Let the theories begin

Answer mine, post your own, put whatever you want here about the plot and characters.

1. I am wondering if Priyanka Cjorpra is a grown up Sati? That or a new shell for The Oracle. The look she gives and giving Alice in Wonderland indicates she knows something (and someone). I get the vibe she knows who Neo is.

2. I hope Yahya Abdul-Mateen II is Morpheus's or a younger Morpheus and not an outright replacement for Fishburne. Before thr trailer I thought young Morpheus and time travel. Then I started to wonder if he's Morpheus and Niobe's son?

3. WHY are Neo and Trinity back? I'm not so baffled as to how - the machines can literally MAKE people - but why? Was it intentional or did it just happen? Neo was always a Messiah/Christlike figure, is he immortal? Body can be destroyed, but his "soul" (code/dna) lives forever?

Trinity is a littler trickier. Was she brought back to get him to do something?


1. I thought that she was Sati as well. She should know Neo and I assume she is the new Oracle.

2. I like the theory that he is Morpheus' son and that seems plausible. But, what happened to Morpheus? This needs to be answered eventually. Niobe I think will appear in the film so we may get the answer.

3. Neo is the anomaly that the Machines can't figure out, but is necessary to make the Matrix run in this efficient form. As 2 revealed, there have been many revelations of him. Trinity must be tied to him somehow (maybe when he saved her life)? What happened to Neo and Trinity's bodies? My guess is the machines gobbled them up and re-plugged them into the Matrix for stability reasons.

A couple of thoughts are that shortly after Revolution the machines crossed the humans, we get flashbacks of Niobe talking to her son and Morpheus' death, and some humans are able to survive. This puts the world back in the same state as before. Or, the humans are living in tandem with the machines, but the human fields remain to keep the machines happy. Morpheus Jr. and Neo remain in the Matrix to help those that want to be released as promised by the Architect at the end of Revolutions.


2. He's a younger version of Morpheus. This film is going to explore prequel And sequel narratives. This is part of the "official" reason given for not inviting Fishburne back to play the character. . .they wanted someone age-appropriate.


Considering he got his ass beat by Agent Smith in the first Matrix and then got his ass beat again in John Wick I wouldn't invite his slow ass back either.


1. I would be shocked if it weren't Sati. It's very strongly hinted she could play a big role going forward because of her uniqueness (first "born" program). Even if Chopra isn't her, I gotta think the character will be around.

2. I don't know which way I am leaning, but I hope it's not an outright replacement. Not sure there's an justification for that. The young Morpheus rumor is picking up steam. I forget if it's the teaser, trailer, or both that show him being "created" via nanomachines. I just remembered that.

3. Neo is The One and was literally hooked up to the mainframe when he died. His abilities are vast. Not shocked could survive and/or be reincarnated. Body might die, but his code could be in the Matrix. the One's code always exists, so I wonder if Neo is immortal in that sense?

Bodies they can grow, so they could just grow them both a new body, but unlike him she wasn't hooked up to the Matrix. Being connected is a good theory. He literally reached inside her to save her life.

I always figured the peace wouldn't last forever, but it would be nice to see how it al went to shit again.


Well the Architect questioned how long it would last. Neo stays in the Matrix so he is kept under control or in check by the machines(hence him taking the blue meds) and when things start to go haywire, Morpheus or Jr (whoever he is) break him out to combat the machines. Maybe by the end of the film he comes full circle to who he once was. Maybe Trinity was kept to keep him under control as well? Although it seems like they should be together because he would be happier with her and would want to stay with her in the Matrix. Reality would mean leaving a good life with her. I don't know lol


It's common sense peace between enemies turned uneasy allies might not last, but yes, he did ponder if peace could run it's course. He's right. It could blow up at any minute.

I wonder how long it took for the machines to realize he was still alive in some capacity? I agree they are keeping him prisoner, just wondering how long he's been there and how long it took for them to notice.


Morpheus died in the online game so there's that.


The dialogue of the black dude are reference to Matrix revolutions "i know you keep figthin" that is what Morpheus say about Neo to the council, so is very probably Morpheus or a young version, a digital version created to trained Neo in case of need it. Who knows




In Matrix revolutions when Morpheus is talking to the council about Neo going to the city machine, he say

I don't know what he can do to save us. But I do know that as long as there is a single breath left in his body he will not give up and neither can we.

