Trailer fails to wow

I wanted to like this and feel wowed but it looked lame.


because it is lame


That's how I felt too. This one just doesn't look special. Remember the trailer for the original?

I remember thinking, "WTF did I just see??? I HAVE to watch this!!!" Easily one of the greatest trailers of all time. The Matrix Resurrections looks like just another action movie and I don't feel compelled to watch it ASAP the way I felt about the original.


now days feel like trailer tease us less about a great story, and showoff the effects and action. this trailer did both. as it should.


That trailer is similar to Resurrections' first trailer.

That said, I didn't care for Resurrections' first trailer. I much preferred this second one.


I'm still hoping is worth it to see it on the big screen
