The skinny... -especially for all the confused people.
The skinny.....
THIS FILM IS NOT CONNECTED TO 'Abel Ferrara's Bad Lieuteant' IN ANY WAY.
-Let the alarm bells ring as you should avoid responding to any oblivious imbecile who has failed to figure this well publicized fact.
It is an intentionally, insane, wild and over the top performance by Nicolas Cage.
There are no hidden meanings, messages, symbolism, metaphors or references.
It is there for you to interpret for yourself as you see it.
I saw this film on my own in a full house at a festival premiere, sitting in the front row beside a girl who was also on her own. While frequently laughing out loud along with at least half of the cinema, sometimes more or less, I was often in fits of hysterics..
-The now infamous 'Iguana trip' being the main catalyst and left me still giddy a half a day later.
The girl in question, along with much of the audience didn't laugh too often and I may have appeared to be a little odd to her/them in a 'Why is he still laughing?', 'What's so funny?' and maybe 'Why am I not laughing as much?', or in the case of some of the audience and the readers of this, -'Why do I not find this funny at all and why is he completely red and leaking from almost every orifice???'.
The answer is obvious and simple.
-You, just, don't, get, it!!
So accept it, move on, the moment is gone.
It's for the same reason that I personally just don't get films like 'Paul Blart:Mall Cop', 'Couples Retreat' or 'Wedding, Love, He's Something-Something etc. trash romance with Mathew McConningyoufoolsintheworstpossiblewayeveryday'
-None of which I've had to suffer by the way.
If you've never heard of, or can't appreciate Werner Herzog and/or Nic. Cage that might count for something in your defense but other than that it's a question of taste. Some have it and many of you do not apparently..
Another way to explain it is this..
In my mind, your slight mental deficiency has robbed you of a great moment where Herzog, a true 'Soldier' of cinema, has danced the fine line between Independant art and mainstream commercial success and directed the great Nic. Cage in a completely original, hilariously wild and darkly twisted film about a 'BAD LIEUTENANT' in 'NEW ORLEANS'.
(The clue was in the title..??)