MovieChat Forums > The Matrix Resurrections (2021) Discussion > It's just amazing to me how the Matrix a...

It's just amazing to me how the Matrix alegory is lost on Republican supporters.

"you're a slave neo"

Blue Pill or Red Pill - The Matrix (2/9) Movie CLIP (1999) HD

At least they get it on Youtube.

Shinzu Music
Nina Ricci I'm sorry, but truth exist. Everything that comes from nature itself is part of the truth. Every human creation is an illusion, a false reality. Money, buildings, laws, government etc, are an illusion that are blinding us from the truth. We destroy and we kill nature for our own comfort. We declare war at our own species, government is oppressing us, we work, we pay taxes and die. Is this the real purpose of life? Is it what we call reality, truth? I highly doubt that. Thanks for sharing your opinion tho and don't hesitate to reply if you think i'm in the wrong, I like these kind of discussions :-).


Democrat voters are slaves to the party!


Are you sure they’re the ones it’s lost on?


why is politics in every movie discussion now days?

there's a whole separate section for that on this website


Because two party system ensures that everything is a political issue.


We need more parties! Parties are cool!


Because only people in America watch films.


So, your point is how blind the other party is, and you cite a source that discusses how "money, laws, government, ect" are "illusion".

Meanwhile you support political parties, and certain laws and policies and you want money...

Let me dumb this down. IF you are right, you are still only seeing the "illusions" that have ensnared your enemies, while fully buying into and supporting the same "illusions" that are on your side of the divide.

Dumb ass.

To answer your "question", yes we got the analogy the movie was making. We ignored it, to take the movie at a shallower level, so that we could have entertainment.

We have learned to do that, because all hollywood makes these days, is lefty nonsense. (with very rare and much appreciated exceptions)


If republicans miss the Matrix allegory then why are the democrats NPCs?


No, we just don't use a crappy failure of a FILM for "allegory." (Which is how it is actually spelled.)

WWI- Wilson (Democrat);
WWII- Roosevelt (Democrat);
Korea- Truman (Democrat);
Vietnam- Kennedy/Johnson (Democrats);
Middle East- Bush/Obama/Trump/Biden.) 2 Democrats, 2 Republicans.

That's 7 Democrats to 2 Republicans. One could make the argument that Korea also had Eisenhower and Vietnam also had Nixon, but that's still 7 to 4, which makes it the Democrats that are the war mongers, and the Republicans who extricate us from the mess created.

Of course you'll find some way to negate that, because Liberals can't be seen as hawks.



Well, this film was actually a critique of wokism, where people are controlled to believe what those in power want them to. The end of the film says it all, people prefer conformism and safety to freedom, that's how the democrats sided with big pharma, even though they should be the ones defending the people...Doesn't it blow your mind?

The entire film is a satire of wokism and its logical conclusion which is transhumanism, where we can effectively all be happy to be mind controlled through digital parts in our brain. Even more effective than Facebook/Meta to brainwash us. Takes away free will. And the worst part is people will want those implants because they will be presenting as augmenting humans and saving them from disabilities or diseases, just like they took the vaccine. The forceful vaccine campaigns were just a dress rehearsal for what'S to come, to test how much of a sheep mentality we can have. And that experiment was pretty terrifying. I am pessimistic about the chances of humanity resisting transhumanism...


Transhumanism is the future. There is no way forward, but through.


Make the censure organ that was a paper I chose to purchase, that has been controlled, censured media, that is now mass censured social media PART of my brain to get influenced when I sleep?

Just because AI and brain implants are the future doesn't mean they should be controlled by people in power who wait for nothing more than to satisfy the lobbies that put them in power!


Agreed. Lobbying should be illegal, period.


Yes, and it shows what happens when you don't have good leaders who stand for something!
The Biden administration has some some much evil in the service of Big Pharma, big Energy and Big War, all with the complicit enablement of Big Tech! It has been truly staggering!


LOL If anything, the Matrix allegory is lost on you, the red pill is simply a conservative symbol, since 'red states' are mainly GOP, while 'blue states' are held by Democrats. It also appears lost on "Lily & Lana" Wachowski, they are retcon claiming it is a transgender metaphor. Fortunately it seems Trump has decided to deport them, you, and all pop cultural references to the Matrix.
