MovieChat Forums > The Taking of Pelham 123 (2009) Discussion > 100 things I learned about The Taking of...

100 things I learned about The Taking of Pelham 123

The hijacker of a train, chances are, is certainly Catholic, definitely Wall Street, and probably gay.


When the police deliver 10,000,000 dollars in cash they are required to crash not once....not twice...but three time....


Armed Response Units - be sure to wear trousers with elasticated ankles when working underground, to avoid providing a hairy play-tunnel for rats.


Ryder was a whinning litte b*tch.

I'm a Conservative, and thats my opinion on this matter.



Denzel Washington should never ever eat another donut.

MTA staff have young wives.

Never ride the subway in NYC.


That Denzel Washington & John Travolta should not take every role offered to them.

In certain situations it is not wise to demand your boyfriend say 'I love you', such as when he has been taken hostage in a NYC subway train by 4 thugs with big gun who are threatening to blow his head off.

Never ask for directions from a Hollywood script writer, especially on the NYC subway, because even though the last stop on the #6 train is Brooklyn Bridge, it is on the Manhattan side of the bridge and no where near Coney Island.

Now all you Hollywood directors, producers, writers and actors say this one with me very, very slowly and repeat as often as necessary-YOU DON'T ALWAYS HAVE TO RE-MAKE A CLASSIC!

Due to recent cutbacks, the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off until further notice!


Gold! Buy Gold!

The terrorist response unit will never got called... eh?

Prison tattoos and a Zapata mustache doth a criminal make

They can shut off every subway in the city but traffic along a designated route... meh... forget about it.....

All the cops will arrive at the Waldorf 15 seconds after being notified

All the cops will instantly form a wagon circle around the right suspects

And all the cops will shoot volleys and volleys of bullets with 100% accuracy despite bystanders....

Oh, and working on Wall Street has more perks than you'd did that pick-up scene go? You do what for a living....nice..... :-D


Attempting to shoot 20 armed cops is better than just surrendering

Getaway cars are a bad idea

Gangmembers can't hear whispering

John travolta loves the word mother *beep*

rats like to crawl into pant legs


I learned that a 6 train could bypass a Q train while traveling down the middle express track going to Coney Island.


If you are black and ugly, you'll have very high chances of being one of the first to die with a loud bang.

If you are mexican and ugly, you'll have very high chances of getting killed... and nobody will notice.

If you are arab and ugly, well, you'll surely die at the climating ending. Probably with 50+ bullets inside you.

If you are a kid or an attractive female, you are safe.


ummm... the first two people to die in this film are white and irish... where are they in your list?


After your laptop shuts off at 0% battery, it magically recharges and can turn again so you can tell your girlfriend that you *beep* love her!


Good catch!

I'm not waiting for the answers on a Sunday afternoon...


wifi/cell reception in the nyc subway only in the moving pictures


In NYC drivers dont stop when they hear/see police motorcycles and cars with sirens and lights on.


- If you've just gained $300,000,000 investing in gold futures, you should make sure you lug a 75 lb bag of $3,333,333 on your getaway.

- When it's known that your opponent has previously taken a bribe of $35,000, ignore the opportunity to bribe him with millions of dollars that you don't need. Instead, ask to be shot.

- If you're the only black guy in a hostage situation, you're going to have to die. Even if it means volunteering.

- Hijacking a train with 19 people would cause the stock market and dollar value plummet worse than hijacking 4 planes and killing 3,000 people.

- When you have 7 minutes to deliver money to a terrorist, make sure you argue with your wife about milk.

- If you need to deliver cash from Brooklyn to Midtown Manhattan in 30 minutes, you will crash 3 times. But if you need to deliver Denzel from midtown to the lower east side, you can make it in about 2 minutes, unscathed.

- The last stop on the 6 train is Coney Island, Brooklyn. And Shea Stadium is in Brooklyn.

- Some hostage situations still require trains to make all stops and let passengers off for work - because the mayor isn't a douchebag.

