.
