MovieChat Forums > Ojing-eo geim (2021) Discussion > Miserably violent mediocrity

Miserably violent mediocrity

At the risk of sounding like a fem boy feminists who plague these boards, let me first say that I love violent movies and TV shows. But this is just miserable. Squid Game gave me the same feeling I got when I watched Passion of the Christ minus the desire to punch a jew.

What was up with the VIP's? It sounded like a foreigner doing an impression of what they think Americans sound like. I've seen better acting at my nieces grade school play.

Oh and that finale, lol. What a god awful ending.

Of course this show is taking Netflix by storm because most of Netflix is hot trash and smooth brains eat up this mediocre slop.


Couldn't watch past fast forwarded first episode. I've watched my share of "fun crap" in the past, but pretty much lost desire to waste my time anymore even as torrents. Why care what happens to the dumb unlikeable characters in some stupid games? Did the old geezer win lol?


So in one sentence you say- "Why care what happens to the dumb unlikeable characters in some stupid games?"

Then your very next sentence is- "Did the old geezer win lol?".



Remember, the United States spends mind-bending amounts of money to keep South Korea from being invaded by the North...just so we can get this stuff!


There it is!


So we should just let them get invaded?

mind-bending amounts of money

The only thing mind bending I see is your stupidity.


Well, get your fat useless ass over there if it means so much to you. Or send your brain-dead children if you were able to produce any. You and your children would probably be too pussy anyway.

South Korea has nothing to do with us. It is half way around the world. Truman decided to fuck around there to try to make himself feel more like a man. I dare China to take us on. I'd love to rid the planet of that Godless country.

So, yeah, South Korea needs to pay us every penny it costs to protect them. They obviously have plenty of money. They can put out mid-level tech like Samsung and make a lot of money off of it. They can put out boy blands (i.e. bands) that make incredible amounts of money.

So they can pay up if they want us to hold their hands for eternity.


So your solution is to make another North Korea? Good thing you're not in power.


Such a pussy. Go over stand there at the DMZ if it's so important to you.


You're stupid if you think you're just doing them a favor and there is a reason the elites of your country disagree with you. They want to maintain influence in the region for strategic reasons but you would do away with that because you think it costs you money or something. Your military presence in places like that is what allows you to keep the printer going brrr


Cut them off. Who cares?


Creepy girl doll on the show's card, not interested. My friend showed me some clips of the show, boring. Let's be honest, asians suck at doing shows such as this one. I guess this is supposed to be horror?


Oh a nice dose of hate against Asians today, I should have expected it but I was basking in the glow of human unity. Was nice while it lasted.


Not hate, fact, as in truth. Asians cannot drive either, reality.


Nice. Dig the hole deeper.


You didn't even see the show but still make "smart" comments. How stupid ...


So then who is good at doing shows these days? Americans? lmao...


So the show was so violent and terrible to you, you sat through all 9 hours to the end. Brilliant move.


Relax dude, no one is going to think that you are a thoughtful and compassionate human being after expressing your "desire to punch a jew." comment.




>What was up with the VIP's? It sounded like a foreigner doing an impression of what they think Americans sound like. I've seen better acting at my nieces grade school play.

Are you referring to the accents, vocabulary, grammar or the dialogues?

I don't think all the VIPs were supposed to be Americans.

Sure, the dialogues were over-the-top, ridiculous, sophomoric, but we're talking about billionaires who fly over to South Korea to watch a game show where people literally kill to win the prize money.
They're not supposed to be normal, sensible mature people.


The finale was good but the "VIPs" were too cartoonish and dumb, the last part of the games had a bunch of problems too. I don't like how at the start they make it sound like any number of people can win but then it turns out the games are designed to eliminate people based on lucky guesses. It seems like an internal conflict to what should be the logic of the whole thing.


nobody would have come back if they said that though. technically, they didn't tell more than one were going to win either.
