Disgusting excuse for a woman

I would rather dive into a pool of my own vomit than watch anything Sasha Grey is in. Calling her an adult film star is a compliment. She is a violent sex movie star. Being gang-humped, punched and slapped is her forte. She portrays women as sex machines to be used and abused. Unfortunately, there are people who can't differentiate between good and bad... acting verses reality, i.e. Ted Bundy. By portraying herself as a woman who is willing to participate in violent sex and abuse, she endangers women.


It can be debated whether or not someone like her does endanger women. It's good that you're concerned on the behalf of women. IMO it's better for movies to demonstrate truths that we don't want to consider about human behavior. Namely that there are women who like to be treated that way. Degradation and even violence is preferred by some women. I would really hope that anyone who watches someone like Sasha Grey in porn wouldn't try to compare her to the general population. Porn is an outlet for urges that a lot of people would rather not have involved in their relationships. It's really hard to gauge watching porn to deal with those urges vs. just repressing them is a healthy way of deal with that or not.


there was rape before porn, look at grecko-roman mythology, there were psychos before literature, people who are already predisposed to this behaviour are exactly the same without their "inspiration" from this music or tv show or movie, so fox news and tabloid papers can sell extra copies, and call it matrix style, marylin manson induced rampage, to cause enough controversy to sell copies of papers, up viewership and scare parents, in doing so.

also, more porn made, rape rate drops.

totez off for a ham shandy, was gonna watch deal or no deal and strangle someone with a phone because 0.000000000001% turn into ted bundy from watching smut.



Dang, you got serious issues... go see a shrink

"I'd say I'm sorry, but you know it just wouldn't be sincere..."


I'm confused. What the heck does her porn work have to do with her acting in THIS movie?? Nothing, as far as I can tell. GFE doesn't even have much nudity in it, much less any actual sex.


Since you would, as you state, dive into a pool of your own vomit than watch any of Ms. Grey's previous works, who can you speak with veracity what her forte is?

As stated elsewhere, Bundy was not a porn addict, nor was pornography a mitigating factor in his crimes. What you present is a false lead: these same people that cannot differentiate reality are just as likely to watch other films. Does that mean you must condemn anyone who has starred in an action film? Those films, witnessed by the same delusional mind you present, put us all in danger!

Sasha Grey does not endanger women. She does not portray women as sex machines. She portrays the characteristics of a sexual submissive, and that is it.

When I am king you will be first against the wall.


this is the second 'sasha gray bashing' review I have read from you. Pretty sad that you 'refuse to watch a movie she has done' but you have taken the time to watch her porn and have all the time to write hate filled reviews about her.

she makes porn, porn has genres just like movies. You hate her for stupid reasons. And I HATE negative people.

If you dislike someone for any reason, why take time out your day to write 'I would rather dive into a pool of my own vomit than watch anything Sasha Grey is in' DONT WATCH. DONT REVIEW.


As far as the use of Ted Bundy in your defense, this was a man born with the most extreme of mental issues since childhood, trying to blame pornography for Bundy would be like trying to blame being born for death, there were rapists long before there was porn, how many things have you seen that you've copied?, whether you watch horror, or western movies, or even something like C.S.I., murder she wrote, even the greatest story ever told features the murder of Jesus, and hundreds of other put to death by the Romans, does that make you want to nail people to crosses??????, Ted Bundy had issues since age three, holding knives to his grandmothers bed smiling, and later found himself searching for crime novels featuring sexual violence and looked through bins for pictures of naked women, he had a violent obsession since his infancy. pornography itself was not the issue.

As for sex workers, in this case porn stars,the problem is once one boundary had been pushed, the customers wanted more and more, not all customers, I'd like to add, are after "this one chick gave this guy fellatio", to which a friend would reply, "that's nothing, this one chick was doin' this other chick, then they both went down on each other, and this guy had them both", and it starts like that, to the point where somethings just get made for shock value, something in porn I wouldn't watch even if there's any throat grabbing, anything that would be deemed as a punch, or hard slap to the face, etc, a li'l slap on the rear is nothing.

