1. It was off the books work and the guy clearly had a lot of experience plus was reliable this goes a long way (he was also willing to take the risk with dumping waste)
2. Yes not sure what your point is they had no solid evidence if you watch the film you can see by the people in it they had no interest in real justice or putting in the work.
3. Again don't understand what you are getting at it's not US and depending on the prison the rules regarding laundry will vary.
4. Not directly but had it re gone to court I expect she would of been found guilty of manslaughter which based on time already served she would of been released or had to serve a few more years it can vary the case was iffy anyway which was explained the system went with the medias claims and we saw the police who had no interest in the truth (This sums up France it really is like this)
If you was going to question anything it should of been how he managed to stay in the country so long and that he had criminal history which can open up another big load of questions about him traveling