- If you've just made a heist, escaped, and are carry millions of dollars, take a stroll around Manhattan instead of taking a cab and getting the hell out of there.

- Hipster exhibitionists usually have a website set up to stream their business.

- John Travolta really hates Italians but the only racial slur he can muster is "greaseball."

- Ass models who go on weekend vacations to Iceland, must do so with Wall Street bankers.

- You shouldn't be concerned with protecting your identity when hijacking a train. Do not wear disguises and make sure you share personal anecdotes when the opportunity presents itself.


Spot on Hierophant_Green!

Ill add some...

100. That this is a stupid show

99. Having Denzel Washington and John Travolta does not necesarily make your film good.

98. Having John Torturro helps make tensed scenes a lot less serious

97. A civilian with ransom should be given a gun and should not wear a bullet proof vest

96. Streaming webcam cannot be used to assess terrorist positions, strength and numbers.

95. A suicide trigger on the train accelerator means its fool proof. Theres no way somebody could put weight on it to make it move. No way i tell u!

94. Policeman will say "So whos D**k did you have to suck?" when you are tasked with carrying the ransom to terrorists. Your response should be "Nobody..just mine".

93. A Wall street banker is the only rich person that is pissed with the system. Everybody else is satisfied and happy.

92. A terrosist will find a way to hijack a train, multiply his investments, demand a ransom and escape the tunnels but not the traffic. Traffic jam is out of his league...

91. A chief negotiator will circle his helicopter around as you are having a tense moment with the bad guy without doing anything. Then when everything is over he will salute you and fly off. Refer to point 98.

90. There is a high probability the original version of this movie is better



a subway's speed is AT LEAST measured with 3 digits after the decimals...


When you have a run away train, don't try to pull the emergency brakes or go into the driver's cabin and try to stop the train, just hope the train will hit a red signal and stop itself.

Subway in NYC will continue to run right through the scene of a hostage situation with armed kipnappers.

The #6 train stops on the #7 track at Grand Central.

The #6 train goes to Queens, and it goes to Queens while heading in the opposite direction towards downtown.

The #6 train goes to Coney Island, right after it passes through Queens on the express track and switches to the local track while unmanned.

The #6 train can go from the East side on the Lexington line to the west side on the Broadway line at 33rd/34th St even when the two lines are separate and over 4 blocks apart.

The #6 train goes everywhere in NYC.

All NYC subway cars look the same inside, even though they are a completely different model on the outside.

NYC subways will operate trains in whichever direction they feel like.

The NYPD should had a yellow cab driver delievered the money to midtown.


The NYPD should had a yellow cab driver delievered the money to midtown.
Heh! Priceless.

Taxi! Can you get me to the IBC building in three minutes?
Which floor?


When the laptop battery goes to 0% you can magically turn it back on after the hijackers leave to tell your girlfriend you love her


If you're a public servant forced deliver a $10m ransom to armed subway hijackers, the police won't suggest you wear a bullet-proof vest.

Runaway subway trains do so in staccato motion.

Even if I've generated a $300m profit on the stockmarket, I'll still lug a suitcase full of $3m cash across the Manhattan bridge.

Denzel Washington eats furniture between films.

Some classic films should never be re-made. Never.


In America you can only be considered a terrorist if your an Arab.

"Get over it, Im Aussie"


MSNBC's web page won't cover or carry a live feed from inside a terrorist hostage situation, conveniently preventing the head hijacker who is monitoring their website, and ONLY their website, from discovering the clandestine webcam.

The brains of the terrorist operation will have an uncanny and incessant feeling of his own impending death, lasting from the first minute of the operation right up to the point of the revelation coming true.


If you promise you'll do a task and deliver on it, don't expect any praise.

John Trovolta knows you're Irish.

You'll receive a one penny commission for brokering a deal between the mayor and a terrorist.

Bribery doesn't count if you were going to recommend the same train anyway.

If you promise your wife you'll bring a gallon of milk home afterward, she'll calmly let you do any dangerous job on earth.

