MovieChat Forums > caesarves
caesarves (58)
LOL Rambo is not some creepy old White man frequenting third world South-East Asian countries to exploit women looking for a way to escape those helholes. Co deserved to be in America, more than a lot of Americans #LOL
LOL It was Chinese/Vietnam Communism that Islam that was found on rape, and murder. It is not a "war crime" to stop these terrorists.
LOL There was no culture to destroy, there was no such thing as Wakanda, Whites did Negros an enormous favor by buying their ancestors from African slave traders and rescuing them from Negro-ruled Awful Africa by bringing them to White-ruled Awesome America, there's no such thing as Wakanda #LOL
Michael Oher is an ignorant ingrate, that White family gave him everything, rescued him from the Negroic Ghetto and gave him a nice White life and allowed him to make millions playing White-invented football in the White-invented NFL. The White family deserved the money they earned for saving Mike Oher, he is a negroic disgrace.
LOL Negros invented nothing exceot for mud huts, Whites did Negros an enormous favor by buying their ancestors from African slave traders and rescuing them from Awful Africa by bringing them to Awesome America, there's no such thing as Wakanda #LOL
LOL If anything, the Matrix allegory is lost on you, the red pill is simply a conservative symbol, since 'red states' are mainly GOP, while 'blue states' are held by Democrats. It also appears lost on "Lily & Lana" Wachowski, they are retcon claiming it is a transgender metaphor. Fortunately it seems Trump has decided to deport them, you, and all pop cultural references to the Matrix.
LOL That Berners-Lee nonsense has been debunked. Go ahead and load up Timmy's "world wide web", see if it will even work, there's a reason he couldn't get a patent #LOL
Americans, specifically the war-like killer Pentagon Americans, invented the internet, just like Americans invented the electricity and computing devices you are using to post your nonsense #LOL
It was absolutely pathetic how the British parade Berners-Lee around at the London Olympics opening ceremony as if he actually was somebody who had actually done something, can you imagine Mark Zuckerberg being recruited to do something like that at the upcoming LA Olympics? #LOL
The English didn't even invent English, that's why Beowulf is unreadable. The language we are using here is a mixture of German, Danish, French, Greek and Latin.
The British play a curious game called "cricket", which itself appears to be a primitive rip-off of baseball, except it is extremely boring #LOL
LOL You might have been born in Ho City, but it's still called Saigon. Welcome to the Ignore List, Trollbot #LOL
LOL The British have not invented anything since tea and crumpets, tht's why they need the Americans to save them in WW1 and WW2. Everything you are using to post your nonsense was invented by the Americans; Internet, Electricity, Computers; all of it #LOL
BTW Iraq lost the war, so did Afghanistan and North Vietnam. They only came out of hiding like cowards to kill their own civilians AFTER America left. They were lucky Trump was not President, he would have just nuked them all; Somali pirate terrorists, Vietcong Communist terrorists, Palestine Muslim terrrorists; all of them #LOL
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