She Hulk looḱs feminine and sexy?
We see her wearing a glamorous dress in one scene. She has feminine curves. Is this allowed to happen in the current year?
shareWe see her wearing a glamorous dress in one scene. She has feminine curves. Is this allowed to happen in the current year?
shareI watched the trailers, not sure what you are referring to. I think the basic setup could be similar to Jolt, Kate Beckinsale will probably be a great she hulk, but Marvel of course used a cheaper and less established actress for a risky TV series.
shareAll right. Found the dress reference, it seemed to be cut from the official trailer, so for your original question, maybe not.
Also it seems she hulk was wearing that dress, so how could that fit in the story?
It wasn't cut from anything. It was at the end of the Disney+ trailer. You probably watched a youtube clip.
shareYes, I watched the trailer on youtube. It says official trailer, but then again maybe not.
shareThere was no trailer, there was a 15 min Disney+ day reel with promos for different shows. There were promos for Moonknight, She Hulk and Ms Marvel and at the end there was a couple of other short clips, one of which was She Hulk in the dress.
shareShe's drawn to be good looking and fashionable in comics too. I don't get your point.
sharepoint is: all women are no longer allowed to be sexy looking. that spawned abuse, rape, metoo, feminism, goth, gender confusion.... everyone needs to all look the same, bland, general gray color for society to be happy and functional
shareRegardless of what the media says, people like that are the minority.
shareAnd yet the media and companies focus on that minority and pretend they’re the majority.
This small but vocal minority has had more power and influence over entertainment than soccer moms and nuns could’ve ever dreamed of.
People love to make senseless drama.
shareYou don't get my point? Really?
Carol Danvers was also drawn to be sexy, but she got turned into a man-Dyke in the comics and a flat-assed smarmy bitch in the movies. Squirrel girl has also been drawn sexy, but also as a fat frumpy cow. So you never know for sure which version they are going to go with on screen, especially in the current year.
Black Widow was sexy as hell in Iron Man 2, she was sexy in the Avengers and even in The Winter soldier, then she gradually got more frumpy. Wanda was sexy as hell in the comics, on screen she doesn't look anything like that. Can you name a single sexy female character in the MCU right now? Of course not.
So you don't get my point huh? Right, I see.
Comic book She Hulk was always played to tantalize. Until very recently she was a-political. One writer focused on her lawyer career and wrote her as SJW so now that one drop of writing in the sea of her career is a defining attribute. She was horny and her fan base is horny. I think they are painting flowers on a gun.