MovieChat Forums > ramcha
ramcha (62)
wouldn't doubling the population of universe all of a sudden after 5 years create an instant chaos?
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nobody would have come back if they said that though. technically, they didn't tell more than one were going to win either.
agree. they shouldn't have releveled baby yoda right from the beginning. but they played it safe i guess. would have been cool to see full season of bounty hunting with baby yoda mission being season finale. right now it is very boring because we are more interested in finding out the main plot and not much on side quests.
i feel everyone is screaming because when the movie starts, we are already at the boiling point and things just gets worse from there.
also this being movie about just the horrible people, there are plenty of classics with similar theme godfather being one of them. raging bull, gone with the wind, barry lyndon etc.
that was a real possibility before luke went to confront his father. obi wan's conversation shows that. luke didn't knew vader would turn, he just knew there was good in him. and if you consider prequels to be cannon, luke sure as hell had no idea what his father did.
farmers do drink raw milk. also you are confusing humiliation with care free attitude. if luke didn't like the milk and someone forced him to do that, it would be humiliating. maybe it is humiliating for mark hamil to shoot that scene, but it is not humiliating for luke. luke is humiliated in this movie but it is during the ben/academy scene not this one.
Tower of joy has lots of cuts and shaky cam. compare it's start with that of throne room fight. in GOT, there are more than ten cuts within first 20 seconds and most of them when action is taking place. TLJ has less than five and here the cuts are made to show character expressions and not to hide the action. also later on notice how camera pans and follows kylo to rey. this happens on two sequence and it means rey is fighting even if she isn't on screen and camera movement is also part of the choreography. this is quite a ambitious for a blockbuster movie, they could have taken the easy route with the cuts. i hope more movie makers do this. flow of the action is as important as the action itself if not more.
take example of the fight you mentioned, the one vs four fight sequence is done quite well. it is shot really well as we can see all the action and characters without any camera tricks. but when it's one vs three, they resort back to cuts again. mistakes are easy to hide with cuts but it takes away that smooth flow and ruins the experience. so if i had to choose i will take few mistakes over close up shaky shots with unlimited cuts.
she responds slow in couple of shots when you focus on fighting. this problem exists because of slow motion and wide continuous shot when the fight starts. wide shots meant to be watched as a whole. and that sequence gave me a feel like i was watching a ballet and it is beautiful. RJ ignored perfection for aesthetic which i don't mind at all. another beautiful wide shot was when luke was walking to face first order in crait. if you focus only on luke at this moment, you will miss the grandness of rebel base and first order machines.
also pulling off multiple people fighting at the same time is challenging even for the movies solely focused on action with actors whose carrier is based on action movies. hollywood often relies on shaky cams, close up shots and multiple cuts so that they don't have to redo the scenes too much. i'm glad this scene wasn't like that.
why is it is nonsense? you think vader would be allowed to live after all the atrocities he committed? luke would be torn apart to where should his allegiance should lie and hence path to the dark side. after saving his father he will not let go of him easily. and his attachment to his father wouldn't let him become a jedi. obi wan and yoda did not want vader saved. are they not jedi?
i'm comparing two situations. in one he is allowed to have emotional response and hurt his father but in another he isn't even allowed to light the saber and be angry for a moment? you completely ignored that point. also this time he is somewhat responsible for deaths of many of his students. we don't even know how many were killed. that is big enough guilt for anyone, strong character or not. also how can he stay with han and leia after what happened?
again, why is milking humiliating? why are you so sensitive towards milking? it does provide information. he wants to live a simple life and it is his daily routine for past decade. it shows he isn't here to train or unlock secrets from jedi temple.
you'd touch your face in sleep too.
the point of the throne room is to show kylo is much better fighter than rey. also see how rey is grunting and reckless all the time and kylo is calm and calculated. after the battle is over, they switch that with kylo being emotional and rey being calm. rey lost everything in that moment but now she is settled which shows she chooses light. before that she was on both dark and light.
leia survives vaccum of space in ESB too. telekenit chatting is in ESB too.
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