Let the theories begin
Answer mine, post your own, put whatever you want here about the plot and characters.
1. I am wondering if Priyanka Cjorpra is a grown up Sati? That or a new shell for The Oracle. The look she gives and giving Alice in Wonderland indicates she knows something (and someone). I get the vibe she knows who Neo is.
2. I hope Yahya Abdul-Mateen II is Morpheus's or a younger Morpheus and not an outright replacement for Fishburne. Before thr trailer I thought young Morpheus and time travel. Then I started to wonder if he's Morpheus and Niobe's son?
3. WHY are Neo and Trinity back? I'm not so baffled as to how - the machines can literally MAKE people - but why? Was it intentional or did it just happen? Neo was always a Messiah/Christlike figure, is he immortal? Body can be destroyed, but his "soul" (code/dna) lives forever?
Trinity is a littler trickier. Was she brought back to get him to do something?