The black dude in the trailer use the same words "i know why you will never give up"

That is why i think that character is a young Morpheus and not his son

Another interesting thing, What he say are references to things Morpheus and agent Smith says in the Matrix Revolutions

"I know why you keep figthing" is a clear reference to agent Smith when he ask Neo why he keep figthing

So this person is someone who already been in contact with Neo and know his story first hand

When in my other coment a say a digital version of Morpheus created to train Neo in case of Need, well occurred to me that maybe the resistance create a program an artificial inteligence or digital version of Morpheus with everything Morpheus know, who could train Neo in case he came back 100 years later or something

But that is just me especulating too much


I know it's more science fiction and reboots of the old characters. the blue pill thing is kinda relatable though lol L ronn hubbard is the architect now with the em knight shamalan twist


My thoughts are:
I think people forget that Neo saved The Matrix in Revolutions. That was the price he had to pay to save Zion. For Zion to live, so did The Matrix. The last we see of Neo in the real world, is him submitting to the master computer in a Christ-like fashion, to re-enter The Matrix and destroy Smith.

The very last scene of Revolutions featured a discussion between The Oracle and The Architect, in the Matrix. So with that recap, we can assume that the Neo we see in this trailer is still just living a life inside the Matrix, with his memories wiped, probably at his request. Remember that Cipher had wished this for himself as well.

It's anyone's best guess as what the story is for Resurrections, but I think some of the theories that 'it was all a delusion' are false because Revolutions never concluded the story in the first place. I wonder if Zion is attempting to wake Neo up again because they need him.


I can't for others. but I definitely remember that. I watched the series enough to remember that. People were going to be given a choice: stay in the Matrix or leave. I wonder if so many people chose to leave that the machines were not happy about having less power (humans as batteries)?

Neo choosing to have his mind wiped? Never considered that.


I'm thinking just a possibility here, Neo was very gruesomely blinded by Kane, and he lost Trinity. I think Cipher's motivations were realistic; he would rather live in The Matrix in comfort, then live in the eternal suffering of the apocalyptic 'real'.

After everything Neo did to save Zion, after the mutilation to his body, and the loss of loved ones, would it be unreasonable for Neo to want to 'retire' to the Matrix with blissful ignorance? After all, his job was done, he did exactly as the prophecy foretold.

As grotesque as the idea may seem, this conundrum of 'what is reality?' is at the very heart of Cipher's motivations and the Matrix is also about choice.


I really hate to speculate on this movie (and even don't care), but my thoughts are:

First: Neo and Trin are just left over copy programs running in the system

Second: machines have infinite human biology knowledge to connect to them and wipe memories etc, and simply repaired both Neo and Trinity, and stuck them back in the matrix with wiped memories


What if this Neo, in Resurrections, is the 7th version of the "anomaly" since the 6th version died, and this version is different because of what happened with Smith and the forced reboot of the Matrix at the end of the 6th version. So this version may be different and thus not The One, but something entirely different tying Neo and Trinity together?


The One isn't the same person each time. It hasn't been Neo this whole time. They (you might be right about it being both of them) might be the first to be The One more than once though.

The new trailer confirms some interesting things:



I was a little concerned that they were going to do a Matrix within a Matrix, because of all that deja vu talk, but I think this trailer quelled those fears. "None of the first movie matters" is what annoyed me about Reloaded. There's several parts of that movie I enjoy, and I like the series quite a bit overall, but that part rubbed me the wrong way. I was worried they were going to do that again, but after the trailer, I am excited.

That old woman is Niobe. I didn't realize it at first, but saw someone point it out. Her being old means time progressed. The events of the previous movies happened and not just in the matrix.

I think something happened that never happened before. Neo refusing to comply, his bond with Trinity, Smith infecting the system, Neo - a human - helping eliminate him and the complete system reboot - history didn't repeat itself (to that level) like before. I have a hunch the machines realized they can't live without him. He's too powerful, especially since they said they'd free people who wanted to be free. So they repaired him and brought him back to life. But his bond with her was so strong, his subconscious wouldn't accept it without her; so they had to do the same for her.

Also, Morpheus is dead and only exists in the Matrix.

Neil Patrick Harris is the Architect or his replacement.

Not sure how or why Smith is back. I doubt he's part of the system though.


So, are you postulating that certain characters are only within the Matrix now, similar to the Merovingian? In other words, they are mere programs with no real life human counterpart in an electricity pod somewhere?


Neo and Trinity are shown in pods. I think the machines repaired their bodies and brought them back to life.

For whatever reason, Morpheus was not imo. Morpheus is strictly software now. He died in the real world (guessing) and was brought back to life because of his value to the Resistance. He's important to the cause, particularly Neo. Maybe his body was completely destroyed and couldn't be repairedand could only be "cloned" digitally.
