Dark Shadows 2

I know it didn't do all that well at the box office and there probably won't be a sequel, but I would love to see another Dark Shadows movie! I'm a big fan of the original series and think it'd be cool to see them do a story with Quentin. Anyone else that liked the original series feel the same way?




Yeah. I'll watch a sequel if Chloe Grace Moretz returns. :D I mean, Johnny Depp is one of my favorite actors, but this movie seemed pretty random to me, what with all of the different and strange twists that came near the end of the movie.

But if they keep the original cast of the first one, I'll watch a sequel for sure. Get a new villain, maybe.


There are more people against a sequel than for it.

Don't be surprised if in the near future a book follows this story. If and when that should happen, you can bet money the film sequel will follow as well.

There are fans of this movie already wanting more of this stuff and surely someone will write a book sequel. It is inevitable.

Use the Force.


I assumed there would be a sequel since Hoffman opened her eyes in the water at the end of the movie. It shows she's not dead as Barnabus has assumed.


I would like to see that done myself.I also would like to see the character of Nicholas Blair in a sequel.In a plotline like the original series,have him come as an ally of Angelique,but have her turn on him after he bullies her.


If you really love the series you really should do the opposite, praying every night to not having to deal with another movie like this.


I wouldn't mind if they did it like the original series was. This film was more or less a spoof of the old television series which was a classic.