Society can tell the difference between what goes on in some peoples bedrooms, porn, or certain entertainment, and how to behave in society, no matter what type of person you are, regardless of your environment, if we started worrying, you wouldn't even be able to make comments, incase some perv taught you a dirty word like 'mudflaps' or 'knob'. even sport,MMA,BOXING,SHOOTING, MARTIAL ARTS, ICE HOCKEY, F1, rally, motorX,NASCAR, large portions of music, because they'd be unable to express themselves or tell their life stories, would just become techno and ballads, for eternity, tv would be 24 hour a day Sherri Shepard dissing people for reading books to underprivileged kids,Sherri, who's parents had sex and read to her. late night poker/roulette (or would we all become gamblers????) the weather, and those game shows, but the weakest link and big brother might teach us bulying, obviously, we can't have a bad influence like the news giving us all bad ideas,like if I heard there was a robbery at a liquor store, I might go rob a liquor store and take money out the draw,but you gotta think of the consequence, but that's having a muvvaluvvin' conscience.

You can't blame Sasha Grey for what's already in someones head.If you have a predisposition for certain actions, then you shouldn't watch violence or porn, I've met people who have seen horror movies since they were kids and are pacifists, know people that watch porn that work for charities, help their grandparents, don't use drugs, and are always there for you no matter what, it's not your choice of film or music that damages your life, it's mental issues.

As for her getting punched in her movies, I have stumbled across
3 of her films, after a small gathering, at 4.30am......you can fill the rest in yourself, but I saw no punching, or anything I'd consider sexually abusive, and I don't even like it when men put their hands on the female performers necks, personally.

ALSO : WTF IS IT WITH GOATSEE, "DONKEYPUNCHING" ,acts of violent coercion: people being bound, whipped, beaten, tortured, penetrated by objects, mutilated, raped and even killed, explicit material that involves or depicts children, or portrails of bestiality and necrophilia being put under the same umbrella as pornography?, must have watched Playboy at some point, right, moatshark?

Back to the subject of actual pornography, I'm not entirely pro all porn, I don't think there's anything wrong with a 30 year old dating an 18 year old for example, but if something were to get a little to pseudo-pedophilia, not talking say catholic schoolgirl uniforms on women clearly over the age of 21, but clearly aiming to make the girls look much, much younger than is socially and morally acceptable, then I disagree with it.

Also, calling Sasha Grey a "disgusting woman", she's read for school kids in deprived areas under an assumed name, and helped raise money for suicidal people, obese kids, to stop gang violence, and a whole bunch of other stuff with
Playboy, the LAPD, the LAPD's sheriffs departments involvement. Sherri Shepard had claimed Miss Grey had nothing to do with any charity work allegedly, and that's not true.

again, after a race debate I'd had whilst writing this reply, if her money somehow bought a kid the life saving equipment they needed, would you care if it came from porn?, would you care if she dragged some drowning half-kitty, half-babies from a burning orphanage???, would this woman be such a bad person to you then.

don't like it, then don't watch. how'd you know about what goes on in her films anyway, moatshark?????

if we stopped everything that might influence less than one percent of the world, we'd all cease to be alive, we'd have no tv, no cars, we might drive to fast and we wouldn't want anyone to copy that, not much music, the news would disappear,no sports, really, sex, lets face it, we might turn into ted bundy, or be scared we're going to, no computers, might get the wrong ideas from the wrong people, guess I'd be chill playing tetris, listening to lana del rey though.....


Ted Bundy is my favourite serial killer of all time. I also really like Ed Gein, Steve Railsback's portrayal of him in 'In the Light of Day' was exceptional. I felt he really captured the complexities of a mentally ill killer. I know Ed Gein didn't rape his victims, so sorry to get off topic but his mother did severley chastise him as a child for looking at pornographic magazines so I thought he was worth a mention.



please ... could anyone show moatshark the way to the pool full of vomit?

i am sure watching her dive into it will be as same as entertaining to some,
like for me the movies sasha likes to star in usually are most entertaining.
(and my wife also, btw.)

too bad that there is way too much stuck up peepz around, that seriously
have issued with anything more exciting than doing the missionary with the
lights out.

"best/worst-movie-ever"-idiots don't deserve to watch movies at all ...