100 Things I Learned: The Website


To get a free train ride, just shout "mayor's office" at train station staff - they'll let you through!


When everyone who works in the MTA central office recognizes the bad-guy motorman over the clandestine laptop, the correct thing to do is to refer to the motorman by name, the next time you speak to the chief bad guy. This will not raise any suspicion.


You'll receive a one penny commission for brokering a deal between the mayor and a terrorist.
See? Everyone's complaining that he only bought a half gallon of milk. That's all he could afford.

Waiter. More bread.
That's a ha-penny extra, sir.
Waiter. No more bread.


Two "children" ages 18 and 19 still drink milk.

Cops on bridges in a gun standoff are only thinking of their fear of heights, so they walk very slowly, if at all.

Helicopters carrying ransom money take five left turns to go in one direction.

NY subway cars are large enough to hide a dead, broken-nosed ex-motorman, without him ever being seen again.

Dispatchers expect phones in a derelict tunnel to still be working decades later.

When FBI guys are pleased with you, they wave at you from helicopters.

Cages over tunnel exits only weigh a few ounces, and no-one EVER notices you opening one surreptitiously and glancing around in a suspicious manner.

And they always come out right where the bad guy hailed a NY!


Two "children" ages 18 and 19 still drink milk.

Cops on bridges in a gun standoff are only thinking of their fear of heights, so they walk very slowly, if at all.

Helicopters carrying ransom money take five left turns to go in one direction.

NY subway cars are large enough to hide a dead, broken-nosed ex-motorman, without him ever being seen again.

Dispatchers expect phones in a derelict tunnel to still be working decades later.

When FBI guys are pleased with you, they wave at you from helicopters.

Cages over tunnel exits only weigh a few ounces, and no-one EVER notices you opening one surreptitiously and glancing around in a suspicious manner.

And they always come out right where the bad guy hailed a NY!


LOL. Yes, one wonders how a narcissistic hijacker searching for information on his own crime could possibly miss a 'direct view' news story.

2) You can receive ten million dollars from the city of New York in exchange for hostages - without actually handing the hostages over. Moreover, no one will question the lack of hostages after the payout.

3) $307 million dollars isn't worth going to jail for. Apparently the justice system is now perfect and no one gets parole.

4) If you committ a crime to make money off the stock market, you will use your own name for the stocks, not a dummy corporation or trust which could keep the police from ever finding that out.

5) If you have a cel phone to talk to your wife before delivering a ransom, you will magically NOT have the cel phone when you emerge onto the street, making you unable to call the police with a license plate number of the cab with the criminal. You will have to steal someone's car at gunpoint to make this call, but you can only tell them the direction he is headed, not what vehicle he is in.

6) A subway worker under suspicion of criminal activity can be given $10 million and a gun, and when he does not check in after delivering the ransom, no one will question this.

7) If you receive $10 million, you only need to check one bag to see if all the cash is there.


LOL. Yes, one wonders how a narcissistic hijacker searching for information on his own crime could possibly miss a 'direct view' news story.

Well, I was thinking about that one while watching, but no... clearly news sites would not air a live stream of that video because it would endanger the hostages.

I'm not waiting for the answers on a Sunday afternoon...


They always chew chewing gum in America.

MY Forum < >


A. All police departments should switch to Charger interceptors, because during a high speed chase if it t-bones a Crown Victoria cab, which is probably a retired PI it will cause the other car to flip 9000 times and fly away in the opposite direction like a toy and continue on with only a damaged fender.

B. A MTA desk jockey will suddenly swell up and go after a hardened criminal (who was recently a stockbroker) but a man who has not hesitated in pulling the trigger and along the way will carjack another man and chase him down at gunpoint. This same desk jockey will be too scared to face him with out cop backup once he has caught him.


That after you are involved in a hostage situation and just shot the guy behind the entire incident, you are let go within 10 minutes so you can buy your wife a gallon of milk.
