MovieChat Forums > Paul (2011) Discussion > The Atheist vs Theist rant really took m...

The Atheist vs Theist rant really took me out of the movie

The whole movie felt like it turned into a Youtube Comment Section Rant on a Video that had nothing to do with Religion. When i go to the movie. The last thing i want is preachy Bullsh!t from Theist or Atheist. Also im Agnostic if you were wondering.


As a fellow agnostic I couldn't agree with you more. The way atheists desperately band together to try to prove their point and attempt to sway others to their way of thinking...just sounds like another religion to me.


YES! Thank you! I so agree!

Be excellent to each other!


"As a fellow agnostic I couldn't agree with you more. The way atheists desperately band together..."

Unless you believe in a god (or gods), you're also an atheist. Same goes for the original poster. "Agnostic" isn't a neutral third route on the path of belief/disbelief, but rather describes something else entirely - the possibility of knowledge of gods.

You now have permission to dismount your high-horse.

Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.


agnosticism isn't mutually exclusive with atheism, I guess that concurs with what you said, because it's something else entirely.
Weird thing is that often these agnostics are self-righteous towards atheists, it's really that sad.



Just so.

Belief is a binary - you either believe something or you don't. You can't not not believe something whilst also not believing in it.

The faulty definitions in these predictable posts tend to run along the lines of:

Theist = someone who claims to know god/s exist
Agnostic = someone (obviously intellectually superior) sitting on the fence
Atheist = someone who claims to know god/s don't exist

The more useful/accurate definitions are:

Gnostic theist = someone who claims to know god/s exist
Agnostic theist = someone who believes god/s exist, but doesn't claim to know
Agnostic atheist = someone who lacks belief, but doesn't claim to know god/s don't exist
Gnostic atheist = someone who claims to know gods don't exist

Most atheists, including nearly everyone claiming to be "agnostic", fall under the 'agnostic atheist' banner.

Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.


Of all the people in this thread who I think sound like they are in a high horse and think they are morally superior is njwilson.


I dont care if they are Atheists or not, as they talk sense and are Civil. The poitn isnt if Agnostism is really just a form fo Atheism, its how Militant Atheists attack Religion and try too hard to make peopel convert to heir views that they have become whatt hey hate.

The blidn faith, the obediee to their own Authorities liek Dawkins, and their intoelrance of others, and their soreadign of Hatred of others is whats beign critisised.

In reality, there are peopel who say outright that they are Atheists who are just as critical of this film, or of the New Atheist Moviement, as the Ops.

Just liek not al Christains go abotu saying peopel are evil and need to be destoryed or contained if they dont agree wiht thm, not all Atheists are on the bandwagon of "Rekgiion si orue eil and only iduiots fllow it", you can be a sensible Atheist.


my tablet defaults the mobil link...

**these go to eleven **


Fair assessment. I agree, it was pretty heavy-handed. Not enough to turn me off to the whole movie though. I still thought it was funny and entertaining. To each his/her own.


It was odd in the movie but frankly, the more religion gets ridiculed, the better.


I have to eondr about peopl who say Relgion needs to be ridiculed. What about their own Relgiion? They always say they dotn have one but, I dont buy it, it just dcomes of as an excuse to mock pther peoepsl beleifs as if yors is better an we all need to convert to it.


Are you aware that your point is lost entirely when your posts are this poorly typed?

The new home of Welcome to Planet Bob:


Theists aren't literate. What would you expect?


Could have been done much more subtly


I don't know what you're talking about. There is no such rant in the movie.

The new home of Welcome to Planet Bob:



I agree. I'm also an agnostic. The religious person says there is a god and has no proof. The Atheist says there is no god, and has no proof.

We humble agnostics stand in the middle, and say we don't know because there is no conclusive proof either way.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar, and / or doesn't.


You don't need proof to say there is no particular something, otherwise you might as well argue everything in your imagination is real, which is an absurd way to live.

Hey, the flying spaghetti monster created the universe, no wait the magical orange teapot did, no wait, the hairy staircase did.

Do you have proof that there is no hairy staircase creator? Thought not...
*rolls eyes*


If you want challenging religion. Start a Youtube channel. Like every other overzealous atheist in the world. Start a Blog or something. But for someone like me who dosn't give a sh!t about religion or Atheism for that matter. Don't ruin a potentially funny movie by turning into a boring and pointless atheistic victory parade.


For someone who claims not to care, you seem awfully determined to keep believing that this movie has a long atheistic rant, when it doesn't, or that the movie claims there is no god, which it also doesn't.
You also seem to think that people who make movies are under some special obligation to make them according to your tastes, which is frankly insane. People are allowed to create works of art according to their own interests, which may or may not include religion.

I am the sod-off shotgun.
