100 things I learned about The Taking of Pelham 123
The hijacker of a train, chances are, is certainly Catholic, definitely Wall Street, and probably gay.
shareThe hijacker of a train, chances are, is certainly Catholic, definitely Wall Street, and probably gay.
share-Don't ride in the first car. It might get hijacked.
-Subway service will continue despite the presence of armed gunmen with automatic weapons.
-Motormen who have scripted lines operate from the left side of the cab. Motormen of trains that aren't central to the storyline operate from the right.
-MTA personnel running in front of the train you're operating doesn't necessarily call for a brake application.
-Subway train cabs are soundproofed so well that motormen won't necessarily hear gunfire in the tunnel and stop the train accordingly.
-Apparatus which ought to be silent, such as train signals and speedometers, aren't necessarily.
-Despite your train running away absent of hijackers, you never want to try the emergency brake. Let the signal lights do the hard work.
-TEC-DC9 pistols, despite being out of production for about eight years, are still in vogue with train hijackers.
-Apparatus which ought to be silent, such as train signals and speedometers, aren't necessarily.Blame the Foley Ediitors' Union.
-Despite your train running away absent of hijackers, you never want to try the emergency brake. Let the signal lights do the hard workBlame the Motorman's Untion. They'd throw a city wide transit workers' strike if a citizen set foot in the operator's cab, and every last man[1] Jack on that train knew it.
-Don't ride in the first car. It might get hijacked.-If you're going to hijack a car off a NYC subway train, don't take the first car -- they'll be expecting it. Take the last one.
A civil servant untrained in police tactics is qualified to take down an armed criminal
There were no officers available that could have pretended to be that civil servant and take his place in a dangerous situation
If your man is in a dangerous situation, and you want him to come back alive, just ask him to bring home a gallon of milk.
-From the desk of Ms Slim
"I make him an offer he no refuse"
There were no officers available that could have pretended to be that civil servant and take his place in a dangerous situationAnd either Ryder's brain wasn't equipped with voice recognition software or they didn't have time to train some special forces guy in vocal mimicry.
In the event of a Subway train takeover, the stock market will dip a couple hundred points and cause gold to surge over 15000% to increase $2,000,000 to $300,000,000.
Think twice before you argue with someone smarter than you.
City officials prefer to deliver 10mil by car instead of Helicopter.
Women with children on subways don't stereotype black men.
it's ok to laugh after narrowly avoiding death.
If you just stolen large sums of money and are surrounded by police don't play dumb, it wont work.
If you just stolen large sums of money and are surrounded by police immediately pull out your gun and try to take as many you can with you.
It's ok to shoot at suspects even if cab drivers are in the cross fire.
Cops don't give verbal warnings to get on the ground anymore.
Passengers on subways are worth $526,315.79
There's a such thing as a$$ models
If you fly an a$$ model to Iceland you work on wall street.
If you're suspected of bribery you're either suspended, with pay, or have to work dispatch.
The stupid pregnant chick behind me can't follow a story line and has to ask her boyfriend several questions, during the movie, just to keep up.
*u(king yourself rather than another person is always easier than it looks
The only civilians to own guns are the crazy ones apparently
You should always tell your girlfriend you love her back even if it means being shot.
And to the poster about the mayor making a $1 a day, it's actually 87 cents after taxes
~ Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance ~
-Subways have internet connections.
-If you lost your wireless internet connection you can reconnect without touching the screen/keyboard at all.
-John Travolta likes his bunghole licked.
-A dog can take a duece while running only on his front legs.
-Some people would rather get shot than see someone they met 10 minutes ago get shot
-Apparently the parts of the track with about 700 volts of electricity running through them don't exist in movies
-A mild-mannered dispatcher can (and will) hijack a car and chase a criminal across the city for no reason in particular except to see cars flip over
-A police car, when hit from the side, does about 20 flips before landing on the ground underneath the bridge
-A trained police officer on a motorcycle can hit and flip over the back of a non-moving car
-A badly timed rat bite can be very inconvenient
-The mayor's not sure if he likes the Mets or Yankees
-The most logical thing to ask the mayor of New York right after you killed the man responsible for hijacking a subway car and killing innocent people is what baseball team he prefers
-John Travolta wants to speak to f%#^ing Garber!
-Aparently police don't shoot at someone who just killed another person
-The police take their time when running across a bridge towards someone who's pointing gun at someone else
-Random car chases can be really really really badly done...
Only small children can tell the difference between red lights and green lights
sharethe police take their time when running across a bridge towards someone who's pointing gun at someone elsethey were thinking of the scene from Nation Lampoon's Vacation where the family is running across the parking lot towards Wally World -- in fact they were humming the theme from Chariots of Fire to themselves.
- Tony Scott should stop making films
shareThe dude, who most likely has multiple women stripping on cam for him, loves his e-gf.
Phil was the brains of the operation.
One gallon of milk is more likely to impress your wife than a half gallon.
Not all husbands forget what their wife tells them and they will pick up the correct volume of milk.